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Nothing But NumPy: Understanding & Creating Neural Networks with Computational Graphs from Scratch

This repository is part of the blog post "Nothing but NumPy: Understanding & Creating Binary Classification Neural Networks with Computational Graphs from Scratch"

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The Layers directory contains the classes for:

  1. Linear Layer
  2. Activation Layer:
    • Sigmoid Layer


util directory contains utility fuctions. It has the following files with the following functions:


    • initialize_parameters(n_in, n_out, ini_type='plain')

    • predict(X, Y, Zs, As, thresh=0.5)
    • plot_learning_curve(costs, learning_rate, total_epochs, save=False)
    • predict_dec(Zs, As, X, thresh=0.5)
    • plot_decision_boundary(model, X, Y, feat_crosses=None, axis_lines=False,save=False)
    • plot_decision_boundary_shaded(model, X, Y, feat_crosses=None, axis_lines=False,save=False)
    • plot_decision_boundary_distances(model, X, Y, feat_crosses=None, axis_lines=False, save=False)

    • compute_bce_cost(Y, P_hat)
    • compute_stable_bce_cost(Y, Z)
    • compute_keras_like_bce_cost(Y, P_hat, from_logits=False)
    • compute_mse_cost(Y, Y_hat)

The following examples have been implemented:

  1. A 1-layer neural network on AND data that uses MSE Cost

    This notebook shows how easy it is to break backpropagation when Mean Squared Error(MSE) Cost function is used in a binary classification setting. The following neural network architecture has been implemented:

    Architecture of 1-layer neural network with 2 inputs

  2. A 2-layer neural network on XOR data that uses Keras-like BCE Cost

    This notebook trains a 2-layer neural net on XOR data using the Keras-like Binary Cross-Entropy(BCE) Cost function. The following neural network architecture has been implemented:

    Architecture of 2-layer neural network with 2 inputs

  3. A 1-layer neural network on Iris flower petals data

    This notebook trains a 1-layer neural net to classify "iris-versicolor flower vs. other flowers" using only petal length & width as features and the "stable" BCE Cost function. The following neural network architecture has been implemented:

    Architecture of 1-layer neural network with 2 inputs

  4. A 2-layer neural network on all Iris flowers data

    This notebook trains a 2-layer neural net to classify "iris-versicolor flower vs. other flowers" using all of the 4 flower features and the "stable" BCE Cost function. The following neural network architecture has been implemented:

    Architecture of 2-layer neural network with 4 inputs

  5. A 3-layer neural network on Iris flower sepals data

    This notebook trains a 3-layer neural net to classify "iris-versicolor flower vs. other flowers" using only sepal length & width as features and the "stable" BCE Cost function. The following neural network architecture has been implemented:

    Architecture of 3-layer neural network with 2 inputs

Find me on twitter for any questions or suggestions.