Feedback widget for collecting feedback on websites developed during Rocketseat's NLW Return using ReactJs, Vite and Tailwindcss.
The project was also developed with accessibility in mind, and to make this work easier we used components from the headless ui that already has keyboard navigation ready.
- Features
- Technologies
- Application demo
- Getting started
- How to run
- How to contribute to the project
- License
- Envio de feedbacks
- Captura de tela para anexar ao feedback (bastante utilizado no caso de bugs)
This project was developed with the following technologies:
You can test the project at this url:
Vercel: Vercel is a platform for frontend frameworks and static sites, built to integrate with your headless content, commerce, or database.
Railway: the project's backend is deployed on Railway, a deployment infrastructure for any type of application as simple as vercel.
Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine:
The project can be built with npm or yarn, so choose one of the approach bellow in case you don't have any installed on your system.
Npm is distributed with Node.js which means that when you download Node.js, you automatically get npm installed on your computer.
- Node.js v16.14.2 or heigher.
Yarn is a package manager created by the Facebook team and seems to be faster than npm in general.
- Yarn v1.22.18 or heigher.
The project uses a database (Postgres), it is necessary to have it on your machine so that you can run it. If not, I suggest using Docker to run a container with the postgres image.
How I created my postgres container locally (linux)
docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Also, it’s good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode.
Follow the instructions below to download and use the project from this repository:
You can use yarn or npm as package manager to run this project, but preferably I use yarn.
Clone this repository using SSH:
git clone [email protected]:danielhessell/feedback-widget.git
or clone using https:
git clone [email protected]:danielhessell/feedback-widget.git
Go to project folder in terminal/cmd:
cd feedback-widget
Go to server folder in terminal/cmd:
cd server
Install dependencies:
Run migrations
yarn prisma migrate dev
Run project:
yarn dev
The server will start on port 3333. Go to http://localhost:3333.
Go to web folder in terminal/cmd:
cd web
Install dependencies:
Run project:
yarn dev
The server will start on port 3000. Go to http://localhost:3000.
- Fork the project
- Create a new branch with your changes:
git checkout -b my-feature
- Save the changes and create a commit message telling what you've done:
git commit -m "feature: My new feature"
- Submit your changes:
git push origin my-feature
Caso tenha alguma dúvida confira este guia de como contribuir no GitHub.
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Made with 💙 by Daniel Hessel.