This demo is the most complete demo in the repository and a great starting point for quickly understanding Angular.dart
To run this demo, first clone the entire Angular.dart repository.
Then, run pub serve
in this directory:
$ cd example
$ pub serve
Finally, open http://localhost:8080/todo.html.
There is a simple Node.js server in this directory, but you do not need to run it. It is here to demonstrate the HTTP record / playback feature, snapshotting and dart2js.
$ cd example
$ node webserver.js
Web server is listening on port 3000
To use dart2js, open http://localhost:3000/todo.html in a non-Dartium web browser.
To use snapshotting, open http://localhost:3000/snapshot/todo.html, which will serve a zip file with all the files used in the application.
To use HTTP record / playback, first open http://localhost:3000/todo.html?record. Then, without restarting the server, open http://localhost:3000/todo.html?playback.
For more awesomeness, use HTTP playback together with snapshotting to isolate your Dart application from the server. http://localhost:3000/snapshot/todo.html?playback