This is a guide to how Foundation Board Meetings are currently operating within Enspiral.
As the current board we have collectively defined some roles within the board to help share the load and make the board meeting process efficient. It is the collective role of all board members to be looking for better, more effective processes to conduct the board meeting.
Current Board Roles;
Minutes Writer
Financial Reporter
Working Group (WG) Reporter
Fishbowl Coordinator
The current people holding each role are;
Chair - Bart de Vries
Minutes Writer - Susan Basterfield
Financial Reporter - Susan Basterfield
WG Reporter - Anthony Cabraal
Fishbowl Coordinator - Not Appointed
Observer - You?
Contributors are welcomed to talk to anyone on the board but if they are not connected to any of the members then they are welcomed to contact the Chair as the Board default point of contact.
Tasks of the Chair;
Be the board point of contact
Organise time and place of Board Meeting
Collate the agenda (with relevant checks on Loomio)
Share the agenda (with relevant checks on Loomio)
Share required documents with Board Members for the next meeting (with relevant checks on Loomio)
Facilitate the board meeting
Organise collective sign-off on Board Meeting minutes (with relevant checks on Loomio)
The role of the Minutes Writer is to document the outcomes from discussions of agenda items. This role is currently a shared role which is rotated or board members can opt to take responsibility for the minutes for a longer period.
Currently minutes are written in the rolling Agenda/Minutes spreadsheet.
The minutes Loomio can be found here.
The Financial Reporter collates the financial data of Enspiral Foundation and reports this during the meeting.
Enspiral Foundation Limited Financial Loomio can be found here.
The Financial Reporter reports on;
Current bank balances
Net finances for the period
Net contributor numbers for the period
Projected bank balances
Any new numbers of relevance
The WG Reporter reports on working group activity that the board has a connection to. It is their role to bring relevant information to the board meeting to present or to organise for the relevant working group representative to come to the board meeting.
The Fishbowl Coordinator organises what is required to make it possible for Enspiral folk to drop into and observe what happens in a Board Meeting.
These include;
Letting people know about open observational spaces
Getting the names of the people attending the meeting to observe
Arranging seats required and the tech needs for those joining online.
Links to the Board meeting for fish bowling can be found in the #wg-board slack group just prior to the meeting.
Anyone who is an Enspiral Contributor who wishes to observe a board meeting to gain an understanding of how the meetings operate and what occurs during them can be an Observer.
The role of the Observer is to purely observe and comes with two simple rules.
Submit your name to go into the minutes at the start of the meeting.
Be silent at all times during the meeting
If observing online please switch your video feed off and mute your mic.
Any feedback on your experience of observing is welcomed, #AlwaysBeLearning. This can be sent to the Fishbowl Coordinator or put into the #wg-board slack group.
As a board we have created a default agenda which we then personalise for each meeting as required.
The agenda creation process is as follows.
The Chair will put a call out on the Board Loomio Group between 7-14 days prior to the meeting for agenda items. The Chair then collates the items into the agenda, posts this agenda on Board Loomio Group and sets up a check for the board members to complete showing they have pre-read the agenda and are happy with it.
Any documents that board members need to read before a board meeting must initially be sent to the Chair a minimum of 7 days prior to the next board meeting. The Chair will then post the documents on the Board Loomio Group with a check for the board members to complete to show they have read the documents prior to the board meeting.
If you need need the board to make a decision on something and have relevant documents that the Board Members need to read, please send those documents to the Chair a minimum of 7 day prior to the next Board meeting (so that everyone ha time to do the required reading). The Chair will then circulate to the Board Members.
The meeting is facilitated by the board Chair with support from fellow board members and follows the agenda agreed upon by the Board Members.
Meeting minutes are written by the Minute Writer in the agreed format that the board has set up. Those minutes are then published on the Board Loomio Group by the Chair and a check is put in place for all Board Members to confirm they have read and agree with the minutes. Those minutes are then PDF’d and published on the Board Loomio Group and uploaded into the Google Drive Folder relating to that specific meeting.
Tasks that come out of the board meeting for each member are put into the task table at the bottom of the Minutes and members are assigned the task.
Enspiral Governing Handbook;
Folders with financial information;
- HERE- In relation to historical P&L's
Relevant Loomios;
Board Documents;