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Tutorial 9 - Single kernel compilation and simulation

MLIR gives us the ability to leverage different dialects such as arith and memref when defining AIE core functionality. The ability to lower from these dialects and many others into efficient AI Engine code is an active area of research and development. However, when working with existing optimized AIE kernel code written in C/C++ (or wanting to write your own), we can reference precompiled object code in our AIE core operation definition through the use func dialect.

MLIR external functions

Specifically, to support external functions, we use the operators func.func and as follows:

func.func private @extern_kernel(%b: memref<256xi32>) -> ()

%core14 = AIE.core(%tile14) { @extern_kernel(%buf) : (memref<256xi32>) -> ()
} { link_with="kernel.o"}

In this MLIR code snippet, we see that we first call func.func to declare a private function whose function signature matches that of the AIE C/C++ function. The function name after the @ (e.g. @external_kernel) should match the C function name and the number of arguments should match the number of C function arguments. C++ name mangling is not supported. Argument types are converted according to the MLIR 'bare pointer' calling convention (see below).

MLIR type C type
i32 int32_t
f32 float
Memref C pointer
index int64_t

Then, within the AIE.core operator, we use to call the previously defined function from within our core, being sure to pass the appropriate function arguments. In this case, we pass in the the AIE.buffer %buf.

The final step is to tell our tools where to look for the object code that the function whose name we defined in func.func/ Using the additional operator definition link_with="kernel.o", we point to the file kernel.o in the current directory and link it in to create the final kernel object file.

Note that this allows us to call the function multiple times within the AIE.core or even separate functions in the same AIE.core if they are both defined within the single linked object file.

Kernel object file generation

Now that we know how to link in externally defined functions from precompiled object files, it would be nice to be able to compile those object files quickly as well as test them. You may be familiar with using the Vitis GUI to, but we can also directly call the underlying compilation tools used by Vitis.

To compile the C/C++ source into object code, we use the xchesscc command line tool as follows:

xchesscc -p me -P <vitis install>/<release>/aietools/data/<aie-version>/lib -c

Within, the function must be defined as extern "C" with:

extern "C" {
    <function definition>

Place the kernel.o in the same directory as your MLIR source and you should now be able to run the build tools to generate the new aggregated object file.

Single kernel compilation and simulation

The last step is working with C/C++ source to compile and simulate the kernel. This main way to do this is once again with the Vitis tools, specifically aiecompiler and aiesimulator which requires an adf graph definition, even for a single kernel function. However, we can again directly call the compilation and simulation tools that Vitis uses.

To be able to compile and test, we need a testbench wrapper around our kernel, similar to the testbench and platform defined for an adf design. In our example external function, external_kernel, we define the following files:

kernel.h - kernel header file  - testbench that calls our kernel (similar to test.cpp)
test.prx - XML project file

Once these file are defined, we call the xchessmk command line tool as follows:

xchessmk -P <vitis install>/<release>/aietools/data/<aie-version>/lib test.prx

This compiles our testbench and kernel into a default work directory so that it is ready to simulate, which we do so by calling the xca_udm_dbg command line tool as follows:

xca_udm_dbg -P <vitis install>/<release>/aietools/data/<aie-version>/lib -t sim.tcl

This simulator executes a number of Tcl commands which we can group into Tcl batch file called sim.tcl. The cycle accurate simulator will run the commands in this tcl file to completion and outputs any testbench results. This allows us to iteratively compile and test our design multiple times to get the right behavior as well as profile code performance.

Note that in sim.tcl, we call the command iss profile save test.prf which runs the profiler in our simulator and generates the profile summary file test.prf. We will look at this in more detail in the lab.

Now we have all the pieces we need to compile and simulate single kernels from the command line and then compile the kernel core into an object file to be integrated into our MLIR description and expanded into full kernel object code.

Tutorial 9 Lab

  1. We will work backwards in this lab to first compile and simulate our single kernel design (which is the duplicate of the simple design used in tutorial-1). Take a look at the file under the external_kernel directory, specifically the files kernel.h,, and test.prx to familiarize yourself with these file contents. When customizing this for your own kernel function, you will only need to modify kernel.h (to match your function signature) and (to customize the function call and testbench for your own function).

  2. Go into the external_kernel directory and compile and simulate as follows:

    > make build
    > make sim

    How many cycles did the simulation take?

  3. Take a look at the simulation script sim.tcl. The command iss profile save test.prf invokes the profiler and saves profile information into the test.prf file. Open test.prf. What is the Total cycle count of our design?

  4. The profile information also breaks down the cycle count of the design and more importantly, the function we implemented. What is the cycle count of the function extern_kernel? There is also the microcode of the function under Function detail: extern_kernel. Understanding the microcode can be helpful in maximally optimizing your AI Engine kernel but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

  5. There is another design under the matmul_kernel directory. Build and simulate this design. Based on the profile results, what is the cycle count of main() and that of the matmul function (also called extern_kernel)?

  6. Take a look at aie.mlir to see how we used the func dialect to map externally compiled AIE kernel objects. Run make to build our MLIR design.

  7. Verify functionality by running simulation

    make -C aie.mlir.prj/sim
  8. Copy the design files (tutorial-2.exe, core_1_4.elf) to the board and run the design to check that the design runs successfully on hardware.

Challenge Exercise

  1. Change the design to use the kernel.o created by matmul_kernel. Note that the arguments are very different so you will need to use mlir_aie_write_buffer_<bufname> to initialize the local data memory and then mlir_aie_read_buffer_<bufname> to check the kernel results to verify correct functionality that we check in the mlir_kernel/