By default the system comes in a somewhat locked down state that prevents random access by most users to the internals. This section describes several security features and settings, as well as ways to modify the settings to fit your needs.
All initial connections to Vector are made via BLE (BlueTooth Low Energy) connections via the phone app, a client tool, Vector Web Setup. These all require you to pair the device by entering a code displayed on the Vector screen.
Due to the limited range of BlueTooth signals and the even more limited range of being able to see the Vector's screen this does a very good job of assuring that the person accessing the Vector is in physical control of the device. Malicious users from around the world simply can't interface with the Vector at this level.
By default the Vector generates a unique SSH user key the first time it boots and every time you perform a User Data Reset.
SSH works by providing a private key that performs encryption operations and a public key that allows another person or system to verify the encryption operations. As the name indicates the private key should only be given to someone who you want to be able sign in to the computer and the public key is safe to distribute to anyone without compromising the private key's security.
The default configuration is generally secure although you may wish to take some steps to harden the SSH connection even more.
By default the generated SSH key doesn't have a passphrase and anyone with access to the file can use it. To add a passphrase:
ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa-Vector-X1Y2
A user with physical access to Vector can get the private key. Once you've retrieved a copy you no longer need to keep one on the Vector. Removing the file will prevent a user from being able to download it.
ssh root@<ROBOT_IP>
root@Vector-U9D5:~# ls /data/ssh/
authorized_keys id_rsa_Vector-U9D5
root@Vector-U9D5:~# rm /data/ssh/id_rsa_Vector-U9D5
root@Vector-U9D5:~# ls /data/ssh/
If you do this you should backup your local copy of the key. If it is
lost you'll need to reset User Data to generate a new key and lose any
work on the /data
Digital Dream Labs includes a static SSH key to make internal development and testing easier. Although we respect users' privacy and would never connect to a customer robot there is always the possibility that the key gets out in the wild where another party can use it.
To remove the key connect to Vector and open the file
in a text editor. Delete the line that
starts with ssh-rsa
and ends with digital_dream_labs_dev_key
There are several development tools that live behind a firewall on the robot as they allow any user with access to do a variety of things on the robot. Since the tools were originally intended for use in a development environment only they have lower levels of security than is ideal.
SSH provides options to do Port Forwarding to create tunnels that go from your computer, over the secure connection, to the system you're logging in to. This can be used to get temporary access to a developer tool. Although not as convenient as permanently changing firewall rules, when you disconnect the SSH connection security is automatically restored.
Example accessing the Anim process webViz server:
SSH in to the device with Port Forwarding options:
grant@lord-humungus otas % ssh -L8889:localhost:8889 [email protected] root@Vector-U9D5:~#
Visit http://localhost:8889 on your computer.
Multiple ports can be forwarded. Here we forward two webViz connections:
ssh -L8888:localhost:8888 -L8889:localhost:8889 root@<ROBOT_IP>
The firewall rules are contained in the files
and /etc/iptables/ip6tables.rules
Most users won't be running IPv6 will only need to edit the first
The various exposed ports are already listed in the file but are commented out so they are not loaded by default:
# adb-over-tcp
# -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -m tcp --dport 5555 -j ACCEPT
# rsync (dev-deployment)
# -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -m tcp --dport 1873 -j ACCEPT
# webots
# -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5103 -j ACCEPT
# -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5103 -j ACCEPT
# dev-webservices
# -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -m multiport --dports 8887,8888,8889,8890 -j ACCEPT
# wwise profiler
# -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -m multiport --dports 24024,24025,24026 -j ACCEPT
# -A INPUT -p udp --dport 24024 -j ACCEPT
To open up a resource permanently:
Mark the system filesystem as read/write.
mount -o remount,rw /
Open the file
in your editor of choice. -
delete the
sign comment from the applicable rule. -
Restart iptables to load the rules:
systemctl restart iptables
By default Vector has security checks that will only allow an .ota file that is signed by Digital Dream Labs to be installed. As people in the community make their own modifications they can make their own .otas. To be able to install a community-created ota you will need to whitelist the creator's signing key. To do so:
On your host computer ensure the appropriate directory is created:
sudo root@<ROBOT_IP> mkdir /data/etc/ota_keys
Obtain and verify the public signing key from the creator of the OTA.
Copy the key to vector:
scp root@<ROBOT_IP>:/data/etc/ota_keys
You will now be able to install OTAs signed with this key manually.
WARNING: An OTA file modifies the entire operating system and has full control of Vector, and can perform very destructive actions either intentionally or unintentionally. Only install OTAs from sources you trust.