This is a detailed checklist of the steps to follow in unlocking your robot. I recommend printing it out for each robot you unlock, and ticking off each item, in order. The sections after this checklist will describe how to perform each step in more detail.
- 1. Open in a Chrome browser
- 2. Place Vector in its charging station and press the backpack button twice to enter pairing mode.
- 3. Click "Pair with Vector" and select Vector from the popup.
- 4. Click the Download Logs link at the top right
- 5. Find your QSN and ESN in those logs
- 6. Write down the QSN and ESN on this page -- we'll double check this below.
- 7. Submit your QSN and ESN to Digital Dream Labs
While you wait for your unlock OTA, you can set up your computer and prepare Vector. First, set up a HTTP server to deliver OTA files to your robot:
- 8. Install python on your computer, if you haven't already
- 9. Download the last production software from
- 10. Start a simple webserver with the latest.ota
- 11. Find the IP address for your computer
- 12. Check that you can connect to this local webserver with Chrome.
- 13. Fully charge your Robot
- 14. Keep (or put) Vector on the charging dock
Erase Vector's data:
- 15. Place Vector on its charging station.
- 16. Press his backpack button twice.
- 17. Lift Vector's forklift up and down.
- 18. Remove Vector from its charging station and spin one of the tank
treads. - 19. Move the tread to select CLEAR USER DATA.
- 20. Lift the forklift up and down to proceed.
- 21. Spin the tank treads to select CONFIRM. Lift the forklift up
and down.
Enter Recovery Mode (aka a Factory Reset):
- 22. Place Vector on its charging station.
- 23. Hold Vector's backpack button down for 15 seconds, until you see
the white light start to glow all the way on the back. - 24. Wait for Vector to finish rebooting
Connect to Vector:
- 25. Open in a Chrome browser
- 26. Place Vector in its charging station and press the backpack button twice to enter pairing mode.
- 27. Click "Pair with Vector" and select Vector from the popup.
- 28. You had to enter the PIN number into the Chrome webapp, right? If you connect, and it doesn't ask for you to enter your PIN, you
are (probably) not in recovery mode. Go back to the steps to enter recovery mode. - 29. Verify that the emulated console is working by typing
Connect to the Wi-Fi
- 30. Run, in the emulated console,
to check that Vector can see your wifi - 31. Have Vector connect to your wifi with
followed by your Wifi SSID and password
Do not close the console in Chrome.
Deploy the latest production software:
- 32. Copy the full link for
file from your computer (from step 12) - 33. In the emulated console, Type
followed by this link - 34. Check that Vector successfully applied the production software
When you receive your unlock OTA email, go to the next step
- 35. Download the unlock OTA image from the email into your local server folder
- 36. Check that your robot has the same ESN serial number as the one you submitted
earlier, and wrote down above. The serial number is on the bottom. Here is how to find it.
If the number does not match, you have the wrong bot.
Prepare to server the unlock OTA file:
- 37. Open in a Chrome browser
- 38. Place Vector in its charging station and press the backpack button twice to enter pairing mode.
- 39. Click "Pair with Vector" and select Vector from the popup. Enter the PIN code that appears.
- 40. Verify that the emulated console is working by typing
- 41. Put a book or heavy block in front of Vector to keep him from driving
off the charging station while updating.
Deploy the unlock OTA software:
- 42. Copy the full link for unlock
file with the ESN serial number (Example:0060378a.ota
) - 43. Type
followed by this link - 44. Check that Vector successfully applied the unlock software
- 45. If installing using a Python server, download the last production software from
into your local server folder - otherwise skip to Step 46.
Prepare installation of the latest unlocked OSKR OTA:
- 46. Using a Bluetooth-enabled computer or mobile device, open in a Chrome browser
- 47. Place Vector in its charging station and press the backpack button twice to enter pairing mode.
- 48. Click "Pair with Vector" and select Vector from the popup. Enter the PIN code that appears on the bottom of Vector's screen.
- 49. Press Alt+2 or Alt+3 to open the emulated console. Verify that the emulated console is working by typing
Deploy the latest OSKR software:
50. Copy the full link for OSKR
file: -
51. Type
followed by this link. The full command should be:ota-start <>
52. Vector will apply the latest update OTA and then restart. Check that Vector successfully applied the OSKR software by
double-tapping his back button. The software version will appear after "OS:" -
53. Using the mobile App, sign into Vector and add your account to him
Alternate Installation: Using a Secure Shell, issue the following command to kick off the update-engine script
and pull the newest OTA:UPDATE_ENGINE_DEBUG=true UPDATE_ENGINE_URL= /anki/bin/update-engine
Vector will reboot into the new firmware.
- 54. Use in a Chrome browser to connect to and pair with your Vector
- 55. Download logs from Vector using the "Download Logs" button at the top right.
- 56. Extract the "id_rsa" key from the "/data/ssh" folder
- 57. Put the RSA key into the right place (the "right place" varies depending on operating system)
- 58. Get Vector's IP address
- 59. Use PuTTY or a command line in Terminal to log in using SSH with the key
Congratulations! Vector is unlocked!
These should only be used as necessary.
- 60. Use in a Chrome browser to pair your with Vector
- 61. Issue the 'wifi-ap true' command
- 62. Have your computer connect to the Vector's wifi access point
- 63. Test a browser connection to