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Labs and people active in open microscopy

Lab / PI
BiA-PoL Robert Haase. Bio-image analysis technology development group. DFG Cluster of Excellence "Physics of Life", TU Dresden, Germany. Homepage, Blog, Open source code, Teaching materials (slides), Teaching materials (videos)
Bio Foundaries Consortium to provide large-scale, cutting-edge lab automation to biologists. Homepage
Carpenter-Singh lab Anne Carpenter and Shantanu Singh. Advanced methods and software tools to quantify and mine the rich information present in cellular images to yield biological discoveries. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in Cambridge, USA. Homepage, Open science
Danuser lab Gaudenz Danuser. Molecular cell biology, live cell imaging, signal processing, computer vision. UT Southwestern Medical Center. USA. Homepage, Software, GitHub
Enderlein lab Jörg Enderlein. Single-molecule spectroscopy and super-resolution microscopy. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany. Homepage, Software, Teaching
Endesfelder lab Ulrike Endesfelder. Insights into the inner life of living cells: Exploring cellular biophysics by single-molecule methods. Bonn University, Germany. Homepage
Haselhoff lab Jim Haselhoff. Synthetic Biology for engineering plant growth. University of Cambridge, UK. Homepage, Microscopy, GitHub
Hohlbein lab Johannes Hohlbein. Single-molecule stuff. Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands. Homepage, Open Science, GitHub
Heilemann lab Mike Heilemann. Structural organization of biomolecules in cells applying novel microscopic techniques that provide single-molecule sensitivity and a spatial resolution below the diffraction limit. Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. Homepage, Software
Heintzmann lab Rainer Heintzmann. Development of techniques to measure multidimensional information in small biological objects such as cells, cellular organelles, molecules or other structures. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany. Homepage, Software
Henriques lab Ricardo Henriques. Optical cell biology. Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal. Homepage, Resources, GitHub
Holden lab Séamus Holden. Advanced microscopy and image analysis to understand living organisms. Newcastle University, UK. Homepage, GitHub
Manley lab Suliana Manley. Laboratory of Experimental Biophysics. EPFL, CH. Homepage, Software
Microscopy Innovation Lab Kevin Dean. Department of Cell Biology. UT Southwestern Medical Center. Homepage, GitHub
NeuroCyto Lab Christophe Leterrier. NeuroCyto: the neuronal cytoskeleton in physiology and disease. INP, CNRS-Aix Marseille University, France. Homepage, GitHub
Prakash lab Manu Prakash. Curiosity-driven science. Stanford, USA. Homepage, GitHub
QI2 lab Douglas Shepherd. Quantitative Imaging and Inference Laboratory. Arizona State University in Tempe, USA. Homepage, GitHub
Ries lab Jonas Ries. Super-resolution microscopy for structural cell biology. Development of techniques to visualize the structure and dynamics of molecular machines in cells on the nanoscale. Main biological target: clathrin-mediated endocytosis. EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. Homepage, Software, Resources, GitHub
Royer lab Loic A. Royer. Advanced microscopy, bioimage informatics. CZ Biohub San Francisco, USA. Homepage, GitHub
Sieben lab Christian Sieben. Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany. Homepage, GitHub
Testa lab Ilaria Testa. Advanced optical bioimaging at Scilifelab and KTH, Solna, Sweden. Homepage, Tools
Tutkus lab Marijonas Tutkus. Advanced fluorescence microscopy imaging and hardware/software development at Vilnius University, Lithuania. Homepage, Tools
Vicidomini lab Giuseppe Vicidomini. (STED) microscopy, spectroscopy, SPAD Arrays, image analysis. Center for Human Technology, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. Homepage, GitHub
Wählby lab Carolina Wählby. Quantitative microscopy group. Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Homepage, GitHub
Waller lab Laura Waller. Computational imaging lab. UC Berkeley, USA. Homepage, Optics-Fun, Open Source, GitHub
Wenzel lab Tobias Wenzel. Microbiome research team using micro-fluidics and open source hardware. UC Chile, Chile. Homepage, GitHub
York lab Andrew G. York. Calico. Microscopy techniques. USA. Homepage, GitHub