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< C) Build D) Test > E) Referencing files

This page documents how jsenv can be used to write and execute tests in a web browser. For Node.js testing, refer to I) Test in Node.js.

Key features of jsenv tests:

Table of contents

  1. Usage
  2. Assertions
  3. Features
  4. JavaScript API

1. Usage

This section demonstrates how to write execute tests for a source file using jsenv.

1.1 Project file structure


Let's write a test for sum.js:

export const sum = (a, b) => a + b;

To test sum.js, the following files are needed:

+ scripts/
+   dev.mjs
+   test.mjs
+   sum.test.html

1.2 Writing test


<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="icon" href="data:," />

    <script type="module">
      import { sum } from "./sum.js";

      const actual = sum(1, 2);
      const expect = 3;
      if (actual !== expect) {
        throw new Error(`sum(1,2) should return 3, got ${actual}`);

1.3 Executing tests

scripts/dev.mjs: Start a web server, will be used to execute sum.test.html in a browser.

import { startDevServer } from "@jsenv/core";

await startDevServer({
  sourceDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
  port: 3456,

scripts/test.mjs: Execute test file(s).

import { executeTestPlan, chromium } from "@jsenv/test";

await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),

Before executing test, install dependencies:

npm i --save-dev @jsenv/core
npm i --save-dev @jsenv/test
npm i --save-dev @playwright/browser-chromium

☝️ playwright is used by @jsenv/test to start a web browser (Chromium).

Run the tests with the following command:

node ./scripts/test.mjs

The terminal will display the following output:


1.4 Executing a single test

In a real project there may be many test files:

    ... and so on ...

Each test file can be executed in isolation, directly in the browser:

Title 2023-05-10 14-21-49

The page is blank because sum.test.html execution completed without error and without rendering anything. Some test maye render UI but this is not the case here.

Debugging test execution can be done using browser dev tools:

Title 2023-05-10 14-18-33

2. Assertions

The example above compares actual and expect without an assertion library. In practice, tests often use assertion libraries. Below is an example using @jsenv/assert. Note that any assertion library can be used.

+ import { assert } from "@jsenv/assert";
import { sum } from "./sum.js";

const actual = sum(1, 2);
const expect = 3;
- if (actual !== expect) {
-   throw new Error(`sum(1,2) should return 3, got ${actual}`);
- }
+ assert({ actual, expect });

3. Features

3.1 Web server autostart

Your web server is automatically started if needed. This is doe using the webServer parameter.

If server is already running at webServer.origin:

  1. Tests are executed using existing server.

If no server is running at webServer.origin:

  1. webServer.moduleUrl or webServer.command is executed in a separate process.
  2. The code waits for the server to start. If it doesn't start within 5 seconds, an error is thrown.
  3. Test are executed using the server started in step 1.
  4. After tests complete, the server is stopped by killing the process.

3.2 Execute on more browsers

import { executeTestPlan, chromium, firefox, webkit } from "@jsenv/test";

await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
      firefox: {
        runtime: firefox(),
      webkit: {
        runtime: webkit(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),

Before executing tests, install Firefox and Webkit dependencies:

npm i --save-dev @playwright/browser-firefox
npm i --save-dev @playwright/browser-webkit

The terminal output:


3.3 Isolated environment

Each test is executed in a browser tab using one instance of the browser.

For further isolation, you can dedicate a browser instance per test by using chromiumIsolatedTab instead of chromium. The same applies to Firefox and WebKit.

import { executeTestPlan, chromiumIsolatedTab } from "@jsenv/test";

await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromiumIsolatedTab(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),

3.4 Parallelism

Executions are started sequentially without waiting for the previous one to finish. Parallelism can be configured using the parallel parameter.

import { executeTestPlan, chromium } from "@jsenv/test";

await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  parallel: {
    max: "50%",
    maxCpu: "50%",
    maxMemory: "50%",
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),

3.4.1 parallel.max

Controls the maximum number of parallel executions.

max Max executions in parallel
1 Only one (disable parallelism)
5 5
80% 80% of cores available on the machine

The default value is 80%: For a machine with 10 processors, up to 8 executions can run in parallel.

Parallelism can also be disabled with parallel: false which is equivalent to parallel: { max: 1 }.

3.4.2 parallel.maxCpu

Prevents new executions from starting if CPU usage is too high

The default value is 80%. New executions will start as long as CPU usage is below 80% of the total available CPU.

3.4.3 parallel.maxMemory

Prevents new executions from starting if memory usage is too high.

The default value is 50%. New executions will start as long as memory usage is below 50% of the total available memory.

3.5 Allocated time per test

Each test file is given 30s to execute. If this duration is exceeded, the browser tab is closed, and the execution is marked as failed. This duration can be configured as shown below:

import { executeTestPlan, chromium } from "@jsenv/test";

await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
        allocatedMs: 60_000,
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),

3.6 Code coverage

You can generate HTML files showing code coverage for test executions:

file js

The coverage above was generated by the following code:

import { executeTestPlan, chromium, reportCoverageAsHtml } from "@jsenv/test";

const testResult = await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),
  coverage: true,

reportCoverageAsHtml(testResult, new URL("./coverage/", import.meta.url));

3.6.1 Coverage json

Coverage can also be written to a JSON file.

import { executeTestPlan, chromium, reportCoverageAsJson } from "@jsenv/test";

const testResult = await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),
  coverage: true,

reportCoverageAsJson(testResult, new URL("./coverage.json", import.meta.url));

This JSON file can be used with other tools, such as

3.6.2 Coverage from multiple browsers

Now let's say we want to get code coverage for a file where code behaves differently depending on the browser:

if (window.navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox")) {
} else if (window.navigator.userAgent.includes("Chrome")) {
} else if (window.navigator.userAgent.includes("AppleWebKit")) {
} else {

The file is executed by the following HTML file:

<!doctype html>

    <script type="module" src="./demo.js"></script>

Execute the HTML file in Firefox, Chrome, and Webkit, and generate the coverage:

import {
} from "@jsenv/test";

const testPlanResult = await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./client/**/many.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
      firefox: {
        runtime: firefox(),
      webkit: {
        runtime: webkit(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../client/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),
  coverage: true,

reportCoverageAsHtml(testResult, new URL("./coverage/", import.meta.url));

The resulting coverage:

many js

And the following warnings in the console:

Coverage conflict on "./client/many.js", found two coverage that cannot be merged together: v8 and istanbul. The istanbul coverage will be ignored.
--- details ---
This happens when a file is executed on a runtime using v8 coverage (node or chromium) and on runtime using istanbul coverage (firefox or webkit)
--- suggestion ---
disable this warning with coverage.v8ConflictWarning: false
--- suggestion 2 ---
force coverage using istanbul with coverage.methodForBrowsers: "istanbul"

At this point either you disable the warning with coverage: { v8ConflictWarning: false } or force Chromium coverage to be collected using "istanbul":

coverage: {
  methodForBrowsers: "istanbul";

many_istanbul js

3.7 Keep browser opened

During test executions browser are opened in headless mode and once all tests are executed all browsers are closed.
It's possible to display browser and keep them opened using keepRunning: true:

import { executeTestPlan, chromium, firefox, webkit } from "@jsenv/test";

await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium(),
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),
+ keepRunning: true,

In that case execution timeouts are disabled.

3.8 Configuring runtime

The following code forwards custom launch options to playwright

import { executeTestPlan, chromium } from "@jsenv/test";

await executeTestPlan({
  rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../", import.meta.url),
  testPlan: {
    "./src/**/*.test.html": {
      chromium: {
        runtime: chromium({
          playwrightLaunchOptions: {
            ignoreDefaultArgs: ["--mute-audio"],
  webServer: {
    origin: "http://localhost:3456",
    rootDirectoryUrl: new URL("../src/", import.meta.url),
    moduleUrl: new URL("./dev.mjs", import.meta.url),


4. JavaScript API

4.1 testPlanResult

The value returned by executeTestPlan is an object called testPlanResult.

import { executeTestPlan } from "@jsenv/test";

const testPlanResult = await executeTestPlan();

It contains all execution results and a few more infos

< C) Build D) Test > E) Referencing files