Note that all version X.Y.Z.T
of this adapter have been tested against the matching version
of the Publisher SDK.
- Bump AdMob to v23.3.0
- Add inventoryGroupId parameter
- Add support of Android 14 (API level 34)
- No changes on the adapter.
- Fix
when loading a banner
- Downgrade kotlin to 1.5.31
- Bump AdMob to v22.1.0
- No changes on the adapter.
- Add support of Android 13 (API level 33)
- Bump AdMob to v21.2.0
- Add support of Android 12L (API level 32)
- Bump minSdkVersion to 19
- Automatically pass COPPA flag from Google SDK to Criteo SDK.
- No changes on the adapter.
- Artifacts are now delivered through
Maven Central
repository instead ofJCenter
which is deprecated.
- No changes on the adapter.
- No changes on the adapter.
- No changes on the adapter.
- No changes on the adapter.
- No changes on the adapter.
- Fix nativeAds clicking/tracking in AdMob
- No changes on the adapter.
- No changes on the adapter.
- Fix visibility over the Criteo SDK at compile time for Advanced Native
- No changes on the adapter.
- Artifacts are now delivered through
repository instead of a custom one: from this version, the linemaven { url "" }
can be removed.
- Added support for Advanced NativeAds.