From ee8970fa8897f73f1eee0423e35f34390a8c29dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mehmood Asghar
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 11:41:28 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 01/32] update translation files
.../language/base/breadcrumbs_lang.php | 29 +-
.../language/base/catalog_admin_lang.php | 333 +++++++------
.../language/base/catalog_search_lang.php | 84 ++--
application/language/base/citations_lang.php | 223 +++++----
application/language/base/collection_lang.php | 102 ++--
.../language/base/configurations_lang.php | 178 ++++---
.../language/base/da_collection_lang.php | 34 +-
application/language/base/dashboard_lang.php | 76 ++-
.../language/base/data_enclave_lang.php | 13 +-
application/language/base/ddi_fields_lang.php | 289 ++++++++++++
application/language/base/ddibrowser_lang.php | 443 ++++++++----------
.../base/direct_access_terms_lang.php | 17 +-
.../language/base/fields_document_lang.php | 78 +++
.../language/base/fields_image_lang.php | 159 +++++++
.../language/base/fields_scripts_lang.php | 69 +++
.../language/base/fields_table_lang.php | 181 +++++++
.../language/base/fields_timeseries_lang.php | 109 +++++
application/language/base/general_lang.php | 257 +++++-----
application/language/base/install_lang.php | 88 ++--
.../language/base/iso19139_fields_lang.php | 35 ++
.../base/licensed_access_form_lang.php | 106 ++---
.../language/base/licensed_request_lang.php | 277 +++++------
application/language/base/menu_lang.php | 86 ++--
application/language/base/open_data_lang.php | 19 +
.../language/base/permissions_lang.php | 40 +-
application/language/base/plupload_lang.php | 0
.../base/public_access_terms_lang.php | 47 +-
.../language/base/public_request_lang.php | 33 +-
application/language/base/reports_lang.php | 106 ++---
.../base/repository_sections_lang.php | 4 +-
.../language/base/resource_manager_lang.php | 264 +++++------
.../language/base/rest_controller_lang.php | 18 +
.../language/base/search_help_lang.php | 22 +-
application/language/base/site_menu_lang.php | 51 +-
application/language/base/sitelogs_lang.php | 23 +-
.../language/base/user_groups_lang.php | 35 +-
application/language/base/users_lang.php | 219 ++++-----
.../language/base/vocabularies_lang.php | 27 +-
38 files changed, 2463 insertions(+), 1711 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 application/language/base/ddi_fields_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/fields_document_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/fields_image_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/fields_scripts_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/fields_table_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/fields_timeseries_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/iso19139_fields_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/open_data_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/plupload_lang.php
create mode 100644 application/language/base/rest_controller_lang.php
diff --git a/application/language/base/breadcrumbs_lang.php b/application/language/base/breadcrumbs_lang.php
index e4b332348..9ff4c559b 100644
--- a/application/language/base/breadcrumbs_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/breadcrumbs_lang.php
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
-Link or Unlink buttons to link or unlink studies.';
-$lang['copy_studies_to']='Copy studies to ';
-$lang['copy_studies']='Copy studies';
-$lang['transfer_study_ownership']='Transfer study owner';
-$lang['transfer_ownership']='Transfer owner';
-$lang['msg_studies_to_transfer']='Studies that will be transferred';
-$lang['study_owned']='Owned study';
-$lang['study_linked']='Linked study';
-$lang['is_harvested_study']='Harvested study';
-$lang['select_publish_unpublish']='Select to publish/unpublish';
-$lang['data_access']='Data access';
-$lang['overwrite_if_exists']='Overwrite if already exists?';
-$lang['sort_by']='Sort results by:';
-$lang['no_related_citations_click_here_to_add']='There are no citations attached to this survey, to add related citations, click here.';
-$lang['max_upload_limit']='Max upload file size:';
-$lang['upload_ddi']='Add study';
-$lang['clear_filter']='Clear filter';
-$lang['study_status']='Study status';
-$lang['click_to_publish_unpublish']='Click to publish or unpublish';
-$lang['pdf_not_generated']='PDF not generated';
-$lang['pdf_uptodate']='PDF is up-to-date';
-$lang['pdf_outdated']='PDF is outdated';
-$lang['metadata_in_pdf']='Metadata in PDF';
-$lang['replace_ddi']='Replace DDI';
-$lang['delete_study']='Delete study';
-$lang['browse_metadata']='Browse metadata';
-$lang['generate_pdf']='Generate PDF';
-$lang['upload_rdf']='Upload RDF';
-$lang['link_resources']='Link resources';
-$lang['export_ddi']='Export DDI';
-$lang['export_rdf']='Export RDF';
-$lang['admin_notes']='Admin notes';
-$lang['reviewer_notes']='Reviewer notes';
-$lang['study_collections']='Display in other collections';
-$lang['study_aliases']='Study aliases';
-$lang['warning_study_has_no_external_resources']='Study has no external resources attached';
-$lang['warning_study_has_no_microdata']='Study has no microdata attached';
-$lang['warning_study_has_no_questionnaire']='Study has no questionnaires attached';
-$lang['warning_study_has_pending_licensed_requests']='Study has pending licensed requests';
-$lang['warning_study_not_published']='Study is not published';
-$lang['warning_study_years_not_set']='Study data collection years are not set';
-$lang['warning_study_has_no_pdf_documentation']='Study metadata documentation in PDF is not generated';
-$lang['study_no_questionnaire']='Studies with no questionnaire';
-$lang['study_no_datafile']='Studies with no data';
-$lang['modified_on']='Modified on';
-$lang['Survey options']='Survey options';
-$lang['Generate PDF']='Generate PDF';
-$lang['batch_upload_files']='Upload files';
-$lang['clear_import_folder']='Clear import files';
-$lang['central_catalog_short_text']='a para describing central catalog';
-$lang['study_exists_in_other_collection']='Study already exists in collection [%s]. To update the study, you must switch to the collection and upload DDI.';
-$lang['type_admin']='Admin notes';
-$lang['type_reviewer']='Reviewer notes';
-$lang['type_public']='Public notes';
-$lang['select_note_type']='Select note type';
-$lang['admin_note']='Admin note';
-$lang['reviewer_note']='Reviewer note';
-$lang['public_note']='Public note';
-$lang['add_note']='Add Note';
-$lang['click_on_icon_to_remove_citation']='Click on the icon %s to remove citation';
-$lang['attach_citation']='Attach Citation';
-$lang['js_refreshing_page']='Refreshing page, please wait...';
-$lang['remove_from_collection_description']='Remove this study from this collection.';
-$lang['studies_linked_count']='Studies linked from other collections';
-$lang['select_the_repository_from_the_list_below']='Select the collection from the list below to transfer ownership to another collection.';
-$lang['study_metadata_updated']='Study metadata has been refreshed!';
-$lang['refresh_ddi']='Refresh DDI';
-$lang['batch_refresh_ddi']='Batch refresh DDI';
-$lang['ddi_batch_refresh_title']='Batch refresh DDI';
-$lang['btn_refresh']='Refresh DDI';
-$lang['refresh_ddi_description']='Refresh DDI updates the database with the metadata from the DDI.';
-$lang['total_studies_found']='Total studies found';
-$lang['mark_as_featured']='Display as featured study?';
-$lang['msg_study_ownership_has_changed']='Study ownership changed!';
-$lang['replace_ddi_failed_duplicate_study_found']='The catalog contains another study with the same ID';
-$lang['show_selected_only']='Show selected only';
+$lang['msg_select_repository']="Select collection";
+$lang['msg_copy_studies']="Click on the Link or Unlink buttons to link or unlink studies.";
+$lang['copy_studies_to']="Copy studies to ";
+$lang['copy_studies']="Copy studies";
+$lang['transfer_study_ownership']="Transfer study owner";
+$lang['transfer_ownership']="Transfer owner";
+$lang['msg_studies_to_transfer']="Studies that will be transferred";
+$lang['study_owned']="Owned study";
+$lang['study_linked']="Linked study";
+$lang['is_harvested_study']="Harvested study";
+$lang['select_publish_unpublish']="Select to publish/unpublish";
+$lang['data_access']="Data access";
+$lang['overwrite_if_exists']="Overwrite if already exists?";
+$lang['sort_by']="Sort results by:";
+$lang['no_related_citations_click_here_to_add']="There are no citations attached to this survey, to add related citations, click here.";
+$lang['max_upload_limit']="Max upload file size:";
+$lang['upload_ddi']="Add study";
+$lang['clear_filter']="Clear filter";
+$lang['study_status']="Study status";
+$lang['click_to_publish_unpublish']="Click to publish or unpublish";
+$lang['pdf_not_generated']="PDF not generated";
+$lang['pdf_uptodate']="PDF is up-to-date";
+$lang['pdf_outdated']="PDF is outdated";
+$lang['metadata_in_pdf']="Metadata in PDF";
+$lang['replace_ddi']="Replace DDI";
+$lang['delete_study']="Delete study";
+$lang['generate_pdf']="Generate PDF";
+$lang['upload_rdf']="Upload RDF";
+$lang['link_resources']="Link resources";
+$lang['export_ddi']="Export DDI";
+$lang['export_rdf']="Export RDF";
+$lang['admin_notes']="Admin notes";
+$lang['reviewer_notes']="Reviewer notes";
+$lang['study_collections']="Display in other collections";
+$lang['study_aliases']="Study aliases";
+$lang['warning_study_has_no_external_resources']="Study has no external resources attached";
+$lang['warning_study_has_no_microdata']="Study has no microdata attached";
+$lang['warning_study_has_no_questionnaire']="Study has no questionnaires attached";
+$lang['warning_study_has_pending_licensed_requests']="Study has pending licensed requests";
+$lang['warning_study_not_published']="Study is not published";
+$lang['warning_study_years_not_set']="Study data collection years are not set";
+$lang['warning_study_has_no_pdf_documentation']="Study metadata documentation in PDF is not generated";
+$lang['study_no_questionnaire']="Studies with no questionnaire";
+$lang['study_no_datafile']="Studies with no data";
+$lang['modified_on']="Modified on";
+$lang['Survey options']="Survey options";
+$lang['Generate PDF']="Generate PDF";
+$lang['batch_upload_files']="Upload files";
+$lang['clear_import_folder']="Clear import files";
+$lang['central_catalog_short_text']="a para describing central catalog";
+$lang['study_exists_in_other_collection']="Study already exists in collection [%s]. To update the study, you must switch to the collection and upload DDI.";
+$lang['type_admin']="Admin notes";
+$lang['type_reviewer']="Reviewer notes";
+$lang['type_public']="Public notes";
+$lang['select_note_type']="Select note type";
+$lang['admin_note']="Admin note";
+$lang['reviewer_note']="Reviewer note";
+$lang['public_note']="Public note";
+$lang['add_note']="Add Note";
+$lang['click_on_icon_to_remove_citation']="Click on the icon %s to remove citation";
+$lang['attach_citation']="Attach Citation";
+$lang['js_refreshing_page']="Refreshing page, please wait...";
+$lang['remove_from_collection_description']="Remove this study from this collection.";
+$lang['studies_linked_count']="Studies linked from other collections";
+$lang['select_the_repository_from_the_list_below']="Select the collection from the list below to transfer ownership to another collection.";
+$lang['study_metadata_updated']="Study metadata has been refreshed!";
+$lang['refresh_ddi']="Refresh DDI";
+$lang['batch_refresh_ddi']="Batch refresh DDI";
+$lang['ddi_batch_refresh_title']="Batch refresh DDI";
+$lang['btn_refresh']="Refresh DDI";
+$lang['refresh_ddi_description']="Refresh DDI updates the database with the metadata from the DDI.";
+$lang['total_studies_found']="Total studies found";
+$lang['mark_as_featured']="Display as featured study?";
+$lang['msg_study_ownership_has_changed']="Study ownership changed!";
+$lang['replace_ddi_failed_duplicate_study_found']="The catalog contains another study with the same ID";
+$lang['show_selected_only']="Show selected only";
$lang['Data available from external repository']="Data available from external repository";
$lang['Data not available']="Data not available";
-/* End of file menu_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/urdu/menu_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+$lang['error_no_collection_selected']="You have not selected a collection!";
+$lang['confirm_publish_records']="Confirm to publish study?";
+$lang['attach_citations']="Attach citations";
+$lang['return_to_edit_page']="Return to edit page";
+$lang['attach_related_data']="Attach related";
+$lang['no_related_studies_click_here_to_add']="There are no related studies attached";
+$lang['relationship_type']="Relationship type";
+$lang['confirm_unpublish_records']="Are you sure you want to unpublish records?";
+$lang['confirm_unpublish']="Confirm unpublish";
+$lang['tab_data_files']="Data files";
+$lang['tab_related_data']="Related studies";
+/* End of file catalog_admin_lang.php */
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/catalog_admin_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/catalog_search_lang.php b/application/language/base/catalog_search_lang.php
index b097b2999..b00e9c5d8 100644
--- a/application/language/base/catalog_search_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/catalog_search_lang.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
config/email.php file.";
-/* End of file vocabularies_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/vocabularies_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+config/email.php file.";
+$lang['test_email_configurations']="Test email configurations";
+/* End of file configurations_lang.php */
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/configurations_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/da_collection_lang.php b/application/language/base/da_collection_lang.php
index 1d0f2c3b8..db0a3290f 100644
--- a/application/language/base/da_collection_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/da_collection_lang.php
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-%d cached files, click here to clear cache.";
-$lang['recent_studies'] = "Recently updated studies";
-$lang['logged_in_users'] = "Logged in";
-$lang['anonymous_users'] = "Anonymous users viewing the site";
-$lang['Maintenance'] = "Manage studies";
-$lang['Administrators'] = "Administrators";
-$lang['History'] = "History";
-$lang['Edit'] = "Edit collection";
-$lang['Collection'] = "Collection";
-$lang['collection_contains_n_studies'] = "Collection contains %d studies";
-$lang['catalog_contains_n_studies'] = "Catalog contains %d studies";
-$lang['studies_with_no_data_files'] = "PUF with no data files";
-$lang['studies_with_no_questionnaires'] = "with no questionnaires";
-$lang['owned'] = "Owned";
-$lang['linked'] = "Linked";
-$lang['published'] = "Published";
-$lang['unpublished'] = "Unpublished";
+$lang['nada_news_updates']="NADA News & Updates";
+$lang['database_backup']="Database Backup";
+$lang['cache_files']="Cache Files";
+$lang['report_bug']="Report Bug/Feature/Request";
+$lang['bug_request_description']="Provide detailed description of the bug/feature";
+$lang['user_inactive']="Inactive - never logged in";
+$lang['bug_report']="Report Bug or Request a feature";
+$lang['run_database_backup_script']="Run database backup script";
+$lang['no_cache_files_found']="No cache files were found";
+$lang['clear_cache_files']="You have %d cached files, click here to clear cache.";
+$lang['recent_studies']="Recently updated studies";
+$lang['logged_in_users']="Logged in";
+$lang['anonymous_users']="Anonymous users viewing the site";
+$lang['Maintenance']="Manage studies";
+$lang['Edit']="Edit collection";
+$lang['collection_contains_n_studies']="Collection contains %d studies";
+$lang['catalog_contains_n_studies']="Catalog contains %d studies";
+$lang['studies_with_no_data_files']="PUF with no data files";
+$lang['studies_with_no_questionnaires']="with no questionnaires";
/* End of file dashboard_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/dashboard_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/dashboard_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/data_enclave_lang.php b/application/language/base/data_enclave_lang.php
index a531aab78..2c9ad4883 100644
--- a/application/language/base/data_enclave_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/data_enclave_lang.php
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-The National Data Enclave (NDE) was established by the National Data Archive to
+$lang['data_enclave_access_request']="National Data Enclave Access Request";
The National Data Enclave (NDE) was established by the National Data Archive to
allow researchers meeting certain qualifications, and under strict supervision, to
access confidential statistical micro data files. NDE provides a mechanism whereby
researchers can access detailed data files in a secure environment, without
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@
NDE Operations
Researchers can access the data on-site, where they are provided with the data,
- computer equipment, software, office space, and NDE staff supervision.
-$lang['data_enclave_application_form_link'] = "Click here to download the Application form for access to data enclave";
+ computer equipment, software, office space, and NDE staff supervision.
+$lang['data_enclave_application_form_link']="Click here to download the Application form for access to data enclave";
/* End of file data_enclave_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/data_enclave_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/data_enclave_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/ddi_fields_lang.php b/application/language/base/ddi_fields_lang.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2244097dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/language/base/ddi_fields_lang.php
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+%s variables, if the system can't generate the PDF, try excluding the 'Data Dictionary Description' option.";
-$lang['include_variable_toc'] = "Variable list";
-$lang['include_variable_desc'] = "Variable description";
-$lang['include_external_resources'] = "External resource";
-$lang['Report options'] = "Report options:";
-$lang['processing_pdf_report'] = "Generating PDF report, it may take few minutes or longer...";
-$lang['get_microdata'] = "Get Microdata";
-$lang['study_description'] = "Study Description";
-$lang['data_dictionary'] = "Data Description";
-$lang['related_materials'] = "Documentation";
-$lang['related_citations'] = "Related Publications";
-$lang['citations'] = "Citations";
-$lang['review_study'] = "Review";
-$lang['add_note'] = "Add note";
-$lang['no_reviewer_notes_found'] = "The study has no reviewer notes attached. To add a new note, use the 'Add note' link.";
-$lang['no_resources_attached'] = "Study has no external resources.";
-$lang['no_microdata_attached'] = "Study has no microdata available.";
-$lang['created_on'] = "Created on";
-$lang['last_modified'] = "Last modified";
-$lang['page_views'] = "Page views";
-$lang['downloads'] = "Downloads";
-$lang['documentation_in_pdf'] = "Documentation in PDF";
-$lang['download_rdf'] = "Download RDF";
-$lang['reviewer_notes'] = "Reviewer notes";
-$lang['js_refreshing_page'] = "Reloading page, please wait...";
-$lang['visit_data_catalog_at'] = "Visit our data catalog at";
-$lang['report_generated_on'] = "Report generated on";
-$lang['cover'] = "Cover";
-$lang['study_title'] = "Study Title";
-$lang['overview'] = "Overview";
-$lang['sampling'] = "Sampling";
-$lang['questionnaires'] = "Questionnaires";
-$lang['data_collection'] = "Data Collection";
-$lang['data_processing'] = "Data Processing";
-$lang['data_appraisal'] = "Data Appraisal";
-$lang['file_description'] = "File Description";
-$lang['variable_list'] = "Variable List";
-$lang['variable_description'] = "Variable Description";
-$lang['external_resources'] = "External Resources";
-$lang['report_lang'] = "Report language";
-$lang['external_resources'] = "External Resources";
-$lang['generate_pdf'] = "Generate PDF";
-$lang['Mean'] = "Mean";
-$lang['Standard deviation'] = "Standard deviation";
-$lang['search_data_dictionary'] = "Search data dictionary";
-$lang['Total variables(s)'] = "Total variables(s)";
-$lang['download_study_rdf'] = "Download study resource descriptions (e.g. reports, questionnaires, technical documents) in Dublin Core RDF format";
-$lang['download_study_ddi'] = "Download study metadata in DDI (XML) format";
-$lang['study_documentation_text'] = "Download the questionnaires, technical documents and reports that describe the survey process and the key results for this study.";
-$lang['study_description_text'] = "The section provides a detailed description of the study (i.e. the metadata). Topics covered relate to the survey methodology, sampling methods, data collection, funding, dates of collection, geographical coverage and the access policy for the data from this study. Download the metadata in a number of formats from the Export metadata link.";
-$lang['data_description_text'] = "This section provides detailed information on the unit-record data generated by this study. This includes a detailed description of the contents of each data file and all the variables within each file. Variables may contain the recorded results of a direct question asked, or be derived in some way. The number of variables and the number of data points (cases) are summarized for each variable.";
-$lang['related_publications_text'] = "The data from this study are used in the following publications:";
+$lang['request_microdata']="Request Microdata";
+$lang['download_metadata']="Metadata in XML";
+$lang['website_title']="Website title";
+$lang['study_title']="Study Title";
+$lang['website_url']="Website URL";
+$lang['study_contains_too_many_variables']="The study contains over %s variables, if the system can't generate the PDF, try excluding the 'Data Dictionary Description' option.";
+$lang['include_variable_toc']="Variable list";
+$lang['include_variable_desc']="Variable description";
+$lang['include_external_resources']="External resource";
+$lang['Report options']="Report options:";
+$lang['processing_pdf_report']="Generating PDF report, it may take few minutes or longer...";
+$lang['get_microdata']="Get Microdata";
+$lang['study_description']="Study Description";
+$lang['data_dictionary']="Data Description";
+$lang['related_citations']="Related Publications";
+$lang['add_note']="Add note";
+$lang['no_reviewer_notes_found']="The study has no reviewer notes attached. To add a new note, use the 'Add note' link.";
+$lang['no_resources_attached']="Study has no external resources.";
+$lang['no_microdata_attached']="Study has no microdata available.";
+$lang['created_on']="Created on";
+$lang['last_modified']="Last modified";
+$lang['page_views']="Page views";
+$lang['documentation_in_pdf']="Documentation in PDF";
+$lang['download_rdf']="Download RDF";
+$lang['reviewer_notes']="Reviewer notes";
+$lang['js_refreshing_page']="Reloading page, please wait...";
+$lang['visit_data_catalog_at']="Visit our data catalog at";
+$lang['report_generated_on']="Report generated on";
+$lang['file_description']="File Description";
+$lang['variable_list']="Variable List";
+$lang['variable_description']="Variable Description";
+$lang['external_resources']="External Resources";
+$lang['report_lang']="Report language";
+$lang['generate_pdf']="Generate PDF";
+$lang['Standard deviation']="Standard deviation";
+$lang['search_data_dictionary']="Search data dictionary";
+$lang['Total variables(s)']="Total variables(s)";
+$lang['download_study_rdf']="Download study resource descriptions (e.g. reports, questionnaires, technical documents) in Dublin Core RDF format";
+$lang['download_study_ddi']="Download study metadata in DDI (XML) format";
+$lang['study_documentation_text']="Download the questionnaires, technical documents and reports that describe the survey process and the key results for this study.";
+$lang['study_description_text']="The section provides a detailed description of the study (i.e. the metadata). Topics covered relate to the survey methodology, sampling methods, data collection, funding, dates of collection, geographical coverage and the access policy for the data from this study. Download the metadata in a number of formats from the Export metadata link.";
+$lang['data_description_text']="This section provides detailed information on the unit-record data generated by this study. This includes a detailed description of the contents of each data file and all the variables within each file. Variables may contain the recorded results of a direct question asked, or be derived in some way. The number of variables and the number of data points (cases) are summarized for each variable.";
+$lang['related_publications_text']="The data from this study are used in the following publications:";
+$lang['related_studies']="Related studies";
/* End of file ddibrowser_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/ddibrowser_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/ddibrowser_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/direct_access_terms_lang.php b/application/language/base/direct_access_terms_lang.php
index 9591e61a1..4a12c3b90 100644
--- a/application/language/base/direct_access_terms_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/direct_access_terms_lang.php
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
The data and other materials provided by the National Data Archive will not
be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations
@@ -34,9 +30,8 @@
Archive will conform to widely-accepted standards of practice and legal
restrictions that are intended to protect the confidentiality of respondents.
-$lang['form_removed_and_not_available']='Form has been removed and is not longer available.';
-$lang['survey_data_files']='Survey Data Files';
+$lang['form_removed_and_not_available']="Form has been removed and is not longer available.";
+$lang['survey_data_files']="Survey Data Files";
/* End of file direct_access_terms_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/direct_access_terms_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/direct_access_terms_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/fields_document_lang.php b/application/language/base/fields_document_lang.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e61cb008c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/language/base/fields_document_lang.php
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+%s extension is not enabled. Edit php.ini file to enable extension.';
-$lang['folder_permissions'] = "Folder READ/WRITE/DELETE permissions";
-$lang['folder'] = "Folder";
-$lang['read_write'] = "Read/Write";
-$lang['delete'] = "Delete";
-$lang['server_information'] = "Server information";
-$lang['php_version'] = "PHP version";
-$lang['db_version'] = "DB version";
-$lang['connection_success'] = "connection was successful!";
-$lang['web_server'] = "Web server";
-$lang['database_error_cant_continue'] = "The database connection failed, Installer cannot continue until database settings are fixed.";
-$lang['other_php_settings'] = "Other PHP.INI Settings";
-$lang['setting'] = "Setting";
-$lang['value'] = "Value";
-$lang['recommended'] = "Recommended";
-$lang['enabled'] = "Enabled";
-$lang['disabled'] = "Disabled";
-$lang['install_database'] = "Install Database";
-$lang['create_user'] = "Create account";
-$lang['installer_title'] = "NADA Installer";
-$lang['time_zone_is_required'] = "See how to configure and select the right timezone";
-$lang['not_set'] = "Not set";
+$lang['create_admin_account']="Create administrator account";
+$lang['database_connection_failed']="Database connection failed. Check your database settings.";
+$lang['database_creation_failed']="Failed to create the database.";
+$lang['database_tables_created']="Database and Tables were created successfully!";
+$lang['return_to_site']="Click here to return to the site home page";
+$lang['page_not_found']="PAGE NOT FOUND";
+$lang['install_completed']="Installation completed!";
+$lang['install_completed_tasks_summary']="The application installation has completed, the summary of the tasks is below:";
+$lang['admin_account']="Admin account";
+$lang['click_here_to_launch_application']="Click here to launch the website!";
+$lang['required_php_extensions']="Required PHP Extensions";
+$lang['extension_not_enabled']="%s extension is not enabled. Edit php.ini file to enable extension.";
+$lang['folder_permissions']="Folder READ/WRITE/DELETE permissions";
+$lang['server_information']="Server information";
+$lang['php_version']="PHP version";
+$lang['db_version']="DB version";
+$lang['connection_success']="connection was successful!";
+$lang['web_server']="Web server";
+$lang['database_error_cant_continue']="The database connection failed, Installer cannot continue until database settings are fixed.";
+$lang['other_php_settings']="Other PHP.INI Settings";
+$lang['install_database']="Install Database";
+$lang['create_user']="Create account";
+$lang['installer_title']="NADA Installer";
+$lang['time_zone_is_required']="See how to configure and select the right timezone";
+$lang['not_set']="Not set";
/* End of file install_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/install_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/install_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/iso19139_fields_lang.php b/application/language/base/iso19139_fields_lang.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37479bce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/language/base/iso19139_fields_lang.php
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+This form must be filled and submitted by the Lead Researcher. Lead Researcher refers to
+$lang['Line ministry/public administration']="Line ministry/public administration";
+$lang['Research centre']="Research centre";
+$lang['Private company']="Private company";
+$lang['International organization']="International organization";
+$lang['Non-governmental agency (national)']="Non-governmental agency (national)";
+$lang['Non-governmental agency (international)']="Non-governmental agency (international)";
+$lang['application_access_licensed_dataset']="Application for Access to a Licensed Dataset";
+$lang['required_fields']="Fields marked with * are mandatory.";
+$lang['info_kept_confidential']="The information provided on this page will be kept confidential and will be used for internal purposes only.";
+$lang['dataset_requested']="Dataset requested:";
This form must be filled and submitted by the Lead Researcher. Lead Researcher refers to
the person who serves as the main point of contact for all communications involving this agreement. Access to licensed
datasets will only be granted when the Lead Researcher is an employee of a legally registered receiving agency
(university, company, research centre, national or international organization, etc.) on behalf of
@@ -28,38 +23,34 @@
who may decide to approve the request, to deny access to the data,
or to request additional information from the Lead Researcher. A signed copy of this request form may also be requested.
This request is submitted on behalf of:
-$lang['receiving_org']='Receiving Organization name:';
-$lang['rec_org_refers']='Receiving Organization refers to the organization/university/establishment which employs the Lead Researcher.';
-$lang['org_type']='Organization Type';
-$lang['other']='If other, specify:';
-$lang['post_add']='Postal address';
-$lang['telephone']='Telephone (with country code)';
-$lang['fax']='Fax (with country code)';
-$lang['intended_use']='Intended use of the data:';
-$lang['provide_short_desc']='Please provide a short description of your research project (project question, objectives, methods, expected outputs, partners)';
-$lang['expected_output']='List of expected output(s) and dissemination policy';
-$lang['expected_completion']='Expected completion date (DD-MM-YYYY) of the research project:';
-$lang['data_matching']='Data matching';
-$lang['merge_dataset']='Will you need to merge the dataset with other data?';
-$lang['other_data_merge']='If YES specify all other datasets that will need to be merged';
-$lang['research_team']='Research team members (other than the Lead Researcher)';
-$lang['provide_names']='Provide names, titles, and affiliations of any other members of the research team who will have access to the restricted data.';
-$lang['ident_needed']='Identification of data files and variables needed';
-$lang['da_website']='The Data Archive provides detailed metadata on its website, including a description of
This request is submitted on behalf of:
+$lang['receiving_org']="Receiving Organization name:";
+$lang['rec_org_refers']="Receiving Organization refers to the organization/university/establishment which employs the Lead Researcher.";
+$lang['org_type']="Organization Type";
+$lang['other']="If other, specify:";
+$lang['post_add']="Postal address";
+$lang['telephone']="Telephone (with country code)";
+$lang['fax']="Fax (with country code)";
+$lang['intended_use']="Intended use of the data:";
+$lang['provide_short_desc']="Please provide a short description of your research project (project question, objectives, methods, expected outputs, partners)";
+$lang['expected_output']="List of expected output(s) and dissemination policy";
+$lang['expected_completion']="Expected completion date (DD-MM-YYYY) of the research project:";
+$lang['data_matching']="Data matching";
+$lang['merge_dataset']="Will you need to merge the dataset with other data?";
+$lang['other_data_merge']="If YES specify all other datasets that will need to be merged";
+$lang['research_team']="Research team members (other than the Lead Researcher)";
+$lang['provide_names']="Provide names, titles, and affiliations of any other members of the research team who will have access to the restricted data.";
+$lang['ident_needed']="Identification of data files and variables needed";
+$lang['da_website']="The Data Archive provides detailed metadata on its website, including a description of
data files and variables for each dataset. Researchers who do not need access to the whole dataset may indicate
which subset of variables or cases they are interested in. As this reduces the disclosure risk, providing us
-with such information may increase the probability that the data will be provided.';
-$lang['this_request']='This request if submitted to access:';
-$lang['whole_dataset']='The whole dataset (all files, all cases)';
-$lang['subset_data']='A subset of variables and/or cases as described below (note that variables such as the sample weighting coefficients and records identifiers will always be included in subsets):';
-$lang['data_access_agreement']='Data access agreement';
-$lang['i_read_and_agree']='I have read and agree with the conditions';
The representative of the Receiving Organization agrees to comply with the following conditions:
+with such information may increase the probability that the data will be provided.";
+$lang['this_request']="This request if submitted to access:";
+$lang['whole_dataset']="The whole dataset (all files, all cases)";
+$lang['subset_data']="A subset of variables and/or cases as described below (note that variables such as the sample weighting coefficients and records identifiers will always be included in subsets):";
+$lang['data_access_agreement']="Data access agreement";
+$lang['i_read_and_agree']="I have read and agree with the conditions";
The representative of the Receiving Organization agrees to comply with the following conditions:
Access to the restricted data will be limited to the Lead Researcher and other members of the research team listed in this request.
Copies of the restricted data or any data created on the basis of the original data will not be copied or made available to anyone other than those mentioned in this Data Access Agreement, unless formally authorized by the Data Archive.
@@ -75,12 +66,13 @@
If there are any changes to the project specification, security arrangements, personnel or organization detailed in this application form, it is the responsibility of the Lead Researcher to seek the agreement of the Data Archive to these changes. Where there is a change to the employer organization of the Lead Researcher this will involve a new application being made and termination of the original project.
Breaches of the agreement will be taken seriously and the Data Archive will take action against those responsible for the lapse if willful or accidental. Failure to comply with the directions of the Data Archive will be deemed to be a major breach of the agreement and may involve recourse to legal proceedings. The Data Archive will maintain and share with partner data archives a register of those individuals and organizations which are responsible for breaching the terms of the Data Access Agreement and will impose sanctions on release of future data to these parties.
+$lang['success_request_submitted']="You have successfully submitted the request for data access. A confirmation email has been sent to your email address.";
+$lang['track_status_request']="To track the status of your request, visit";
+$lang['thank_you']="Thank you!";
+$lang['confirmation_application_for_licensed_dataset']="[confirmation] Application for Access to a Licensed Dataset";
+$lang['view_all_requests']="View all requests";
+$lang['open_in_new_window']="Open in new window";
-$lang['success_request_submitted']='You have successfully submitted the request for data access. A confirmation email has been sent to your email address.';
-$lang['track_status_request']='To track the status of your request, visit';
-$lang['thank_you']='Thank you!';
-$lang['confirmation_application_for_licensed_dataset']='[confirmation] Application for Access to a Licensed Dataset';
-$lang['view_all_requests']='View all requests';
-$lang['open_in_new_window']='Open in new window';
+/* End of file licensed_access_form_lang.php */
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/licensed_access_form_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/licensed_request_lang.php b/application/language/base/licensed_request_lang.php
index d79d8b77d..3be4260cc 100644
--- a/application/language/base/licensed_request_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/licensed_request_lang.php
@@ -1,156 +1,127 @@
-%s] has been reviewed. To view the review outcome, please visit:";
-$lang['user_has_requested_licensed'] = "The user %s has requested access to a licensed survey %s.";
-$lang['to_view_request_instructions'] = "To view the request, login to the NADA site administration and visit the 'Licensed survey requests' page.";
-$lang['received_licensed_request'] = "The %s has received your request for the licensed datafiles. We will notify you via email once your application has been reviewed.";
+%s] has been reviewed. To view the review outcome, please visit:";
+$lang['user_has_requested_licensed']="The user %s has requested access to a licensed survey %s.";
+$lang['to_view_request_instructions']="To view the request, login to the NADA site administration and visit the 'Licensed survey requests' page.";
+$lang['received_licensed_request']="The %s has received your request for the licensed datafiles. We will notify you via email once your application has been reviewed.";
$lang['to_view_request_status']="To view the status of your request, please visit:";
-$lang['for_further_information'] = "For further information, please contact us at";
-$lang['form_not_available'] = "Form has been removed and is no longer available.";
-$lang['view_all_requests'] = "View all requests";
-//request status codes
-$lang['APPROVED'] = "Approved";
-$lang['DENIED'] = "Denied";
-$lang['PENDING'] = "Pending";
-$lang['MOREINFO'] = "More information is required";
-$lang['CANCELLED'] = "Cancelled";
-$lang['reason_login_licensed_access'] = "To request access to licensed datasets, please login to the website to continue.";
-$lang['forward_lic_request'] = "Forward request";
-$lang['comments_history'] = "Comments history";
-$lang['view_comments_history'] = "View history";
-$lang['comment_by'] = "By";
-$lang['show_hide'] = "Show/Hide";
-$lang['comment'] = "Comment";
-$lang['communicate_history'] = "History";
-$lang['sent_by'] = "Sent by";
-$lang['forward_history'] = "History";
-$lang['data_restricted_use'] = "The data is provided only for the purpose described in the request form, to be able to use the data for any other purpose make a new access request.";
-$lang['data_request_for'] = "Data request";
-$lang['request_history'] = "View request history";
-$lang['study_notes'] = "View study notes";
-$lang['note_type'] = "Type";
-$lang['note'] = "Note";
-$lang['additional_info'] = "Additional information requested";
-$lang['request_additional_info_submitted'] = "Thank you for updating request. We will notify you via email once your application has been reviewed.";
-$lang['email_sent'] = "Your message has been sent!";
-$lang['provide_additonal_info_for_your_request'] = "Please use this box to provide additional information needed to process your data request.";
-$lang['click_on_a_lic_request_to_see_status_or_download_data'] = "Click on a request to view status or download data for approved requests.";
-$lang['make_new_lic_request'] = "Make new request";
-$lang['no_microdata_files_found'] = "No microdata files were found!";
-$lang['all_requests'] = "All requests";
-$lang['pending'] = "Pending";
-$lang['approved'] = "Approved";
-$lang['denied'] = "Denied";
-$lang['request_more_info'] = "Requested more info";
-$lang['cancelled'] = "Cancelled";
-$lang['study_data_files'] = "Microdata Files";
-$lang['study_resources'] = "Other Materials";
-$lang['datasets_requested'] = "Dataset(s) requested";
-$lang['request_title'] = "Request title";
-$lang['download_microdata_and_resources'] = "Download Microdata and other related materials";
+$lang['for_further_information']="For further information, please contact us at";
+$lang['form_not_available']="Form has been removed and is no longer available.";
+$lang['view_all_requests']="View all requests";
+$lang['MOREINFO']="More information is required";
+$lang['reason_login_licensed_access']="To request access to licensed datasets, please login to the website to continue.";
+$lang['forward_lic_request']="Forward request";
+$lang['comments_history']="Comments history";
+$lang['view_comments_history']="View history";
+$lang['sent_by']="Sent by";
+$lang['data_restricted_use']="The data is provided only for the purpose described in the request form, to be able to use the data for any other purpose make a new access request.";
+$lang['data_request_for']="Data request";
+$lang['request_history']="View request history";
+$lang['study_notes']="View study notes";
+$lang['additional_info']="Additional information requested";
+$lang['request_additional_info_submitted']="Thank you for updating request. We will notify you via email once your application has been reviewed.";
+$lang['email_sent']="Your message has been sent!";
+$lang['provide_additonal_info_for_your_request']="Please use this box to provide additional information needed to process your data request.";
+$lang['click_on_a_lic_request_to_see_status_or_download_data']="Click on a request to view status or download data for approved requests.";
+$lang['make_new_lic_request']="Make new request";
+$lang['no_microdata_files_found']="No microdata files were found!";
+$lang['all_requests']="All requests";
+$lang['study_data_files']="Microdata Files";
+$lang['study_resources']="Other Materials";
+$lang['datasets_requested']="Dataset(s) requested";
+$lang['request_title']="Request title";
+$lang['download_microdata_and_resources']="Download Microdata and other related materials";
/* End of file licensed_request_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/licensed_request_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/licensed_request_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/menu_lang.php b/application/language/base/menu_lang.php
index b3c929648..5eeea274e 100644
--- a/application/language/base/menu_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/menu_lang.php
@@ -1,44 +1,46 @@
You are free to copy, distribute, adapt, display or include the data in other products for commercial and noncommercial purposes at no cost subject to certain limitations summarized below.
You must include attribution for the data you use in the manner indicated in the metadata included with the data.
You must not claim or imply that The World Bank endorses your use of the data by or use The World Bank's logo(s) or trademark(s) in conjunction with such use.
Other parties may have ownership interests in some of the materials contained on The World Bank Web site. For example,
+we maintain a list of some specific data within the Datasets that you may not redistribute or reuse without first contacting the original content provider,
+as well as information regarding how to contact the original content provider. Before incorporating any data in other products, please check the list: Terms of use: Restricted Data
The World Bank makes no warranties with respect to the data and you agree The World Bank shall not be liable to you in connection with your use of the data.
This is only a summary of the Terms of Use for Datasets Listed in The World Bank Data Catalogue. Please read the actual agreement that controls your use of the Datasets,
+which is available here: Terms of use for datasets. Also see
+World Bank Terms and Conditions.
+/* End of file open_data_lang.php */
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/open_data_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/permissions_lang.php b/application/language/base/permissions_lang.php
index bb919e7f7..a75dd4412 100644
--- a/application/language/base/permissions_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/permissions_lang.php
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
The data and other materials provided by the National Data Archive will not
be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations
@@ -44,12 +41,12 @@
Archive will conform to widely-accepted standards of practice and legal
restrictions that are intended to protect the confidentiality of respondents.
+$lang['public_use_files']="Public Use Files";
+$lang['surveys_in_collection']="The collection [%s] contains the following surveys:";
+$lang['collection_data_files']="Public Use Files by Collection";
+$lang['collection_requested']="Collection access requested";
+$lang['public_use_data_access_by_collection_message']="You have been granted access to all public use studies in the collection. Please visit each study page to download the data files and other documentation.";
+$lang['public_use_data_access_by_collection']="Download data files";
-$lang['public_use_files'] = "Public Use Files";
-$lang['surveys_in_collection']='The collection [%s] contains the following surveys:';
-$lang['collection_data_files']='Public Use Files by Collection';
-$lang['collection_requested']='Collection access requested';
-$lang['public_use_data_access_by_collection_message']='You have been granted access to all public use studies in the collection. Please visit each study page to download the data files and other documentation.';
-$lang['public_use_data_access_by_collection']='Download data files';
/* End of file public_access_terms_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/public_access_terms_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/public_access_terms_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/public_request_lang.php b/application/language/base/public_request_lang.php
index 374d5ee35..beebec561 100644
--- a/application/language/base/public_request_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/public_request_lang.php
@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@
prepended (put at beginning).
Double quotes at the beginning and end of a phrase, matches
only rows that contain the complete phrase, as it was typed.
@@ -64,11 +65,11 @@
Employed, but exclude results for Kenya from the results.
Placing quotation marks "" around a search term
Placing quotation marks "" around a search term
will force the term to be evaluated as one term. For example: to limit
a search to study descriptions that contain the exact sequence of words
-health study in them one would type "Health
-Study"between quotation marks. Without the
+health study in them one would type "Health
+Study"between quotation marks. Without the
quotation marks the search would show all studies with health or study
in them. With the quotation marks only studies with the exact wording
in the sequence health study will be shown.
@@ -85,8 +86,7 @@
/* End of file search_help_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/search_help_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/search_help_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/site_menu_lang.php b/application/language/base/site_menu_lang.php
index 8d2347294..82c7e793e 100644
--- a/application/language/base/site_menu_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/site_menu_lang.php
@@ -1,30 +1,27 @@
-%s website. To complete your registration and activate your user account, please visit the following URL:";
-$lang['your_account_details'] = "You account details are";
-$lang['do_not_reply_to_this_email'] = "DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL";
-$lang['click_url_to_reset_password'] = "To reset your password, click on the link below or open the url in a web browser";
-$lang['request_password_ignore'] = "If you did not request password reset, ignore this message.";
-$lang['enter_email_to_reset_password'] = "Please enter your email address so we can send you an email to reset your password.";
-$lang['password_is_sent'] = "Your password has been reset and a new password is sent to your email address.";
-$lang['login_with_new_password'] = "Click here to login with your new password.";
-$lang['message_sent_to_your_email'] = "An email message has been sent to your email address, please check your inbox.";
-$lang['password_reset_to'] = "You password has been reset to %s. To login to the website, your account details are:";
-$lang['forgot_password_verification'] = "Forgotten Password Verification";
-$lang['account_activation'] = "Account activation";
-$lang['callback_country_invalid'] = "The Country field is required.";
-$lang['log_in'] = "Log in";
-$lang['site_login_privacy_terms'] = "Information you provide by registering or login to our catalog will be used in compliance with the terms of the NSO's Privacy Policy.";
-$lang['impersonate_user'] = "Impersonate as another user";
-$lang['impersonate_msg'] = "Select the account below to impersonate as";
-$lang['general_user_accounts'] = "General user accounts (no admin access)";
-$lang['general_user_accounts_description'] = "General site users with no access to site administration";
-$lang['edit_user_permissions'] = "Edit user permissions";
-$lang['site_admin_accounts'] = "Site administrators (full access)";
-$lang['site_admin_accounts_description'] = "Full control over all site sections";
-$lang['site_admin_limited_accounts'] = "Site administrators (limited access)";
-$lang['site_admin_limited_accounts_description'] = "Limit user access to the site administration and control permissions per collection for the user";
-$lang['user_site_level_permissions'] = "Site level permissions";
-$lang['assigned_user_groups'] = "Global user roles";
-$lang['manage_permissions'] = "Manage permissions";
-$lang['permissions_per_collection'] = "Permissions per collection";
+%s website. To complete your registration and activate your user account, please visit the following URL:";
+$lang['your_account_details']="You account details are";
+$lang['do_not_reply_to_this_email']="DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL";
+$lang['click_url_to_reset_password']="To reset your password, click on the link below or open the url in a web browser";
+$lang['request_password_ignore']="If you did not request password reset, ignore this message.";
+$lang['enter_email_to_reset_password']="Please enter your email address so we can send you an email to reset your password.";
+$lang['password_is_sent']="Your password has been reset and a new password is sent to your email address.";
+$lang['login_with_new_password']="Click here to login with your new password.";
+$lang['message_sent_to_your_email']="An email message has been sent to your email address, please check your inbox.";
+$lang['password_reset_to']="You password has been reset to %s. To login to the website, your account details are:";
+$lang['forgot_password_verification']="Forgotten Password Verification";
+$lang['account_activation']="Account activation";
+$lang['callback_country_invalid']="The Country field is required.";
+$lang['log_in']="Log in";
+$lang['site_login_privacy_terms']="Information you provide by registering or login to our catalog will be used in compliance with the terms of the NSO's Privacy Policy.";
+$lang['impersonate_user']="Impersonate as another user";
+$lang['impersonate_msg']="Select the account below to impersonate as";
+$lang['general_user_accounts']="General user accounts (no admin access)";
+$lang['general_user_accounts_description']="General site users with no access to site administration";
+$lang['edit_user_permissions']="Edit user permissions";
+$lang['site_admin_accounts']="Site administrators (full access)";
+$lang['site_admin_accounts_description']="Full control over all site sections";
+$lang['site_admin_limited_accounts']="Site administrators (limited access)";
+$lang['site_admin_limited_accounts_description']="Limit user access to the site administration and control permissions per collection for the user";
+$lang['user_site_level_permissions']="Site level permissions";
+$lang['assigned_user_groups']="Global user roles";
+$lang['manage_permissions']="Manage permissions";
+$lang['permissions_per_collection']="Permissions per collection";
/* End of file users_lang.php */
-/* Location: ./system/language/english/users_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
+/* Location: ./application/language/english/users_lang.php */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/application/language/base/vocabularies_lang.php b/application/language/base/vocabularies_lang.php
index 7f3bca0db..e6312eea0 100644
--- a/application/language/base/vocabularies_lang.php
+++ b/application/language/base/vocabularies_lang.php
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 11:42:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 02/32] add system language translations for French and Spanish
system/language/french/calendar_lang.php | 55 +++++++++++++++
system/language/french/date_lang.php | 65 ++++++++++++++++++
system/language/french/db_lang.php | 34 ++++++++++
system/language/french/email_lang.php | 29 ++++++++
.../language/french/form_validation_lang.php | 39 +++++++++++
system/language/french/ftp_lang.php | 22 ++++++
system/language/french/imglib_lang.php | 28 ++++++++
system/language/french/index.html | 11 +++
system/language/french/migration_lang.php | 18 +++++
system/language/french/number_lang.php | 15 +++++
system/language/french/pagination_lang.php | 14 ++++
system/language/french/profiler_lang.php | 31 +++++++++
system/language/french/unit_test_lang.php | 29 ++++++++
system/language/french/upload_lang.php | 26 +++++++
system/language/spanish/calendar_lang.php | 57 ++++++++++++++++
system/language/spanish/date_lang.php | 67 +++++++++++++++++++
system/language/spanish/db_lang.php | 36 ++++++++++
system/language/spanish/email_lang.php | 31 +++++++++
.../language/spanish/form_validation_lang.php | 41 ++++++++++++
system/language/spanish/ftp_lang.php | 24 +++++++
system/language/spanish/imglib_lang.php | 30 +++++++++
system/language/spanish/index.html | 11 +++
system/language/spanish/migration_lang.php | 20 ++++++
system/language/spanish/number_lang.php | 17 +++++
system/language/spanish/pagination_lang.php | 16 +++++
system/language/spanish/profiler_lang.php | 33 +++++++++
system/language/spanish/unit_test_lang.php | 31 +++++++++
system/language/spanish/upload_lang.php | 28 ++++++++
28 files changed, 858 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 system/language/french/calendar_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/date_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/db_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/email_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/form_validation_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/ftp_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/imglib_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/index.html
create mode 100644 system/language/french/migration_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/number_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/pagination_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/profiler_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/unit_test_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/french/upload_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/calendar_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/date_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/db_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/email_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/form_validation_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/ftp_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/imglib_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/index.html
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/migration_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/number_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/pagination_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/profiler_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/unit_test_lang.php
create mode 100644 system/language/spanish/upload_lang.php
diff --git a/system/language/french/calendar_lang.php b/system/language/french/calendar_lang.php
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26a7e38ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/language/french/calendar_lang.php
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ 403 Forbidden