- Authors: Daniel Hardman
- Status: ACCEPTED
- Since: 2019-01-15
- Status Note: On a standards track and beginning to influence many mental models, but not yet ADOPTED.
- Supersedes: Indy HIPE 0002
- Start Date: 2017-11-01 (approx, backdated)
- Tags: concept
Provide a high-level introduction to the concepts of agents in the self-sovereign identity ecosystem.
Managing an identity is complex. We need tools to help us.
In the physical world, we often delegate complexity to trusted proxies that can help. We hire an accountant to do our taxes, a real estate agent to help us buy a house, and a talent agent to help us pitch an album to a recording studio.
On the digital landscape, humans and organizations (and sometimes, things) cannot directly consume and emit bytes, store and manage data, or perform the crypto that self-sovereign identity demands. They need delegates--agents--to help. Agents are a vital dimension across which we exercise sovereignty over identity.
When we use the term "agent" in the SSI community, we more properly mean "an agent of self-sovereign identity." This means something more specific than just a "user agent" or a "software agent." Such an agent has three defining characteristics:
- It acts as a fiduciary on behalf of a single identity owner (or, for agents of things like IoT devices, pets, and similar things, a single controller).
- It holds cryptographic keys that uniquely embody its delegated authorization.
- It interacts using interoperable DIDComm protocols.
These characteristics don't tie an agent to any particular blockchain. It is possible to implement agents without any use of blockchain at all (e.g., with peer DIDs), and some efforts to do so are quite active.
Three types of agents are especially common:
- A mobile app that Alice uses to manage credentials and to connect to others is an agent for Alice.
- A cloud-based service that Alice uses to expose a stable endpoint where other agents can talk to her is an agent for Alice.
- A server run by Faber College, allowing it to issue credentials to its students, is an agent for Faber.
Depending on your perspective, you might describe these agents in various ways. #1 can correctly be called a "mobile" or "edge" or "rich" agent. #2 can be called a "cloud" or "routing" agent. #3 can be called an "on-prem" or "edge" or "advanced" agent. See Categorizing Agents for a discussion about why multiple labels are correct.
Agents can be other things as well. They can big or small, complex or simple. They can interact and be packaged in various ways. They can be written in a host of programming languages. Some are more canonical than others. But all the ones we intend to interact with in the self-sovereign identity problem domain share the three essential characteristics described above.
DID communication (DIDComm), and the protocols built atop it are each rich subjects unto themselves. Here, we will stay very high-level.
Agents can use many different communication transports: HTTP(S) 1.x and 2.0, WebSockets, IRC, Bluetooth, AMQP, NFC, Signal, email, push notifications to mobile devices, ZMQ, and more. However, all A2A is message-based, and is secured by modern, best-practice public key cryptography. How messages flow over a transport may vary--but their security and privacy toolset, their links to the DIDs and DID Docs of identity owners, and the ways their messages are packaged and handled are standard.
Agents connect to one another through a standard connection protocol, discover one another's endpoints and keys through standard DID Docs, discover one another's features in a standard way, and maintain relationships in a standard way. All of these points of standardization are what makes them interoperable.
Because agents speak so many different ways, and because many of them won't have a permanent, accessible point of presence on the network, they can't all be thought of as web servers with a Swagger-compatible API for request-response. The analog to an API construct in agent-land is protocols. These are patterns for stateful interactions. They specify things like, "If you want to negotiate a sale with an agent, send it a message of type X. It will respond with a message of type Y or type Z, or with an error message of type W. Repeat until the negotiation finishes." Some interesting A2A protocols include the one where two parties connect to one another to build a relationship, the one where agents discover which protocols they each support, the one where credentials are issued, and the one where proof is requested and sent. Hundreds of other protocols are being defined.
As the ecosystem for self-sovereign identity matures, the average person or organization will get an agent by downloading it from the app store, installing it with their OS package manager, or subscribing to it as a service. However, the availability of quality pre-packaged agents is still limited today.
Agent providers are emerging in the marketplace, though. Some are
governments, NGOs, or educational institutions that offer agents for
free; others are for-profit ventures. If you'd like suggestions about
ready-to-use agent offerings, please describe your use case in
on chat.hyperledger.org.
There is also intense activity in the SSI community around building custom agents and the tools and processes that enable them. A significant amount of early work occurred in the Indy Agent Community with some of those efforts materializing in the indy-agent repo on github.com and other code bases. The indy-agent repo is now deprecated but is still valuable in demonstrating the basics of agents. With the introduction of Hyperledger Aries, agent efforts are migrating from the Indy Agent community.
Hyperledger Aries provides a number of code bases ranging from agent frameworks to tools to aid in development to ready-to-use agents.
This is one of the most common questions that Aries newcomers ask. It's a challenging one to answer, because it's so open-ended. It's sort of like someone asking, "Can you give me a recipe for dinner?" The obvious follow-up question would be, "What type of dinner did you have in mind?"
Here are some thought questions to clarify intent:
- Do you need an agent for people or institutions (or an IoT thing)?
- Will the agent run on a mobile device, in a cloud, on a server, or elsewhere?
- Will the agent be on and connected to the internet constantly, or will it run only from time to time?
- Which protocols should your agent implement? (In other words, what sort of work do you want to delegate to it?)
- Will your agent talk, listen, or both? What channels/transports will it use?
- What interesting requirements does your agent have with respect to security, privacy, scale, and performance?
We said it's hard to provide a recipe for an agent without specifics. However, the majority of agents do have two things in common: they listen to and process A2A messages, and they use a wallet to manage keys, credentials, and other sensitive material. Unless you have uses cases that involve IoT, cron jobs, or web hooks, your agent is likely to fit this mold.
The heart of such an agent is probably a messaging handling loop, with pluggable protocols to give it new capabilities, and pluggable transports to let it talk in different ways. The pseudocode for its main function might look like this:
1 While not done:
2 Get next message.
3 Verify it (decrypt, identify sender, check signature...).
3 Look at the type of the plaintext message.
4 Find a plugged in protocol handler that matches that type.
5 Give plaintext message and security metadata to handler.
Line 2 can be done via standard HTTP dispatch, or by checking an email inbox, or in many other ways. Line 3 can be quite sophisticated--the sender will not be Alice, but rather one of the agents that she has authorized. Verification may involve consulting cached information and/or a blockchain where a DID and DID Doc are stored, among other things.
The pseudocode for each protocol handler it loads might look like:
1 Check authorization against metadata. Reject if needed.
2 Read message header. Is it part of an ongoing interaction?
3 If yes, load persisted state.
4 Process the message and update interaction state.
5 If a response is appropriate:
6 Prepare response content.
7 Ask my outbound comm module to package and send it.
Line 4 is the workhorse. For example, if the interaction is about issuing credentials and this agent is doing the issuance, this would be where it looks up the material for the credential in internal databases, formats it appropriately, and records the fact that the credential has now been built. Line 6 might be where that credential is attached to an outgoing message for transmission to the recipient.
The pseudocode for the outbound communication module might be:
1 Iterate through all pluggable transports to find best one to use
with the intended recipient.
2 Figure out how to route the message over the selected transport.
3 Serialize the message content and encrypt it appropriately.
4 Send the message.
Line 2 can be complex. It involves looking up one or more endpoints in the DID Doc of the recipient, and finding an intersection between transports they use, and transports the sender can speak. Line 3 requires the keys of the sender, which would normally be held in a wallet.
If you are building this sort of code using Aries technology, you will certainly want to use Aries Agent SDK. This gives you a ready-made, highly secure wallet that can be adapted to many requirements. It also provides easy functions to serialize and encrypt. Many of the operations you need to do are demonstrated in the SDK's /doc/how-tos folder, or in its Getting Started Guide.
- Hang out and ask questions on
on chat.hyperledger.org. - Use the mailing list: [email protected]
- Follow the Aries Cloud Agent - Python Getting Started Guide (for developers)
- Study the Aries Protocol Test Suite |
- Study the sample mobile agent at github.com/sovrin-foundation/connector-app.
- Browse other RFCs.
- Attend the Aries working group on Wednesdays. (See HL community calendar for details; note that the default timezone is GMT.)
- Review this slide deck about integrating agents with familiar web development paradigms.
Agents can be categorized in various ways, and these categories lead to terms you're likely to encounter in RFCs and other documentation. Understanding the categories will help the definitions make sense.
A trustable agent runs in an environment that's under the direct control of its owner; the owner can trust it without incurring much risk. A semi-trustable agent runs in an environment where others besides the owner may have access, so giving it crucial secrets is less advisable. (An untrustable delegate should never be an agent, by definition, so we don't use that term.)
Note that these distinctions highlight what is advisable, not how much trust the owner actually extends.
Two related but deprecated terms are edge agent and cloud agent. You will probably hear these terms in the community or read them in docs. The problem with them is that they suggest location, but were formally defined to imply levels of trust. When they were chosen, location and levels of trust were seen as going together--you trust your edge more, and your cloud less. We've since realized that a trustable agent could exist in the cloud, if it is directly controlled by the owner, and a semi-trustable agent could be on-prem, if the owner's control is indirect. Thus we are trying to correct usage and make "edge" and "cloud" about location instead.
- Mobile -- likely trustable
- Workstation -- likely trustable
- Server -- could be trustable or semi-trustable
- Embedded -- trustable or semi-trustable
- Browser (web assembly or javascript) -- likely semi-trustable
- Blockchain (embodied in smart contract -- trustable?)
- Mesh (IoT…)
- Paper?
We can arrange agents on a continuum, from simple to complex. The simplest agents are static--they are preconfigured for a single relationship. Thin agents are somewhat fancier. Thick agents are fancier still, and rich agents exhibit the most sophistication and flexibility:
A nice visualization of several dimensions of agent category has been built by Michael Herman:
The tutorial above gives three essential characteristics of agents, and lists some canonical examples. This may make it feel like agent-ness is pretty binary. However, we've learned that reality is more fuzzy.
Having a tight definition of an agent may not matter in all cases. However, it is important when we are trying to understand interoperability goals. We want agents to be able to interact with one another. Does that mean they must interact with every piece of software that is even marginally agent-like? Probably not.
Some attributes that are not technically necessary in agents include:
- Has a wallet (common, but not universal)
- Establishes new connections (some may use only a small set of preconfigured connections)
- Exchanges credentials and proofs (some may not use these protocols)
- Both listens and talks (some may only listen or only talk)
Agents that lack these characteristics can still be fully interoperable.
Some interesting examples of less prototypical agents or agent-like things include:
A DIF Identity Hub is construct that resembles agents in some ways, but that focuses on the data-sharing aspects of identity. Currently DIF Hubs do not use the protocols known to the Aries community, and vice versa. However, there are efforts to bridge that gap.
"Identity wallet" is a term that's carefully defined in our ecosystem, and in strict, technical usage it maps to a concept much closer to "database" than "agent". This is because it is an inert storage container, not an active interacter. However, in casual usage, it may mean the software that uses a wallet to do identity work--in which case it is definitely an agent.
Cryptocurrency wallets are quite agent-like in that they hold keys and represent a user. However, they diverge from the agent definition in that they talk proprietary protocols to blockchains, rather than A2A to other agents.
The uPort app is an edge agent. Here, too, there are efforts to bridge a protocol gap.
The credential issuance technology offered by Learning Machine, and the app used to share those credentials, are agents of institutions and individuals, respectively. Again, there is a protocol gap to bridge.
A cron job that runs once a night at Faber, scanning a database and revoking credentials that have changes status during the day, is an agent for Faber. This is true even though it doesn't listen for incoming messages (it only talks revocation protocol to the ledger). In order to talk that protocol, it must hold keys delegated by Faber, and it is surely Faber's fiduciary.
The operating system on a laptop could be described as agent-like, in that it works for a single owner and may have a keystore. However, it doesn't talk A2A to other agents--at least not yet. (OSes that service multiple users fit the definition less.)
A device can be thought of as an agent (e.g., Alice's phone as an edge agent). However, strictly speaking, one device might run multiple agents, so this is only casually correct.
The Sovrin MainNet can be thought of as an agent for the Sovrin community (but NOT the Sovrin Foundation, which codifies the rules but leaves operation of the network to its stewards). Certainly, the blockchain holds keys, uses A2A protocols, and acts in a fiduciary capacity toward the community to further its interests. The only challenge with this perspective is that the Sovrin community has a very fuzzy identity.
Validator nodes on a particular blockchain are agents of the stewards that operate them.
Digital assistants like Alexa and Google Home are somewhat agent-like. However, the Alexa in the home of the Jones family is probably not an agent for either the Jones family or Amazon. It accepts delegated work from anybody who talks to it (instead of a single controlling identity), and all current implementations are totally antithetical to the ethos of privacy and security required by self-sovereign identity. Although it interfaces with Amazon to download data and features, it isn't Amazon's fiduciary, either. It doesn't hold keys that allow it to represent its owner. The protocols it uses are not interactions with other agents, but with non-agent entities. Perhaps agents and digtal assistants will converge in the future.
An doorbell that emits a simple signal each time it is pressed is not an agent. It doesn't represent a fiduciary or hold keys. (However, a fancy IoT doorbell that reports to Alice's mobile agent using an A2A protocol would be an agent.)
A microservice run by AcmeCorp to integrate with its vendors is not an agent for Acme's vendors. Depending on whether it holds keys and uses A2A protocols, it may or may not be an agent for Acme.
A human delegate who proves empowerment through keys might be thought of as an agent.
The keys for an agent can be stored on paper. This storage basically constitutes a wallet. It isn't an agent. However, it can be thought of as playing the role of an agent in some cases when designing backup and recovery solutions.
- Alan Kay, the recipient of a Turing Award and the coiner of the term "Object-Oriented Programming", has emphasized the value of message-passing architectures in numerous places. What he called "objects" are conceptually similar to what we are calling "agents." Not surprisingly, the agent ecosystem echoes some aspects of the design of SmallTalk, Objective-C, Erlang Actors, Akka Actors, and similar approaches.
- The design of the web includes the concept of browsers and similar tech, and refers to them as "user agents" in various RFCs. These are not true SSI agents, but they provide an example of ubiquitous helper tech that is the forerunner of the agents described here.
The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.
Name / Link | Implementation Notes |
Indy Cloud Agent - Python | Reference agent implementation contributed by Sovrin Foundation and Community |
Aries Framework - .NET | .NET framework for building agents of all types |
Streetcred.id | Commercial mobile and web app built using Aries Framework for .NET |
Aries Cloud Agent - Python | Contributed by the government of British Columbia. |
Aries Static Agent - Python | Useful for cron jobs and other simple, automated use cases. |
Aries Framework - Go | For building agents, hubs and other DIDComm features in GoLang. |
Connect.Me | Free mobile app from Evernym. Installed via app store on iOS and Android. |
Verity | Commercially licensed enterprise agent, SaaS or on-prem. |
Aries Protocol Test Suite | |
Pico Labs | Pico Agents protocols: connections, trust_ping, basicmessage, routing |
Rust Agent | Rust implementation of a framework for building agents of all types |