diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index 6c33e4bc..a04ee8bc 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ jobs:
             - name: Run foundry fuzzing
               run: FOUNDRY_PROFILE=ci_fuzz forge test -vv
-            # - name: Run foundry coverage
-            #   run: FOUNDRY_PROFILE=coverage forge coverage --report summary
\ No newline at end of file
+            - name: Run foundry coverage
+              run: FOUNDRY_PROFILE=coverage forge coverage --report summary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 85198aaa..565f4937 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -12,3 +12,7 @@ docs/
 # Dotenv file
+# coverage
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 0e9f83a5..1d3068ab 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
 [submodule "lib/euler-vault-kit"]
 	path = lib/euler-vault-kit
 	url = https://github.com/euler-xyz/euler-vault-kit
diff --git a/coverage.sh b/coverage.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..5eca127e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coverage.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Make sure this script is executable. On Unix based systems, run "chmod +x coverage.sh".
+# To run this script, type "./coverage.sh".
+set -e # exit on error
+# check if lcov is installed, if not, execute installation
+if ! command -v lcov &>/dev/null; then
+    echo "lcov is not installed. Installing..."
+	# check if its macos or linux.
+	if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
+		brew install lcov
+	else
+		sudo apt-get install lcov
+	fi
+lcov --version
+# generates lcov.info
+FOUNDRY_PROFILE=coverage forge coverage --report lcov
+# Generate summary
+lcov \
+    --rc branch_coverage=1 \
+    --ignore-errors inconsistent \
+    --list lcov.info
+# Open more granular breakdown in browser
+genhtml \
+    --ignore-errors category \
+    --rc branch_coverage=1 \
+    --output-directory coverage \
+    lcov.info
+open coverage/index.html
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/ethereum-vault-connector b/lib/ethereum-vault-connector
index 9bc0c17a..f791f94e 160000
--- a/lib/ethereum-vault-connector
+++ b/lib/ethereum-vault-connector
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 9bc0c17afd6bed51cd9126d9f3b8fc31614d29a9
+Subproject commit f791f94e6e790dd82041908983b57412dc04fb84
diff --git a/lib/euler-vault-kit b/lib/euler-vault-kit
index e7577002..8d8aec00 160000
--- a/lib/euler-vault-kit
+++ b/lib/euler-vault-kit
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit e75770023e1b432a660828120cc166b7dc64a222
+Subproject commit 8d8aec00723daa1cbb723d6f213944199d4bc26b
diff --git a/script/Counter.s.sol b/script/Counter.s.sol
deleted file mode 100644
index df9ee8b0..00000000
--- a/script/Counter.s.sol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
-pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
-import {Script, console} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
-contract CounterScript is Script {
-    function setUp() public {}
-    function run() public {
-        vm.broadcast();
-    }
diff --git a/src/FourSixTwoSixAgg.sol b/src/FourSixTwoSixAgg.sol
index 4074a31a..6ebeac5a 100644
--- a/src/FourSixTwoSixAgg.sol
+++ b/src/FourSixTwoSixAgg.sol
@@ -139,6 +139,134 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
+    /// @notice Rebalance strategy allocation.
+    /// @dev This function will first harvest yield, gulps and update interest.
+    /// @dev If current allocation is greater than target allocation, the aggregator will withdraw the excess assets.
+    ///      If current allocation is less than target allocation, the aggregator will:
+    ///         - Try to deposit the delta, if the cash is not sufficient, deposit all the available cash
+    ///         - If all the available cash is greater than the max deposit, deposit the max deposit
+    function rebalance(address strategy) external nonReentrant {
+        _rebalance(strategy);
+    }
+    function rebalanceMultipleStrategies(address[] calldata _strategies) external nonReentrant {
+        for (uint256 i; i < _strategies.length; ++i) {
+            _rebalance(_strategies[i]);
+        }
+    }
+    /// @notice Harvest positive yield.
+    /// @param strategy address of strategy
+    function harvest(address strategy) external nonReentrant {
+        _harvest(strategy);
+        _gulp();
+    }
+    function harvestMultipleStrategies(address[] calldata _strategies) external nonReentrant {
+        for (uint256 i; i < _strategies.length; ++i) {
+            _harvest(_strategies[i]);
+            _gulp();
+        }
+    }
+    /// @notice Adjust a certain strategy's allocation points.
+    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have the ALLOCATION_ADJUSTER_ROLE
+    /// @param strategy address of strategy
+    /// @param newPoints new strategy's points
+    function adjustAllocationPoints(address strategy, uint256 newPoints)
+        external
+        nonReentrant
+    {
+        Strategy memory strategyDataCache = strategies[strategy];
+        uint256 totalAllocationPointsCache = totalAllocationPoints;
+        if (!strategyDataCache.active) {
+            revert InactiveStrategy();
+        }
+        strategies[strategy].allocationPoints = uint120(newPoints);
+        totalAllocationPoints = (newPoints > strategyDataCache.allocationPoints)
+            ? totalAllocationPointsCache + (newPoints - strategyDataCache.allocationPoints)
+            : totalAllocationPointsCache - (strategyDataCache.allocationPoints - newPoints);
+    }
+    /// @notice Swap two strategies indexes in the withdrawal queue.
+    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have the WITHDRAW_QUEUE_REORDERER_ROLE.
+    /// @param index1 index of first strategy
+    /// @param index2 index of second strategy
+    function reorderWithdrawalQueue(uint8 index1, uint8 index2)
+        external
+        nonReentrant
+    {
+        if (index1 >= withdrawalQueue.length || index2 >= withdrawalQueue.length) {
+            revert OutOfBounds();
+        }
+        if (index1 == index2) {
+            revert SameIndexes();
+        }
+        (withdrawalQueue[index1], withdrawalQueue[index2]) = (withdrawalQueue[index2], withdrawalQueue[index1]);
+    }
+    /// @notice Add new strategy with it's allocation points.
+    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have STRATEGY_ADDER_ROLE.
+    /// @param strategy Address of the strategy
+    /// @param allocationPoints Strategy's allocation points
+    function addStrategy(address strategy, uint256 allocationPoints)
+        external
+        nonReentrant
+        onlyRole(STRATEGY_ADDER_ROLE)
+    {
+        if (IERC4626(strategy).asset() != asset()) {
+            revert InvalidStrategyAsset();
+        }
+        if (strategies[strategy].active) {
+            revert StrategyAlreadyExist();
+        }
+        strategies[strategy] = Strategy({allocated: 0, allocationPoints: uint120(allocationPoints), active: true});
+        totalAllocationPoints += allocationPoints;
+        withdrawalQueue.push(strategy);
+    }
+    /// @notice Remove strategy and set its allocation points to zero.
+    /// @dev This function does not pull funds, `harvest()` needs to be called to withdraw
+    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have the STRATEGY_REMOVER_ROLE
+    /// @param strategy Address of the strategy
+    function removeStrategy(address strategy) external nonReentrant onlyRole(STRATEGY_REMOVER_ROLE) {
+        if (!strategies[strategy].active) {
+            revert AlreadyRemoved();
+        }
+        strategies[strategy].active = false;
+        totalAllocationPoints -= strategies[strategy].allocationPoints;
+        strategies[strategy].allocationPoints = 0;
+        // remove from withdrawalQueue
+        uint256 lastStrategyIndex = withdrawalQueue.length - 1;
+        for (uint256 i = 0; i <= lastStrategyIndex; i++) {
+            if ((withdrawalQueue[i] == strategy) && (i != lastStrategyIndex)) {
+                (withdrawalQueue[i], withdrawalQueue[lastStrategyIndex]) =
+                    (withdrawalQueue[lastStrategyIndex], withdrawalQueue[i]);
+            }
+        }
+        withdrawalQueue.pop();
+    }
+    function gulp() external nonReentrant {
+        _gulp();
+    }
     /// @notice Get strategy params.
     /// @param _strategy strategy's address
     /// @return Strategy struct
@@ -152,17 +280,16 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
         return withdrawalQueue.length;
-    /// @notice Return the total amount of assets deposited, plus the accrued interest.
-    /// @return uint256 total amount
-    function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256) {
-        return totalAssetsDeposited + interestAccrued();
+    /// @notice Return the ESRSlot struct
+    /// @return ESRSlot struct
+    function getESRSlot() external view returns (ESRSlot memory) {
+        return esrSlot;
-    /// @notice get the total assets allocatable
-    /// @dev the total assets allocatable is the amount of assets deposited into the aggregator + assets already deposited into strategies
-    /// @return uint256 total assets
-    function totalAssetsAllocatable() public view returns (uint256) {
-        return IERC20(asset()).balanceOf(address(this)) + totalAllocated;
+    /// @notice Return the accrued interest
+    /// @return uint256 accrued interest
+    function interestAccrued() external view returns (uint256) {
+        return interestAccruedFromCache(esrSlot);
     /// @notice Transfers a certain amount of tokens to a recipient.
@@ -232,6 +359,34 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
         return super.redeem(shares, receiver, owner);
+    function updateInterestAndReturnESRSlotCache() public returns (ESRSlot memory) {
+        ESRSlot memory esrSlotCache = esrSlot;
+        uint256 accruedInterest = interestAccruedFromCache(esrSlotCache);
+        // it's safe to down-cast because the accrued interest is a fraction of interest left
+        esrSlotCache.interestLeft -= uint168(accruedInterest);
+        esrSlotCache.lastInterestUpdate = uint40(block.timestamp);
+        // write esrSlotCache back to storage in a single SSTORE
+        esrSlot = esrSlotCache;
+        // Move interest accrued to totalAssetsDeposited
+        totalAssetsDeposited += accruedInterest;
+        return esrSlotCache;
+    }
+    /// @notice Return the total amount of assets deposited, plus the accrued interest.
+    /// @return uint256 total amount
+    function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256) {
+        return totalAssetsDeposited + interestAccruedFromCache(esrSlot);
+    }
+    /// @notice get the total assets allocatable
+    /// @dev the total assets allocatable is the amount of assets deposited into the aggregator + assets already deposited into strategies
+    /// @return uint256 total assets
+    function totalAssetsAllocatable() public view returns (uint256) {
+        return IERC20(asset()).balanceOf(address(this)) + totalAllocated;
+    }
     /// @dev Increate the total assets deposited, and call IERC4626._deposit()
     /// @dev See {IERC4626-_deposit}.
     function _deposit(address caller, address receiver, uint256 assets, uint256 shares) internal override {
@@ -286,10 +441,6 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
         super._withdraw(caller, receiver, owner, assets, shares);
-    function gulp() public nonReentrant {
-        _gulp();
-    }
     function _gulp() internal {
         ESRSlot memory esrSlotCache = updateInterestAndReturnESRSlotCache();
         uint256 toGulp = totalAssetsAllocatable() - totalAssetsDeposited - esrSlotCache.interestLeft;
@@ -304,37 +455,6 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
         esrSlot = esrSlotCache;
-    function updateInterestAndReturnESRSlotCache() public returns (ESRSlot memory) {
-        ESRSlot memory esrSlotCache = esrSlot;
-        uint256 accruedInterest = interestAccruedFromCache(esrSlotCache);
-        // it's safe to down-cast because the accrued interest is a fraction of interest left
-        esrSlotCache.interestLeft -= uint168(accruedInterest);
-        esrSlotCache.lastInterestUpdate = uint40(block.timestamp);
-        // write esrSlotCache back to storage in a single SSTORE
-        esrSlot = esrSlotCache;
-        // Move interest accrued to totalAssetsDeposited
-        totalAssetsDeposited += accruedInterest;
-        return esrSlotCache;
-    }
-    function rebalanceMultipleStrategies(address[] calldata _strategies) external nonReentrant {
-        for (uint256 i; i < _strategies.length; ++i) {
-            _rebalance(_strategies[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    /// @notice Rebalance strategy allocation.
-    /// @dev This function will first harvest yield, gulps and update interest.
-    /// @dev If current allocation is greater than target allocation, the aggregator will withdraw the excess assets.
-    ///      If current allocation is less than target allocation, the aggregator will:
-    ///         - Try to deposit the delta, if the cash is not sufficient, deposit all the available cash
-    ///         - If all the available cash is greater than the max deposit, deposit the max deposit
-    function rebalance(address strategy) public nonReentrant {
-        _rebalance(strategy);
-    }
     function _rebalance(address _strategy) internal {
         if (_strategy == address(0)) {
             return; //nothing to rebalance as this is the cash reserve
@@ -395,22 +515,6 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
-    /// @notice Harvest positive yield.
-    /// @param strategy address of strategy
-    function harvest(address strategy) public nonReentrant {
-        _harvest(strategy);
-        _gulp();
-    }
-    function harvestMultipleStrategies(address[] calldata _strategies) external nonReentrant {
-        for (uint256 i; i < _strategies.length; ++i) {
-            _harvest(_strategies[i]);
-            _gulp();
-        }
-    }
     function _harvest(address strategy) internal {
         Strategy memory strategyData = strategies[strategy];
@@ -433,105 +537,6 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
-    /// @notice Adjust a certain strategy's allocation points.
-    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have the ALLOCATION_ADJUSTER_ROLE
-    /// @param strategy address of strategy
-    /// @param newPoints new strategy's points
-    function adjustAllocationPoints(address strategy, uint256 newPoints)
-        public
-        nonReentrant
-    {
-        Strategy memory strategyDataCache = strategies[strategy];
-        uint256 totalAllocationPointsCache = totalAllocationPoints;
-        if (!strategyDataCache.active) {
-            revert InactiveStrategy();
-        }
-        strategies[strategy].allocationPoints = uint120(newPoints);
-        totalAllocationPoints = (newPoints > strategyDataCache.allocationPoints)
-            ? totalAllocationPointsCache + (newPoints - strategyDataCache.allocationPoints)
-            : totalAllocationPointsCache - (strategyDataCache.allocationPoints - newPoints);
-    }
-    /// @notice Swap two strategies indexes in the withdrawal queue.
-    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have the WITHDRAW_QUEUE_REORDERER_ROLE.
-    /// @param index1 index of first strategy
-    /// @param index2 index of second strategy
-    function reorderWithdrawalQueue(uint8 index1, uint8 index2)
-        public
-        nonReentrant
-    {
-        if (index1 >= withdrawalQueue.length || index2 >= withdrawalQueue.length) {
-            revert OutOfBounds();
-        }
-        if (index1 == index2) {
-            revert SameIndexes();
-        }
-        address temp = withdrawalQueue[index1];
-        withdrawalQueue[index1] = withdrawalQueue[index2];
-        withdrawalQueue[index2] = temp;
-    }
-    /// @notice Add new strategy with it's allocation points.
-    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have STRATEGY_ADDER_ROLE.
-    /// @param strategy Address of the strategy
-    /// @param allocationPoints Strategy's allocation points
-    function addStrategy(address strategy, uint256 allocationPoints)
-        public
-        nonReentrant
-        onlyRole(STRATEGY_ADDER_ROLE)
-    {
-        if (IERC4626(strategy).asset() != asset()) {
-            revert InvalidStrategyAsset();
-        }
-        if (strategies[strategy].active) {
-            revert StrategyAlreadyExist();
-        }
-        strategies[strategy] = Strategy({allocated: 0, allocationPoints: uint120(allocationPoints), active: true});
-        totalAllocationPoints += allocationPoints;
-        withdrawalQueue.push(strategy);
-    }
-    /// @notice Remove strategy and set its allocation points to zero.
-    /// @dev This function does not pull funds, `harvest()` needs to be called to withdraw
-    /// @dev Can only be called by an address that have the STRATEGY_REMOVER_ROLE
-    /// @param strategy Address of the strategy
-    function removeStrategy(address strategy) public nonReentrant onlyRole(STRATEGY_REMOVER_ROLE) {
-        if (!strategies[strategy].active) {
-            revert AlreadyRemoved();
-        }
-        strategies[strategy].active = false;
-        totalAllocationPoints -= strategies[strategy].allocationPoints;
-        strategies[strategy].allocationPoints = 0;
-        // remove from withdrawalQueue
-        uint256 lastStrategyIndex = withdrawalQueue.length - 1;
-        for (uint256 i; i <= lastStrategyIndex; ++i) {
-            if ((withdrawalQueue[i] == strategy) && (i != lastStrategyIndex)) {
-                (withdrawalQueue[i], withdrawalQueue[lastStrategyIndex]) =
-                    (withdrawalQueue[lastStrategyIndex], withdrawalQueue[i]);
-            }
-            withdrawalQueue.pop();
-        }
-    }
-    /// @notice Return the accrued interest
-    /// @return uint256 accrued interest
-    function interestAccrued() public view returns (uint256) {
-        return interestAccruedFromCache(esrSlot);
-    }
     /// @dev Get accrued interest without updating it.
     /// @param esrSlotCache Cached esrSlot
     /// @return uint256 accrued interest
@@ -553,12 +558,6 @@ contract FourSixTwoSixAgg is EVCUtil, ERC4626, AccessControlEnumerable {
         return esrSlotCache.interestLeft * timePassed / totalDuration;
-    /// @notice Return the ESRSlot struct
-    /// @return ESRSlot struct
-    function getESRSlot() public view returns (ESRSlot memory) {
-        return esrSlot;
-    }
     /// @notice Retrieves the message sender in the context of the EVC.
     /// @dev This function returns the account on behalf of which the current operation is being performed, which is
     ///      either msg.sender or the account authenticated by the EVC.
diff --git a/test/e2e/DepositRebalanceWithdrawE2ETest.t.sol b/test/e2e/DepositRebalanceHarvestWithdrawE2ETest.t.sol
similarity index 78%
rename from test/e2e/DepositRebalanceWithdrawE2ETest.t.sol
rename to test/e2e/DepositRebalanceHarvestWithdrawE2ETest.t.sol
index 437b73b6..2da74da6 100644
--- a/test/e2e/DepositRebalanceWithdrawE2ETest.t.sol
+++ b/test/e2e/DepositRebalanceHarvestWithdrawE2ETest.t.sol
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import {
 } from "../common/FourSixTwoSixAggBase.t.sol";
-contract DepositRebalanceWithdrawE2ETest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
+contract DepositRebalanceHarvestWithdrawE2ETest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
     uint256 user1InitialBalance = 100000e18;
     function setUp() public virtual override {
@@ -173,8 +173,14 @@ contract DepositRebalanceWithdrawE2ETest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
     function testMultipleStrategy_WithYield() public {
         IEVault eTSTsecondary;
-            eTSTsecondary = IEVault(coreProductLine.createVault(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount));
+            eTSTsecondary = IEVault(
+                factory.createProxy(
+                    address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount)
+                )
+            );
             eTSTsecondary.setInterestRateModel(address(new IRMTestDefault()));
+            eTSTsecondary.setMaxLiquidationDiscount(0.2e4);
+            eTSTsecondary.setFeeReceiver(feeReceiver);
             uint256 initialStrategyAllocationPoints = 1000e18;
             _addStrategy(manager, address(eTSTsecondary), initialStrategyAllocationPoints);
@@ -355,8 +361,14 @@ contract DepositRebalanceWithdrawE2ETest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
     function testMultipleStrategy_WithYield_WithInterest() public {
         IEVault eTSTsecondary;
-            eTSTsecondary = IEVault(coreProductLine.createVault(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount));
+            eTSTsecondary = IEVault(
+                factory.createProxy(
+                    address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount)
+                )
+            );
             eTSTsecondary.setInterestRateModel(address(new IRMTestDefault()));
+            eTSTsecondary.setMaxLiquidationDiscount(0.2e4);
+            eTSTsecondary.setFeeReceiver(feeReceiver);
             uint256 initialStrategyAllocationPoints = 1000e18;
             _addStrategy(manager, address(eTSTsecondary), initialStrategyAllocationPoints);
@@ -476,4 +488,125 @@ contract DepositRebalanceWithdrawE2ETest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
+    function testWithdraw_NotEnoughAssets() public {
+        IEVault eTSTsecondary;
+        {
+            eTSTsecondary = IEVault(
+                factory.createProxy(
+                    address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount)
+                )
+            );
+            eTSTsecondary.setInterestRateModel(address(new IRMTestDefault()));
+            eTSTsecondary.setMaxLiquidationDiscount(0.2e4);
+            eTSTsecondary.setFeeReceiver(feeReceiver);
+            uint256 initialStrategyAllocationPoints = 1000e18;
+            _addStrategy(manager, address(eTSTsecondary), initialStrategyAllocationPoints);
+        }
+        uint256 amountToDeposit = 10000e18;
+        // deposit into aggregator
+        {
+            uint256 balanceBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            uint256 totalSupplyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply();
+            uint256 totalAssetsDepositedBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited();
+            uint256 userAssetBalanceBefore = assetTST.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.startPrank(user1);
+            assetTST.approve(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg), amountToDeposit);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.deposit(amountToDeposit, user1);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1), balanceBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply(), totalSupplyBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited(), totalAssetsDepositedBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(user1), userAssetBalanceBefore - amountToDeposit);
+        }
+        // rebalance into strategy
+        // 2500 total points; 1000 for reserve(40%), 500(20%) for eTST, 1000(40%) for eTSTsecondary
+        // 10k deposited; 4000 for reserve, 2000 for eTST, 4000 for eTSTsecondary
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        {
+            FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory eTSTstrategyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST));
+            FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory eTSTsecondarystrategyBefore =
+                fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTSTsecondary));
+            assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), eTSTstrategyBefore.allocated);
+            assertEq(
+                eTSTsecondary.convertToAssets(eTSTsecondary.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))),
+                eTSTsecondarystrategyBefore.allocated
+            );
+            uint256 expectedeTSTStrategyCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable()
+                * eTSTstrategyBefore.allocationPoints / fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+            uint256 expectedeTSTsecondaryStrategyCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable()
+                * eTSTsecondarystrategyBefore.allocationPoints / fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+            assertTrue(expectedeTSTStrategyCash != 0);
+            assertTrue(expectedeTSTsecondaryStrategyCash != 0);
+            address[] memory strategiesToRebalance = new address[](2);
+            strategiesToRebalance[0] = address(eTST);
+            strategiesToRebalance[1] = address(eTSTsecondary);
+            vm.prank(user1);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalanceMultipleStrategies(strategiesToRebalance);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated(), expectedeTSTStrategyCash + expectedeTSTsecondaryStrategyCash);
+            assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), expectedeTSTStrategyCash);
+            assertEq(
+                eTSTsecondary.convertToAssets(eTSTsecondary.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))),
+                expectedeTSTsecondaryStrategyCash
+            );
+            assertEq((fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST))).allocated, expectedeTSTStrategyCash);
+            assertEq(
+                (fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTSTsecondary))).allocated, expectedeTSTsecondaryStrategyCash
+            );
+            assertEq(
+                assetTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg)),
+                amountToDeposit - (expectedeTSTStrategyCash + expectedeTSTsecondaryStrategyCash)
+            );
+        }
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        uint256 eTSTYield;
+        uint256 eTSTsecondaryYield;
+        {
+            // mock an increase of aggregator balance due to yield
+            uint256 aggrCurrenteTSTShareBalance = eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg));
+            uint256 aggrCurrenteTSTUnderlyingBalance = eTST.convertToAssets(aggrCurrenteTSTShareBalance);
+            uint256 aggrCurrenteTSTsecondaryShareBalance = eTSTsecondary.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg));
+            uint256 aggrCurrenteTSTsecondaryUnderlyingBalance =
+                eTST.convertToAssets(aggrCurrenteTSTsecondaryShareBalance);
+            uint256 aggrNeweTSTUnderlyingBalance = aggrCurrenteTSTUnderlyingBalance * 11e17 / 1e18;
+            uint256 aggrNeweTSTsecondaryUnderlyingBalance = aggrCurrenteTSTsecondaryUnderlyingBalance * 11e17 / 1e18;
+            eTSTYield = aggrNeweTSTUnderlyingBalance - aggrCurrenteTSTUnderlyingBalance;
+            eTSTsecondaryYield = aggrNeweTSTsecondaryUnderlyingBalance - aggrCurrenteTSTsecondaryUnderlyingBalance;
+            assetTST.mint(address(eTST), eTSTYield);
+            assetTST.mint(address(eTSTsecondary), eTSTsecondaryYield);
+            eTST.skim(type(uint256).max, address(fourSixTwoSixAgg));
+            eTSTsecondary.skim(type(uint256).max, address(fourSixTwoSixAgg));
+        }
+        // harvest
+        address[] memory strategiesToHarvest = new address[](1);
+        strategiesToHarvest[0] = address(eTST);
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.harvestMultipleStrategies(strategiesToHarvest);
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 2 weeks);
+        vm.prank(manager);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.removeStrategy(address(eTSTsecondary));
+        {
+            uint256 amountToWithdraw = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.prank(user1);
+            vm.expectRevert(FourSixTwoSixAgg.NotEnoughAssets.selector);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.redeem(amountToWithdraw, user1, user1);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/test/unit/RebalanceTest.t.sol b/test/unit/RebalanceTest.t.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4a8ba97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/RebalanceTest.t.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+import {
+    FourSixTwoSixAggBase,
+    FourSixTwoSixAgg,
+    console2,
+    EVault,
+    IEVault,
+    IRMTestDefault,
+    TestERC20
+} from "../common/FourSixTwoSixAggBase.t.sol";
+contract RebalanceTest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
+    uint256 user1InitialBalance = 100000e18;
+    function setUp() public virtual override {
+        super.setUp();
+        uint256 initialStrategyAllocationPoints = 500e18;
+        _addStrategy(manager, address(eTST), initialStrategyAllocationPoints);
+        assetTST.mint(user1, user1InitialBalance);
+    }
+    function testRebalanceByDepositing() public {
+        uint256 amountToDeposit = 10000e18;
+        // deposit into aggregator
+        {
+            uint256 balanceBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            uint256 totalSupplyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply();
+            uint256 totalAssetsDepositedBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited();
+            uint256 userAssetBalanceBefore = assetTST.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.startPrank(user1);
+            assetTST.approve(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg), amountToDeposit);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.deposit(amountToDeposit, user1);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1), balanceBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply(), totalSupplyBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited(), totalAssetsDepositedBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(user1), userAssetBalanceBefore - amountToDeposit);
+        }
+        // rebalance into strategy
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory strategyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), strategyBefore.allocated);
+        uint256 expectedStrategyCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable() * strategyBefore.allocationPoints
+            / fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated(), expectedStrategyCash);
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), expectedStrategyCash);
+        assertEq(
+            (fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST))).allocated, strategyBefore.allocated + expectedStrategyCash
+        );
+    }
+    function testRebalanceByDepositingWhenToDepositIsGreaterThanMaxDeposit() public {
+        uint256 amountToDeposit = 10000e18;
+        // deposit into aggregator
+        {
+            uint256 balanceBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            uint256 totalSupplyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply();
+            uint256 totalAssetsDepositedBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited();
+            uint256 userAssetBalanceBefore = assetTST.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.startPrank(user1);
+            assetTST.approve(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg), amountToDeposit);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.deposit(amountToDeposit, user1);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1), balanceBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply(), totalSupplyBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited(), totalAssetsDepositedBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(user1), userAssetBalanceBefore - amountToDeposit);
+        }
+        // rebalance into strategy
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory strategyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), strategyBefore.allocated);
+        uint256 expectedStrategyCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable() * strategyBefore.allocationPoints
+            / fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+        uint256 expectedToDeposit = expectedStrategyCash - strategyBefore.allocated;
+        uint256 eTSTMaxDeposit = expectedToDeposit * 7e17 / 1e18;
+        // mock max deposit
+        vm.mockCall(
+            address(eTST), abi.encodeCall(eTST.maxDeposit, (address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), abi.encode(eTSTMaxDeposit)
+        );
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated(), eTSTMaxDeposit);
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), eTSTMaxDeposit);
+        assertEq((fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST))).allocated, strategyBefore.allocated + eTSTMaxDeposit);
+    }
+    function testRebalanceByDepositingWhenToDepositIsGreaterThanCashAvailable() public {
+        uint256 amountToDeposit = 10000e18;
+        // deposit into aggregator
+        {
+            uint256 balanceBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            uint256 totalSupplyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply();
+            uint256 totalAssetsDepositedBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited();
+            uint256 userAssetBalanceBefore = assetTST.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.startPrank(user1);
+            assetTST.approve(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg), amountToDeposit);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.deposit(amountToDeposit, user1);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1), balanceBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply(), totalSupplyBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited(), totalAssetsDepositedBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(user1), userAssetBalanceBefore - amountToDeposit);
+        }
+        // rebalance into first strategy
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        // create new strategy & add it
+        IEVault eTSTsecondary;
+        uint256 eTSTsecondaryAllocationPoints = 1500e18;
+        {
+            eTSTsecondary = IEVault(
+                factory.createProxy(
+                    address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount)
+                )
+            );
+            _addStrategy(manager, address(eTSTsecondary), eTSTsecondaryAllocationPoints);
+        }
+        // rebalance into eTSTsecondary
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        {
+            FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory strategyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTSTsecondary));
+            assertEq(
+                eTSTsecondary.convertToAssets(eTSTsecondary.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))),
+                strategyBefore.allocated
+            );
+            uint256 targetCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable()
+                * fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(0)).allocationPoints / fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+            uint256 currentCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable() - fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated();
+            uint256 expectedStrategyCash = currentCash - targetCash;
+            vm.prank(user1);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTSTsecondary));
+            // assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated(), eTSTsecondaryMaxDeposit);
+            assertEq(
+                eTSTsecondary.convertToAssets(eTSTsecondary.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), expectedStrategyCash
+            );
+            assertEq(
+                (fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTSTsecondary))).allocated,
+                strategyBefore.allocated + expectedStrategyCash
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    function testRebalanceByDepositingWhenToDepositIsZero() public {
+        uint256 amountToDeposit = 10000e18;
+        // deposit into aggregator
+        {
+            uint256 balanceBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            uint256 totalSupplyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply();
+            uint256 totalAssetsDepositedBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited();
+            uint256 userAssetBalanceBefore = assetTST.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.startPrank(user1);
+            assetTST.approve(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg), amountToDeposit);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.deposit(amountToDeposit, user1);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1), balanceBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply(), totalSupplyBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited(), totalAssetsDepositedBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(user1), userAssetBalanceBefore - amountToDeposit);
+        }
+        // rebalance into strategy
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory strategyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), strategyBefore.allocated);
+        uint256 eTSTMaxDeposit = 0;
+        // mock max deposit
+        vm.mockCall(
+            address(eTST), abi.encodeCall(eTST.maxDeposit, (address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), abi.encode(eTSTMaxDeposit)
+        );
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated(), strategyBefore.allocated);
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), strategyBefore.allocated);
+        assertEq((fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST))).allocated, strategyBefore.allocated);
+    }
+    function testRebalanceByWithdrawing() public {
+        uint256 amountToDeposit = 10000e18;
+        // deposit into aggregator
+        {
+            uint256 balanceBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            uint256 totalSupplyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply();
+            uint256 totalAssetsDepositedBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited();
+            uint256 userAssetBalanceBefore = assetTST.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.startPrank(user1);
+            assetTST.approve(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg), amountToDeposit);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.deposit(amountToDeposit, user1);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1), balanceBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply(), totalSupplyBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited(), totalAssetsDepositedBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(user1), userAssetBalanceBefore - amountToDeposit);
+        }
+        // rebalance into strategy
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        // decrease allocation points
+        uint256 newAllocationPoints = 300e18;
+        vm.prank(manager);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.adjustAllocationPoints(address(eTST), newAllocationPoints);
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory strategyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), strategyBefore.allocated);
+        uint256 expectedStrategyCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable() * strategyBefore.allocationPoints
+            / fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated(), expectedStrategyCash);
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), expectedStrategyCash);
+        assertEq(
+            (fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST))).allocated,
+            strategyBefore.allocated - (strategyBefore.allocated - expectedStrategyCash)
+        );
+    }
+    function testRebalanceByWithdrawingWhenToWithdrawIsGreaterThanMaxWithdraw() public {
+        uint256 amountToDeposit = 10000e18;
+        // deposit into aggregator
+        {
+            uint256 balanceBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1);
+            uint256 totalSupplyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply();
+            uint256 totalAssetsDepositedBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited();
+            uint256 userAssetBalanceBefore = assetTST.balanceOf(user1);
+            vm.startPrank(user1);
+            assetTST.approve(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg), amountToDeposit);
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.deposit(amountToDeposit, user1);
+            vm.stopPrank();
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.balanceOf(user1), balanceBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalSupply(), totalSupplyBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsDeposited(), totalAssetsDepositedBefore + amountToDeposit);
+            assertEq(assetTST.balanceOf(user1), userAssetBalanceBefore - amountToDeposit);
+        }
+        // rebalance into strategy
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        // decrease allocation points
+        uint256 newAllocationPoints = 300e18;
+        vm.prank(manager);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.adjustAllocationPoints(address(eTST), newAllocationPoints);
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 86400);
+        FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory strategyBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), strategyBefore.allocated);
+        uint256 expectedStrategyCash = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAssetsAllocatable() * strategyBefore.allocationPoints
+            / fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+        uint256 expectedToWithdraw = strategyBefore.allocated - expectedStrategyCash;
+        uint256 eTSTMaxWithdraw = expectedToWithdraw * 7e17 / 1e18;
+        // mock max withdraw
+        vm.mockCall(
+            address(eTST), abi.encodeCall(eTST.maxWithdraw, (address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), abi.encode(eTSTMaxWithdraw)
+        );
+        vm.prank(user1);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.rebalance(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocated(), strategyBefore.allocated - eTSTMaxWithdraw);
+        assertEq(
+            eTST.convertToAssets(eTST.balanceOf(address(fourSixTwoSixAgg))), strategyBefore.allocated - eTSTMaxWithdraw
+        );
+        assertEq((fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST))).allocated, strategyBefore.allocated - eTSTMaxWithdraw);
+    }
diff --git a/test/unit/RemoveStrategy.t.sol b/test/unit/RemoveStrategy.t.sol
index 8f9d1d4b..e471c02d 100644
--- a/test/unit/RemoveStrategy.t.sol
+++ b/test/unit/RemoveStrategy.t.sol
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
 pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
-import {FourSixTwoSixAggBase, FourSixTwoSixAgg} from "../common/FourSixTwoSixAggBase.t.sol";
+import {FourSixTwoSixAggBase, FourSixTwoSixAgg, IEVault} from "../common/FourSixTwoSixAggBase.t.sol";
 contract RemoveStrategyTest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
     uint256 strategyAllocationPoints;
+    IEVault anotherStrategy;
     function setUp() public virtual override {
-        strategyAllocationPoints = type(uint120).max;
+        strategyAllocationPoints = 1000e18;
         _addStrategy(manager, address(eTST), strategyAllocationPoints);
@@ -28,6 +30,26 @@ contract RemoveStrategyTest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
         assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.withdrawalQueueLength(), withdrawalQueueLengthBefore - 1);
+    function testRemoveStrategyWithMultipleStrategies() public {
+        anotherStrategy = IEVault(
+            factory.createProxy(address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount))
+        );
+        _addStrategy(manager, address(anotherStrategy), strategyAllocationPoints);
+        uint256 totalAllocationPointsBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints();
+        uint256 withdrawalQueueLengthBefore = fourSixTwoSixAgg.withdrawalQueueLength();
+        vm.prank(manager);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.removeStrategy(address(eTST));
+        FourSixTwoSixAgg.Strategy memory strategyAfter = fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(address(eTST));
+        assertEq(strategyAfter.active, false);
+        assertEq(strategyAfter.allocationPoints, 0);
+        assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.totalAllocationPoints(), totalAllocationPointsBefore - strategyAllocationPoints);
+        assertEq(fourSixTwoSixAgg.withdrawalQueueLength(), withdrawalQueueLengthBefore - 1);
+    }
     function testRemoveStrategy_fromUnauthorized() public {
diff --git a/test/unit/ReorderWithdrawalQueueTest.t.sol b/test/unit/ReorderWithdrawalQueueTest.t.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a68e8341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/ReorderWithdrawalQueueTest.t.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+import {FourSixTwoSixAggBase, FourSixTwoSixAgg, IEVault} from "../common/FourSixTwoSixAggBase.t.sol";
+contract ReorderWithdrawalQueueTest is FourSixTwoSixAggBase {
+    uint256 eTSTAllocationPoints = 500e18;
+    uint256 eTSTsecondaryAllocationPoints = 700e18;
+    IEVault eTSTsecondary;
+    function setUp() public virtual override {
+        super.setUp();
+        _addStrategy(manager, address(eTST), eTSTAllocationPoints);
+        {
+            eTSTsecondary = IEVault(
+                factory.createProxy(
+                    address(0), true, abi.encodePacked(address(assetTST), address(oracle), unitOfAccount)
+                )
+            );
+        }
+        _addStrategy(manager, address(eTSTsecondary), eTSTsecondaryAllocationPoints);
+    }
+    function testReorderWithdrawalQueue() public {
+        assertEq(
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(fourSixTwoSixAgg.withdrawalQueue(0)).allocationPoints, eTSTAllocationPoints
+        );
+        assertEq(
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(fourSixTwoSixAgg.withdrawalQueue(1)).allocationPoints,
+            eTSTsecondaryAllocationPoints
+        );
+        vm.prank(manager);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.reorderWithdrawalQueue(0, 1);
+        assertEq(
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(fourSixTwoSixAgg.withdrawalQueue(0)).allocationPoints,
+            eTSTsecondaryAllocationPoints
+        );
+        assertEq(
+            fourSixTwoSixAgg.getStrategy(fourSixTwoSixAgg.withdrawalQueue(1)).allocationPoints, eTSTAllocationPoints
+        );
+    }
+    function testReorderWithdrawalQueueWhenOutOfBounds() public {
+        vm.startPrank(manager);
+        vm.expectRevert(FourSixTwoSixAgg.OutOfBounds.selector);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.reorderWithdrawalQueue(0, 3);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+    }
+    function testReorderWithdrawalQueueWhenSameIndex() public {
+        vm.startPrank(manager);
+        vm.expectRevert(FourSixTwoSixAgg.SameIndexes.selector);
+        fourSixTwoSixAgg.reorderWithdrawalQueue(1, 1);
+        vm.stopPrank();
+    }