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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 27, 2021. It is now read-only.

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873 lines (868 loc) · 27.3 KB

File metadata and controls

873 lines (868 loc) · 27.3 KB
Options Usage
Setup Details
welcome-channel &set welcome-channel (channel_id)
leave-channel &set leave-channel (channel_id)
audit-channel &set audit-channel (channel_id)
auto-role &set welcome-role (@role)
announce-channel &set announce-channel (channel_id)
suggest-channel &set suggest-channel (channel_id)
level-messages &set level-messages
language &set language
member-count-channel &set member-count-channel (channel_id)
starboards-channel &set starboards-channel (channel_id)
reaction-role &addreactionrole (channel_id)
prefix &prefix (new_prefix)
Commands Info
Admin Commands [39]
&help or &h List of all commands
&set or &help set For full setup details
&addcmd Add a custom commands for server
&addemoji Add emoji or copy emoji
&addreactionrole For Reaction Roles or self role
&addrole Add a role to a user
&addroleall Add a role to all user of a server
&announce Make a announce with embed
&ban Ban a user
&blacklistedwords Set black list words for server
&createrole Create a new role
&ctopic Update a channel topic
&deafen Deafen a user
&delete Purge up to 100 messages
&ignoredchannels Add/Remove ignored channels
&kick Kick a user
&lockchannel Lock a channel
&mute Mute a user
&nuke Delete all messages of a channel
&removerole Remove role ftom a user
&removerollall Remove a tole from all users
&removereactionrole Remove a reaction role
&removeuserwarns Remove warns from a user
&say Let bot say something
&setwelcomemsg Set a welcome message
&sticky Set a sticky message
&unban Unban a user
&undeafen Undeafen a user
&unlockchannel Unlock a channel
&unmute Unmute a user
&unset Unset a option or channel
&unsticky Remove sticky message
&voicekick Disconnect a user from vc
&mute Mute a user
&voicemute voicemute a user
&voiceunmute unmute a user
&warn Warn a user
&warnings See the total warnings of a user
Animal Commands [19]
&alpaca Shows a picture of alpaca
&bear Shows a picture of bear
&bird Shows a picture of bird
&bunny Shows a picture of bunny
&camel Shows a picture of camel
&cat Shows a picture of cat
&cow Shows a picture of cow
&cowsay Lets a vow say something
&dog Shows a picture of dog
&duck Shows a picture of duck
&fox Shows a picture of fox
&koala Shows a picture of koala
&lizard Shows a picture of lizard
&llama Shows a picture of llama
&owl Shows a picture of owl
&panda Shows a picture of panda
&racoon Shows a picture of racoon
&shibe Shows a picture of shibe
&whale Shows a picture of whale
Games Commands [18]
&8ball Gives you 8ball game
&advice Gives you a advice
&ascii Transform a text to ascii
&bet Bet on somebody
&block Write text with blocks
&compliment Get a compliment
&dadjoke Shows a dadjoke
&flipcoin Flip a coin
&foodporn Shows food images
&happiness Get a happiness returned
&iq Get a random iq returned
&lmgtfy Let me google that for you
&calc Calculate something
&randomjoke Get a random joke
&randomnumber Get a 6 digit number
&rps Rock Paper Scissors
&wyr Would you rather
&block Write text with blocks
Image Commands [49]
&help image Get all image & meme commands
&amazeme Shows interesting images
&earthporn Amazing images of the light
&baka Shows a baka image
&changemymind Change my mind
&clyde Shows a clyde image
&cuddle Cuddle of somebody
&feed Feed somebody
&giphy Shows a giphy image
&hug Shows a hug image
&imgfy text to image converter
&kiss Shows a kiss image
&meme Shows a meme image
&megik Get a Magik
&owo Shows a owo image
&pat Pat somebody
&poke Poke somebody
&baka Shows a baka image
&slap Slap somebody
&smug Shows a smug image
&supreme Display text with a logo
&tweet Get an image eith your tweet
Music Commands [13]
&clearqueue Clear the music playlist
&filter Set/Remove a filter
&filters Shows all filters
&lyrics Shows the song lyrics
&loop Enable or Disable lopp
&nowplaying Show current playing song
&pause Pause the song
&play Play a songs
&queue Show the queue list
&resume Resume the song
&shuffle Shuffle a song
&skip Skip a song
&stop Stop a song
&volume Set song volume
Fw Commands [131]
&help fw Get all fw commands
&help Check all category
Util Commands [44]
&ping Show the Bot ping
&afk Send a user to afk
&anime Get a anime character
&avatar Get a user avatar
&bmi Calculate your BMI
&botinvite Get a bot invite link
&bugreport Send a bugreport to owner
&channelinfo Get a channel info
&channels get all the channels in server
&covid Get covid 19 detsils
&country Shows information about a country
&define Define a word
&dependencies Get bots dependencies
&docs Get a query of discord js
&emojis Get server emojis details
&enlarged Get your emoji enlarged
&feedback Get a feedback of the bot
&github Search someone in github
&hastebin Get a link of hastebin of your text
&image Search a image
&imdb Get a information about movie
&invite Check a user invite count
&membercount Get server membercount
&minecraft Get a info about minecraft server
&morse Convert a string to morse code
&npm Search packages in npm
&playstore Show playstore app info
&pokemon Show pokemon info
&poll Create a poll
&randomcolor Get a random color
&roleinfo Get a role info
&roles Get all roles info of server
&servericon Get servericon
&serverinfo Show server info
&stats Show the bots stats info
&suggest Create a suggestion
&translate Translate a sentence
&uptime Show the bots uptime info
&userinfo Get a user info
&weather Get weather info of a city
&wiki Wikipedia search
&worldclock Get worldclock info
Economy Commands [15]
&balance Get your balance info
&buy buy a item from store
&daily Get your daily coins
&deposit Deposit money to your bank
&dice Roll a dice
&inventory View your user inventory
&moneyleaderboard Get money leaderboard info
&pay Give money to a user
&profile Get full profile info of a user
&rob Rob upto 1000 coins from a user
&slots Slots machine
&store View/buy the store
&weekly Collect your weekly price
&withdraw Withdraw money to your bank
&work Get your work info
Levels Commands [5]
&givexp Give someone xp
&leaderboard Get info of info leaderboard
&level Check your level
&rank Check your rank
&resetxp Reset all user xp of server
&xp Get xp info of a user
Exempt Commands [4]
&config Get info of config
&prefix Set a server prefix
&enable Enable a command
&disable Disable a command
Giveaway Commands [3]
&givend Ends a giveaway
&givreroll Reroll a giveaway
&givstart Start a giveaway
Ticket Commands [2]
&createticketOpen a ticket
&closeticket Close a ticket
Reminder Commands [3]
&reminders Show the reminders
&removereminder Remove a reminder
&setreminder Set a reminder

Combines features from Dyno, MEE6, and other bots.

Designed by: BSxSUBHO & MR.SENIOR