This covers several tasks used to maintain all Vectors that are not specific to OSKR.
Since you are modifying the contents of Vector there will be times where you break the operating system and need to reset Vector and return to the initial factory recovery filesystem.
To do so:
Place Vector on its charging station.
Hold its backpack button down until it powers down completely and keep holding down.
After approximately 15 seconds, the white light at the back of the backpack
will begin to glow. Release the button. -
Vector will reboot and start at the initial setup screen just like new.
You'll need to upload a newer version of the software via the phone App or other means.
Note that a factory reset will NOT erase user data. You may or may not need to do this as well depending on how much you want to clean out old settings.
There may be times where you want to erase the user configuration on a given robot. This will erase the entire contents of the /data partition including the unique ssh key and any files or code you have placed there while developing with OSKR. It will also give the Vector a new identity and name.
To do so:
Place Vector on its charging station.
Press his backpack button twice. The normal BLE Pairing screen should appear on its screen.
Lift Vector's forklift up and down. A administration menu should appear on its screen.
Remove Vector from its charging station and spin one of the tank treads. This will move the > arrow pointing at an option.
Select CLEAR USER DATA. Lift the forklift up and down to proceed. A confirmation screen should appear.
Spin the tank treads to select CONFIRM. Lift the forklift up and down. Vector should reboot and start at the initial setup screen.
You will now need to re-attach Vector to your account via the Phone App or other means and re-download the newly generated SSH key if you wish to SSH in to Vector.
The CCIS screen shows additional information about how Vector is operating. To access it:
Place Vector on its charging station.
Press his backpack button twice. The normal BLE Pairing screen should appear on its screen.
Lift Vector's forklift up and down. A administration menu should appear on its screen.
Lower Vector's head completely then raise it up completely.
Press the backpack button once. You should now see a new screen.
Continue to press the backpack button to cycle through the screens.
You will eventually return to the original admin screen. Left the forklift arm up and down to exit.
NOTE: This operation is done at your own risk. Modifying JDOCS file values in a robot can break things, and the only way to un-break them is a Clear User Data reset.
JDOCS houses all of Vector's "memory"- his lifetime statistics and more are stored in JavaScript files on the robot in /data/data/com.anki.victor/persistent/jdocs/
. To back these items up via SSH:
Make Vector's partition writable:
mount -o remount rw /
Move to the 'jdocs' folder in the /data partition:
cd /data/data/com.anki.victor/persistent/jdocs
Zip up the files in this directory- you can change the name of the .tar to whatever you want, this is just an example:
tar -cvf VectorsBrain.tar *
Open a new Command Prompt / Terminal window from your own machine and transfer the file from Vector to your own computer.
Syntax:scp -i <Vector SSH Key> root@<Vector IP Address>:/data/data/com.anki.victor/persistent/jdocs/<tar name> <destination on your local computer>
Example:scp -i C:\Users\robbie\.ssh\id_rsa_Vector-K9W7 [email protected]:/data/data/com.anki.victor/persistent/jdocs/VectorsBrain.tar C:\Users\robbie\Desktop