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Webpack & Extensions

This is an extension that uses to bundle and minify its sources. Using webpack will help to reduce the install- and startup-time of large extensions because instead of hundreds of files, a single file is produced.


Webpack in configured in the webpack.config.js-file. Find annotation inside the file itself or refer to the excellent webpack documentation: In short, the config-files defines the entry point of the extension, to use TypeScript, to produce a commonjs-module, and what modules not to bundle.


The scripts-section of the package.json-file has entries for webpack. Those compile TypeScript and produce the bundle as well as producing a minified production build. Note, that there is no dedicated TypeScript-script as webpack takes care of that.


If you use vscode-nls to localize your extension that you likely also use vscode-nls-dev to create language bundles at build time. To support webpack, a loader has been added to vscode-nls-dev. Add the section below to the modules/rules-configuration.

  // vscode-nls-dev loader:
  // * rewrite nls-calls
  loader: 'vscode-nls-dev/lib/webpack-loader',
  options: {
    base: path.join(__dirname, 'src')

A good sample is the shared config built-in extensions use: