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A very lightweight and fasted request router. lightweight web framework.

  • Lightweight and fast speed, the search speed is not affected by the routing number
  • supported request methods: GET POST PUT DELETE HEAD OPTIONS
  • support event: found notFound. Some things you can do when the triggering event (such as logging, etc.)
  • support manual dispatch a URI route by $router->dispatch($path, $method), you can dispatch a URI in your logic.
  • Support automatic matching routing like yii framework, by config autoRoute.
  • more interesting config, please see $router->config
  • You can also do not have to configure anything, it can also work very well




required PHP 8.0+

  • by composer.json
    "require": {
        "inhere/sroute": "dev-master"
  • by composer require
composer require inhere/sroute


Test time: 2018.11.19

Worst-case matching

This benchmark matches the last route and unknown route. It generates a randomly prefixed and suffixed route in an attempt to thwart any optimization. 1,000 routes each with 9 arguments.

This benchmark consists of 14 tests. Each test is executed 1,000 times, the results pruned, and then averaged. Values that fall outside of 3 standard deviations of the mean are discarded.

Test Name Results Time(ms) + Interval Change
inhere/sroute(Router) - unknown route(1000 routes) 990 0.002031 +0.000871 75% slower
inhere/sroute(SRouter) - unknown route(1000 routes) 994 0.002895 +0.001736 150% slower
inhere/sroute(Router) - last route(1000 routes) 997 0.005300 +0.004141 357% slower
inhere/sroute(SRouter) - last route(1000 routes) 997 0.006467 +0.005308 458% slower
symfony/routing(cached) - unknown route(1000 routes) 976 0.012777 +0.011618 1002% slower
symfony/routing(cached) - last route(1000 routes) 996 0.013608 +0.012449 1074% slower
mindplay/timber - last route(1000 routes) 998 0.017211 +0.016052 1385% slower
FastRoute - unknown route(1000 routes) 991 0.039429 +0.038270 3302% slower
FastRoute(cached) - unknown route(1000 routes) 990 0.040800 +0.039641 3420% slower
FastRoute(cached) - last route(1000 routes) 999 0.045065 +0.043906 3788% slower
FastRoute - last route(1000 routes) 999 0.064694 +0.063535 5481% slower
Pux PHP - unknown route(1000 routes) 978 0.316016 +0.314857 27163% slower
symfony/routing - unknown route(1000 routes) 992 0.359482 +0.358323 30912% slower
symfony/routing - last route(1000 routes) 999 0.418813 +0.417654 36031% slower
Pux PHP - last route(1000 routes) 999 0.440489 +0.439330 37901% slower
Macaw - unknown route(1000 routes) 991 1.687441 +1.686282 145475% slower
Macaw - last route(1000 routes) 999 1.786542 +1.785383 154024% slower

First route matching

This benchmark tests how quickly each router can match the first route. 1,000 routes each with 9 arguments.

This benchmark consists of 7 tests. Each test is executed 1,000 times, the results pruned, and then averaged. Values that fall outside of 3 standard deviations of the mean are discarded.

Test Name Results Time + Interval Change
nikic/fast-route - first route(1000) 998 0.002929 +0.001571 116% slower
corneltek/pux(php) - first route(1000) 996 0.002971 +0.001613 119% slower
inhere/sroute(Router) - first(1000) 979 0.006202 +0.004844 357% slower
inhere/sroute(SRouter) - first(1000) 999 0.006627 +0.005269 388% slower
symfony/routing(cached) - first route(1000) 985 0.006858 +0.005501 405% slower
symfony/routing - first route(1000) 995 0.023105 +0.021747 1601% slower
nikic/fast-route(cached) - first route(1000) 999 0.041133 +0.039775 2929% slower
Macaw - first route (1000 routes) 999 1.782017 +1.780659 131128% slower


first, import the class

use Inhere\Route\Router;

$router = new Router();

add some routes

// match GET. handler use Closure
$router->get('/', function() {
    echo 'hello';

// access 'test/john'
$router->get('/test/{name}', function($params) {
    echo $params['name']; // 'john'
}, ['name' => '\w+']); 

// match POST
$router->post('/user/login', function() {

// match GET or POST
$router->map(['get', 'post'], '/user/login', function() {
    var_dump($_GET, $_POST);

// match any method
$router->any('/home', function() {
    echo 'hello, you request page is /home';

// route group
$router->group('/user', function () {
    $router->get('/', function () {
        echo 'hello. you access: /user/';
    $router->get('/index', function () {
        echo 'hello. you access: /user/index';

Use controller action

// if you config 'ignoreLastSlash' => true, '/index' is equals to '/index/'
$router->get('/index', 'app\controllers\Home@index');

Dynamic action

match dynamic action, config 'dynamicAction' => true

NOTICE: use dynamic action, should be use any().

// access '/home/test' will call 'app\controllers\Home::test()'
$router->any('/home/{name}', app\controllers\Home::class);

// can match '/home', '/home/test'
$router->any('/home[/{name}]', app\controllers\Home::class);

Use action executor

if you config 'actionExecutor' => 'run'

// access '/user', will call app\controllers\User::run('')
// access '/user/profile', will call app\controllers\User::run('profile')
$router->get('/user', 'app\controllers\User');
$router->get('/user/profile', 'app\controllers\User');

// if config 'actionExecutor' => 'run' and 'dynamicAction' => true,
// access '/user', will call app\controllers\User::run('')
// access '/user/profile', will call app\controllers\User::run('profile')
$router->get('/user[/{name}]', 'app\controllers\User');

Automatic matching is routed to the controller

Support automatic matching like yii routed to the controller, need config autoRoute.

    'autoRoute' => 1, // enanbled
    'controllerNamespace' => 'Example\\controllers', // The controller class in the namespace
    'controllerSuffix' => 'Controller', // The controller class suffix

setting config

// set config
    'ignoreLastSlash' => true,
    // enable autoRoute, work like yii framework
    // you can access '/demo' '/admin/user/info', Don't need to configure any route
    'autoRoute' => 1,
    'controllerNamespace' => 'Example\\controllers',
    'controllerSuffix' => 'Controller',
  • default config
// there are default config.
    // ignore last '/' char. If is True, will clear last '/', so '/home' equals to '/home/'
    'ignoreLastSlash' => false,

    // auto route match @like yii framework
    // If is True, will auto find the handler controller file.
    'autoRoute' => false,
    // The default controllers namespace, is valid when `'enable' = true`
    'controllerNamespace' => '', // eg: 'app\\controllers'
    // controller suffix, is valid when `'enable' = true`
    'controllerSuffix' => '',    // eg: 'Controller'

NOTICE: you must call $router->config() on before the add route.

Route dispatcher

use Inhere\Route\Dispatcher;

$dispatcher = new Dispatcher([
    'dynamicAction' => true,


$dispatcher->on(Dispatcher::ON_FOUND, function ($uri, $route) use ($app) {
    $app->logger->debug("Matched uri path: $uri");

// on notFound, redirect to '/404'
$dispatcher->on('notFound', '/404');
// can also, on notFound, output a message.
$dispatcher->on('notFound', function ($uri) {
    echo "the page $uri not found!";

begin dispatch



please the example folder's codes.

you can run a test server by php -S -t example/static, now please access
