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Car Insurance -- QueryableState

This CorDapp demonstrates QueryableState works in Corda. Corda allows developers to have the ability to expose some or all parts of their states to a custom database table using an ORM tools. To support this feature the state must implement QueryableState.

In this CorDapp we would use an Insurance state and persist its properties in a custom table in the database. The Insurance state among other fields also contains an VehicleDetail object, which is the asset being insured. We have used this VehicleDetail to demonstrate One-to-One relationship. Similarly we also have a list of Claim objects in the Insurance state which represents claims made against the insurance. We use them to demonstrate One-to-Many relationship.


A spring boot client is provided with the cordapp, which exposes two REST endpoints (see Controller in the clients module) to trigger the flows. Use the command ./gradlew bootRun in the project root folder to run the Spring Boot Server.


There are two flow in this cordapp:

  1. IssueInsurance: It creates the insurance state with the associated vehicle information.

  2. InsuranceClaim: It creates the claims against the insurance.



For development environment setup, please refer to: Setup Guide.

Running the CorDapp

Open a terminal and go to the project root directory and type: (to deploy the nodes using bootstrapper)

./gradlew clean deployNodes

Then type: (to run the nodes)


Interacting with the nodes

The Postman collection containing API's calls to the REST endpoints can be imported from the link: Use the option Import > Import from Link option in Postman to import the collection.

Postman Import Collection

Connecting to the Database

The JDBC url to connect to the database would be printed in the console in node startup. Use the url to connect to the database using a suitable client. The default username is 'sa' and password is '' (blank). You could download H2 Console to connect to h2 database here:

Database URL

Refer here for more details regarding connecting to the node database.