- Parses OSM XML files (or any other OSM XML input) and offers an easy to use interface for the basic element types (nodes, ways, relations).
- Stores the data efficiently in memory, no database required
- Offers a powerful API to search for specific OSM data types, tags or features
Oxp oxp = OxpParser.parseOsmFile(new File("map.osm"));
Oxp oxp = OxpParser.parseOsmXml("<osm><...");
Oxp oxp = OxpParser.parseOsmStream(inputStream);
The parsed elements can be accessed via:
Every OSM element has a collection of tags which can be accessed via element.getTags()
It provides basic get functionality:
TagCollection tagCollection = node.getTags();
The tagCollection.group(...)
method returns a subcollection which only includes tags matching the given prefix.
group = tagCollection.group("addr")
// tagCollection: ["addr:street" -> "Foostreet", "addr:housenumber" -> "42"]
// group: [ "street" -> "Foostreet", "housenumber" -> "42"]
returns an ordered list of nodesway.isArea()
checks if the first node equals the last nodeway.length()
calculates the way length in meters
With the oxp.query()
method you can chain element filters which are applied to the elements stored in the OXP object.
The .go()
method returns a set which holds the query results. There are some useful example queries in the 'Examples' section.
Filters inside a query are scoped. This means some filters return elements of a specific type or can only be applied on filter results of a specific type (e.g. the isArea()
filter can only be applied on ways).
Filters which can return multiple element types can be type-filtered: For example oxp.query().ways()
and following filter results are way-scoped.
Since all OSM elements can have tags, tag filters are applicable on all filter types. Also bounding box and distance related filters are possible on all types.
oxp.query().inBounds(BoundingBox.of(52.02184, 52.02476, 8.52949, 8.53792)).go();
oxp.query().inRange(Coordinate.at(52.02184, 8.52949), 100).go();
Query results can also be reused and filtered again:
// Find all ways that create an area
Set<Way> allAreas = oxp.query()
// Find all nodes or ways which represent a building
Set<OsmElement> allBuildings = oxp.query()
.tagsMatch(TagMatch.tagValueIs("building", "yes"))
// Find all trees which have their leaf type specified
Set<Node> allTrees = oxp.query()
.tagsMatch(TagMatch.and(TagMatch.tagValueIs("natural", "tree"), TagMatch.hasTag("leaf_type")))
// Find all elements which are bus stops and are referenced in a relation which is a bus line and has the line number '36'
Set<OsmElement> stops = oxp.query()
.tagsMatch(TagMatch.and(TagMatch.tagValueIs("route", "bus"), TagMatch.tagValueIs("ref", "36")))
.tagsMatch(TagMatch.tagValueIs("highway", "bus_stop")).go();
// Find all elements which have an address with an even housenumber (Custom Tag Condition)
Set<OsmElement> evenHousenumbers = oxp.query().tagsMatch(tagCollection ->
Optional<Integer> hn = tagCollection.getGroup("addr").getInt("housenumber");
return hn.isPresent() && hn.get() % 2 == 0;
See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames
Tile t = Tile.fromCoordinate(Coordinate.at(12.34d, 23.45d), 15);
Tile tile = Tile.at(70406, 42987, 17);
BoundingBox bbox = tile.getBoundingBox();
- Relations shape merging
- Boolean tag values