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Programming 5. Arrays & Lists

5. Arrays & Lists


  • Arrays are a collection of variables of the same type, which allocate neighboring memory locations
  • Declared with square brackets following the type of the elements:
     int[] userIds;
  • Declaring an array does not yet allocate space from memory

Creating empty arrays

  • Initialize an empty array with a length of 3 using the following syntax:
    int[] userIds = new int[3];
  • Assign a value to an element in an array by specifying the index in square brackets:
    userIds[0] = 104;
  • Indexing starts from 0: the above line assigns a value of 104 to the first element of the array
    • if a length of array is 3, the array items are accessed with indices 0,1,2
  • Print the length of an array

Creating and populating arrays simultaneously

  • You can also create an array containing values with one statement:
    string[] names = new string[3] { "Johannes", "Rene", "Ville" };
  • The same works without specifying the length in the brackets:
    double[] balances = new double[] { 1.3, 200.3, 9332.14 };
  • ...and without the new double[] part, as well:
    double[] balances = { 1.3, 200.3, 9332.14 };

Arrays: Unity example

  • Creating and accessing an array of GameObjects
    public GameObject[] players;
    void Start ()
      players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player");
      for(int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
        Debug.Log("Player Number "+i+" is named "+players[i].name);

Multidimensional arrays

  • C# supports multidimensional arrays:
    char[,] letters = new char[3, 4]
        {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'},
        {'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'},
        {'i', 'j', 'k', 'l'}
    Debug.Log(letters[1, 3]);       // Outputs "h"
  • Note: These do not show up in Unity's inspector



  • a similar data structure to arrays

  • unlike arrays, the size of lists can be easily changed

  • more suitable for dynamic data

  • Declaration and initialization:

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    // ...
    List<int> userIds = new List<int>();
  • Note: you can't call new List() outside a method!

  • Value assignment:

    userIds[0] = 22;

The List class

  • a key benefit of using Lists lie in the built-in functionalities of the List class
  • after declaring a list, type nameOfYourList. and VS Code shows what's available: Array

List functionalities

  • some are fields (no brackets), some are methods (functions with brackets ())
    • list.Count tells the length of the list
    • list.Add(newItem) adds newItem to the end of the list
    • list.Remove(item) removes item from list
    • list.Contains(item) checks if item is in the list & returns boolean
    • list.Find(predicate) finds an item from the list that matches the given predicate. More about it later!

Exercise 1. Enemy names

Create a list of names for enemy characters.

Print to console There are [X] enemy names.

  1. Create a function addName(enemyName) that

    • adds a new enemy name to the list
    • prints out Added [enemyName]. Now there are [X] enemy names.
  2. Create a function removeLastName() that

    • removes the last enemy name from the list
    • prints out Removed [enemyName].
  3. Print out all the names from the list that start with the letter "S".

Iterating through an array with for

  string[] starters = new string[] 

  for (int i = 0; i < starters.Length; i++)

Iterating through a list with for

List<string> starters = new List<string>() 

for(int i = 0; i < starters.Count; i++)
  • note: lists use .Count instead of .Length!

Better iteration with foreach

  string[] starters = new string[] 

  foreach (string starter in starters)
  • Use if a) you don't need the index while looping through list/array b) you aren't mutating, i.e, editing, the array/list elements (see example below)

Foreach mutation blocked


Foreach Unity example

  foreach (GameObject enemy in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy"))

Deleting an element from list

  • As lists are dynamic, their elements can be deleted
  • There are two ways to delete an element from a list:
    1. list.RemoveAt(index);
    • RemoveAt removes the element at the given index
    1. list.Remove(element);
    • Remove removes the first occurrence of the given element from the list

Reverse for loop

  • You can't delete an element when looping through a list normally

    • The length of the list changes after deletion $\Rightarrow$ you'll eventually try to refer to an nonexistent element!
  • Easy fix: loop through the list in a reverse order

     for (int i = list.Count; i >= 0; i--)
     	list[i] = 1337;
  • This way, you won't run into reference issues

Copying a list

  • Copying a list of value types
    List<YourType> newList = new List<YourType>(oldList);
  • Copying a list of reference types
    List<YourType> oldList = new List<YourType>();
    List<YourType> newList = new List<YourType>(oldList.Count);
            newList.Add(new YourType(item));

Exercise 2. Looping through

Loop through the starters array, and print the starter and its number like this: #001 Bulbasaur

Now, edit the strings with a loop to include this number as well.

Exercise 3. Creative data

Create two-dimensional data structure with x,y coordinates.

Create a function populateLevel() that creates new enemy GameObjects in the scene based on these coordinates.

Also, create a function newCoordinate(x, y) that can be used to add new coordinates into the data structure.

Extra: What if you want to populate the level with enemies and collectibles, both of which saved in the same data structure?

Exercise 4. List of lights

Continue exercise 1 from Scripting gameobjects.

Instead of three lights, have nine lights, each with a tag "Light" (preferably as a prefab).

Control the lights from the light switch with a program that runs through a list of all the lights instead of switching them on and off individually.