All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Repositories are now non-blocking
- Komapper instead of exposed
- Repositories are now non-blocking
- Authn and Authz MVP for relational databases
- Komapper instead of exposed
- Authentication
- Improved architecture and separation
- Relational DAO now adds functions to query for indexed fields
- API @GetBy
- Generate API Query Models
- GetBy queries
- Ktor 2 + Kompendium Upgrades
- Attempt to fix bug in package publishing pipeline
- Support for nullable table columns
- Centralize test utils in util fixture
- Omit sensitive fields from response payload
- Unique constraint for document and table fields
- Count All functionality
- Get All functionality
- Set indices on relational tables
- Set indices on documents
- Persistence Annotation Module
- RDBMS foreign key support
- One-to-many relation support
- Many-to-many relation support
- Create now takes multiple entities
- MVP RDBMS Generator
- MVP Mongo Generator
- MVP API Generator
- MVP Model Generator
- Started my project using sourdough ❤️