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2017, 2024
terraform provider deployment, automation, schematics workspace, ibm cloud terraform provider deployment, schematics workspace creation, auto deploy


Creating a deployment to IBM Cloud Schematics link

{: #create_deploy_to_schematics}

The deploy to {{}} URL is an efficient way for you to enable users to deploy solutions on {{}} from a public Git repository sample configuration. The URL requires minimal configuration and you can insert it anywhere in your documentation that supports markup. When the user clicks the hyper link, they are taken directly to the {{}} workspace setup page and only need to click the create button for workspace creation in {{}}.

The following steps show how to create a URL to deploy to Terraform >=1.0.0, <2.0 template example in {{}}. {: shortdesc}

  1. Create a template example by using Terraform on IBM Cloud provider and publish in the public Git repository. To create example, see Sample template{: external}.

  2. Copy the public Git repository URL, for example,

  3. Use this syntax to auto deploy the {{}} workspace creation in the {{}}.

    Syntax<template public Git repository example url>&terraform_version=<terraform_v1.x.x>

    {: pre}


    {: pre}

    The URL contains two parameters, first parameter is provided with the workspace name as ibm-cis and second parameter is provided with the Terraform version as terraform_v1.0. For more information, about the parameters refer to this example, If you do not provide any parameters or ignore one parameter, the Deploy to {{}} link defaults to the repository's master branch. You can provide the Terraform version parameter that you are using. {: important}

  4. You can copy, and paste the example URL in the browser to view the {{}} {{}} workspace console with the create button is displayed.

  5. Cross-check the parameters in the workspace console and click Create button.

Adding an image on deployment to {{}} link

{: #add_an_image}

You can add an image on Deploy to {{}} Schematics text by using the following syntax and example.


<a href="<public Git repository example URL>/<workspace name>&terraform_version=terraform_xx">Deploy to IBM Cloud Schematics <img src=<image location>></a>

{: pre}


<img src="images/autodeploy_button.png" alt="Deploy to IBM Cloud" usemap="#viewgithubimage_map1t">
<map name="viewgithubimage_map1t">
    <area alt="Deploy to IBM Cloud}" title="Deploy to IBM Cloud" href="" target="_blank" coords="3,1,140,20" shape="rect">

{: pre}


Auto deployment button

To view about the sample Terraform template examples, refer Sample Terraform templates and deploy to {{}}{: external}.