All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed some typos
- Resize slides in
- Updated earthaccess search to use concept-id for Notebook 1
- Implemented downloading of required scenes for Notebooks 2-5 into a cell in Notebook 1
- Corrected projection/crs arguments for plotting of EMIT and ECOSTRESS imagery
- Made minor changes to Notebook 5 to fix cloud/local compatibility issues
- Fixed implementation of ewt_detection_limit threshold in
- Improved description of ewt_detection_limit in Notebook 3
- misc typos/syntax fixes
- Local environment support and setup instructions
- Added EWT and ET cloud-optimized GeoTIFFs generated for the workshop to repository
- Added list of required granules/scenes to execute notebooks
- Added workshop
- Improved Finding Concurrent Data Notebook text/instructions
- Renamed
- added repo description
- Repository description
Updated notebook ROI to Carpinteria Salt Marsh
- Added landcover.geojson
Updated and added
user contributed
- Added
This is the first update.