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End-To-End Tests written with


  • node >= 18


from the polis root directory:

make TEST start

and in another shell:

make e2e-install
make e2e-run


(from within the e2e directory)

npm install

(or, from the root directory)

make e2e-install

See System Requirements for additional needs that your operating system might have.

There are few ways to run the end-to-end (e2e) test suite. They can be run in a browser, or headless. They can be run within a dockerized environment or directly on a development machine, or in a cloud system such as GitHub Actions. In any case, you need 3 things:

  1. A URL that points to a running instance of polis.
  2. A maildev service with port 1080 exposed.
  3. A Google Service Account Key (optional) to enable Google Translation API.

Running docker compose with either the or docker-compose.test.yml overlay will get you #1 and #2. (See the top-level documentation for configuring and running polis.)

The helpful shortcut make TEST start will build (if necessary) and start all of the dockerized services in a test environment, making use of docker-compose.test.yml and the test.env configuration values. This is the preferred way.

If you want to run tests that require integration with Google Translation API, refer to the Byzantine documentation at Google Cloud.

Running the tests

To run the tests "headlessly" from the command line, simply run:

(from within the e2e directory)

npm test

(or from the root directory)

make e2e-run

To open a Cypress user interface and run the tests in a browser of your choosing, run:

npm start

You can also run one-off test files or groups of test files with commands like:

npm run cy:run -- --spec "cypress/e2e/"
npm run cy:run -- --spec "cypress/e2e/login/**/*"

Read more about the Cypress command line options here.


  • The default base url for running tests against, is http://localhost
  • The default browser is electron. On the command line the default is headless electron unless you include a --browser option.
  • You may override the base url with a command like so: CYPRESS_BASE_URL= npm test
  • cypress/support/commands.js: where we keep oft-used commands, e.g., for logging in, creating conversations, etc.
  • Tests which require third-party credentials are confined to cypress/e2e/third-party-integration and are not included in the default test run npm test.
    • To run all tests, you may use npm run cy:run -- --spec "cypress/e2e/**/*" or simply npm run test:all
  • We are not, as of yet, including any Component tests in this suite.
  • The docker compose test configuration, using the docker-compose.test.yml overlay and/or make TEST ... commands are intended for running polis in a prod-like way with a couple of exceptions: including a maildev server with port 1080 exposed, and passing along some modified environment variables found in test.env. This is especially useful for CI server situations and not really necessary for local development. Running the tests against the dev docker compose configuration should work fine too.
  • The test suite creates a lot of data and writes it to a Postgres database. It will generate fresh data with every run and so it is a good idea to drop the database (or docker volume) occasionally. However, having a database full of random data is sometimes helpful for manual testing and development. You will accumulate random test data in whatever environment the tests are run.

Testing Patterns

The Cypress tests use the following patterns for common operations:


// Log in a user via UI
cy.login(user, true)

// Log in a user via API

// Register a new user via UI
cy.register(user, true)

// Register a new user via API

// Ensure a user exists and is logged in
cy.ensureUser('admin') // Uses user from fixtures/users.json

Conversation Management

// Create a conversation (authenticated)
cy.createConvo('Topic', 'Description', 'admin') // Using user from fixtures/users.json
cy.createConvo('Topic', 'Description', user) // Using explicit user object

// Add comments to a conversation
cy.seedComment(convoId, 'Comment text', 'admin')

// Find or create a conversation


// Vote on all comments in a conversation
cy.voteOnConversation(convoId, 'optional-external-id')

Embedded Testing

// Intercept embed requests

// Access iframe content

These patterns help maintain consistency across tests and should be used when writing new tests.