Everybody is welcomed to contribute to this document! Please refer to #23 for more information.
This document is written for 1.0 or newer versions (including beta versions like 1.0a1).
- Download the latest version of Demucs GUI from GitHub Releases or FossHUB. There are different download types:
CUDA Windows 64-bit
: For Windows users with NVIDIA GPU (whose compute capability is greater than 3.5).CPU Windows 64-bit
: For Windows users without NVIDIA GPU.
CPU macOS 64-bit
: For macOS users with Intel CPU.CPU macOS 64-bit; MPS macOS Rosetta 2
: For macOS users (Both Intel Mac and Apple Silicon Mac). You may need to install Rosetta 2 on Apple Silicon Mac. MPS acceleration is available on Apple Silicon Mac.
- Extract the downloaded file
- Windows: 7z format, can be extracted with 7-Zip. If you are using Windows 11 23H2, you can also directly extract the file with Windows Explorer.
- macOS: dmg format. Double click the dmg file to mount it, then drag the app to your Applications folder.
- Run Demucs GUI
- Windows: Double click
in the extracted folder. - macOS: Open it from your Applications folder.
macOS: I cannot run this program
If the application cannot be launched due to the Mac's security protection feature, try the following:
Load a model. The default model packed with Demucs GUI is
. Click onload
button to load. If you have chosen a remote model and are using it for the first time, it will be downloaded automatically. During this period of time, there will be no outputs and the whole window will be frozen. Please be patient. -
Add your audio file. You can drag and drop your audio file to the window, or choose files and folders (recursively).
Start separate
to separate your file! Just keep the default parameters for now and it will be fine. If the separation failed, please refer to Failed to separate an audio.
There are two default model repos: one just under pretrained
folder of the Demucs GUI executable, one under the config folder of Demucs GUI. On Windows, it is %APPDATA%\demucs-gui\pretrained
. On macOS and Linux, it is ~/.config/demucs-gui/pretrained
. You can put your custom models in these folders.
It is also possible to add custom repos. Click on advanced
button, and you will be able to manage your custom repos.
Model list will be updated automatically after you add or remove a repo. You can also click refresh
button to force update.
The order of listed models is bag of models (yaml file) first, and single models (th file) goes after them. Models with same name from different repos can be listed multiple times, so you should take a look at the info area of the selected model before loading it.
Once you've loaded a model, you can't load another model or unload it. The only way to unload a model is to restart Demucs GUI.
You can drag and drop files to the queue to add them. (It's quite useful, isn't it?) But one thing is not supported: You can't drag a file or a folder from Windows to the application ran in WSL.
You can click on the header
to show full file path or file name. Hover on an item in the queue to show its full path. -
On Windows, the progress bar should have animation. However, rendering a lot of progress bars at the same time (like the queue) will consume a lot of CPU resources. So, the animation is disabled in the queue (animation will still be rendered when the text like percentage changes). I don't like this, so I added this: If you click on the header
, the animation will be enabled. Click again to disable it. -
The default style on macOS (
) can't render progress bars correctly inside a table, so the style of the queue is changed toFusion
on macOS and may looks different from the main window. *New in 1.0
Demucs GUI will split the audio into segments and separate them one by one. The larger a segment is, the more memory it will require. Please remember that too small segment may decrease the quality of separation.
The overlap between two segments. The larger the overlap is, the longer the separation will take. But it can make connection between two segments smoother.
This will shift the start of segments by a random amount within 0 and 0.5s several times. This will make the results better. Your input will determine how many times the audio will be separated with shift applied.
Choose which device to use. If you install ROCm version, your AMD GPU will also be listed as CUDA
. If you are separating HDemucs
model on macOS, I'd suggest you to use CPU
instead of MPS
to speed up up to 10x (though I don't know why).
Relative path
: Save output files in the same location of the source fileAbsolute path
: Save output files directly to the path. Please remember that it must start from root dir (like/
on *nix andC:\
on Windows) or something unexpected will happen.
You can use variables to rename your output file. Variables "{track}", "{trackext}", "{stem}", "{ext}", "{model}" will be replaced with track name without extension, track extension, stem name, default output file extension and model name.
For example, when saving stem "vocals" of "audio.mp3" using model htdemucs, with output format flac, the default location separated/{model}/{track}/{stem}.{ext}
would be "separated/htdemucs/audio/vocals.flac", with the folder "separated" created under the same folder of the original audio file.
Demucs GUI will overwrite existing files without warning. Remember to include {stem}
in your output file name.
Demucs GUI will use FFMpeg to read files if the default backend Soundfile (which uses libsndfile) fails, which enables separating a video (its audio stream, actually). When reading with FFMpeg, Demucs GUI will call ffmpeg -v level+warning -i "{file}" -map a:0 -ar {samplerate} -c:a pcm_f32le -f wav -
and decode the stdout. So only the first stream of the file will be separated. If the file contains no audio stream, separation will fail. *New in 1.0
Demucs GUI will calls FFMpeg according to PATH environment variable. Before detecting FFMpeg, ./ffmpeg
will be added to PATH. You can control where to append it (before or after the original PATH) in the config file. *New in 1.0
Demucs GUI will create a config file in the config folder of Demucs GUI. On Windows, it is %APPDATA%\demucs-gui\settings.json
. On macOS and Linux, it is ~/.config/demucs-gui/settings.json
. You can edit it to change the default parameters of separation.
Please remember that there is no validation of the config file. If you make a mistake, Demucs GUI may not work properly. If you want to reset the config file, just delete it.
Here are some of keys and their meanings:
type: string
The style of the application. Available values can be found in log file. The default value is windowsvista
on Windows and macos
on macOS. The separation queue will always use fusion
on macOS. The values are case insensitive. *New in 1.0
type: boolean
If true, ./ffmpeg
will be added to PATH before the original PATH. If false, ./ffmpeg
will be added to PATH after the original PATH. The default value is false
. *New in 1.0
type: array[string]
An array of custom repos. This can be set inside the application (click on advanced
button). The default value is []
. The default repos (See Load custom models) will be prepended to this array.
type: boolean
See Some "useless" functions of separation queue 3rd point.
If you have chosen a remote model and are using it for the first time, it will be downloaded automatically. During this period of time, there will be no outputs and the whole window will be frozen. Please be patient.
Demucs GUI is packed with PyInstaller. All softwares packed with PyInstaller uses similar bootloader with different payloads. Once a new version of PyInstaller is released, countless developers will package their softwares with the latest version and distribute them. This may be seen as a virus as viruses can hide themselves in normal softwares, which contains different payloads but the same bootloader and spread all around the world.
I promise that Demucs GUI is safe. You can check the source code and build it yourself. If you still don't trust me, you can use the source code to build your own version of Demucs GUI.
The progress bar is discrete, not continuous. It will only update when a segment is separated. The approximate time is 1.5 times of the length of the audio file using CPU (i5 or i7, 8th to 11th gen). Using a GPU (CUDA) can speed up about 20 times. Using a GPU (MPS) can speed up about 5 times for HTDemucs models and slow down about 2 times for Demucs models.
Until now, there are only three possible reasons for this:
Failed to read the audio. Maybe you forgot to add read permission to the audio file, or the audio file is broken, or the audio file is not supported by Demucs.
Failed to write the audio. Most likely that you forgot to add write permission to the folder you want to save the separated audio. And, FLAC format does NOT support float32.
Out of memory. There are two kinds of out of memory:
Out of system memory: The solution to this is to truncate the audio file into smaller pieces (or enlarge your swapfile on Linux). Demucs GUI will read the whole audio into memory and convert it into float32 format. The separated stems are also saved in memory before written. If the audio is too long, it will consume too much memory and cause out of memory.
Out of GPU memory: This is the most common reason that causes a separation to fail. Please use smaller
. The larger a segment is, the more memory it will require. Please remember that too small segment may decrease the quality of separation. If GPU is still out of memory, please use CPU to separate.
- That's impossible. Please open an issue to report this.