Here we want to compare the Kubernetes Default Scheduler with Fluence.
- run0: basic testing for setup (very small scale)
- run1: fluence scheduler is unblocked, testing canopie22 (Illegal instruction core dumped)
- run2: Prototyping using the Flux Operator (basics)
- run3: With fluence + the flux operator working, try emulating the logic of the original canopie 22 experiments with multiple sizes of lammps.
- run4: with experiments prototyped and fluence fixes merged, reproduce fluence bug and look into.
- run5: is testing an updated branch of fluence
- run6-min-size testing updated fluence / default scheduler at smaller sizes
- run7-timestamp aims to test using millisecond timestamps (still looking for interleaving)
- run8: first attempt to run with kueue, cocsheduling, default, and fluence
- run9: updating to use simple job instead of MiniCluster, this was primarily debugging (with several clusters) to get things working.
- run10: this was the single experiment of the above.