diff --git a/panoramix/forms.py b/panoramix/forms.py
index b0181ee3a3c35..3a607ef05748f 100644
--- a/panoramix/forms.py
+++ b/panoramix/forms.py
@@ -124,13 +124,14 @@ def __init__(self, viz):
                 choices=[(s, s) for s in ['None', 'mean', 'sum', 'std', 'cumsum']],
-                    "Defines a rolling window function to apply")),
+                    "Defines a rolling window function to apply, works along "
+                    "with the [Periods] text box")),
             'rolling_periods': IntegerField(
                 "Defines the size of the rolling window function, "
-                "relative to the 'granularity' field")),
+                "relative to the time granularity selected")),
             'series': SelectField(
                 'Series', choices=group_by_choices,
@@ -152,8 +153,19 @@ def __init__(self, viz):
                     'Bubble Size',
-            'where': TextField('Custom WHERE clause', default=''),
-            'having': TextField('Custom HAVING clause', default=''),
+            'where': TextField(
+                'Custom WHERE clause', default='',
+                description=(
+                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's WHERE "
+                    "clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
+                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
+                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")),
+            'having': TextField('Custom HAVING clause', default='',
+                description=(
+                    "The text in this box gets included in your query's HAVING"
+                    " clause, as an AND to other criteria. You can include "
+                    "complex expression, parenthesis and anything else "
+                    "supported by the backend it is directed towards.")),
             'compare_lag': TextField('Comparison Period Lag',
                 description="Based on granularity, number of time periods to compare against"),
             'compare_suffix': TextField('Comparison suffix',
@@ -305,8 +317,13 @@ class QueryForm(OmgWtForm):
         # datasource type specific form elements
         if datasource.__class__.__name__ == 'SqlaTable':
-            QueryForm.fieldsets += (
-                {'label': 'SQL', 'fields': ['where', 'having']},)
+            QueryForm.fieldsets += ({
+                'label': 'SQL',
+                'fields': ['where', 'having'],
+                'description': (
+                    "This section exposes ways to include snippets of "
+                    "SQL in your query"),
+            },)
             setattr(QueryForm, 'where', px_form_fields['where'])
             setattr(QueryForm, 'having', px_form_fields['having'])
diff --git a/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html b/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html
index 379038c6b279b..e3dd9589b152e 100644
--- a/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html
+++ b/panoramix/templates/panoramix/explore.html
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ <h4>
             {% if fieldset.label %}
               <legend class="legend-style">
                 <span class="legend_label">{{ fieldset.label }}</span>
+                {% if fieldset.description %}
+                  <i    class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="tooltip"
+                        data-placement="bottom"
+                        title="{{ fieldset.description }}"></i>
+                {% endif %}
                 <span class="collapser"> [-]</span>
             {% endif %}
@@ -70,6 +75,9 @@ <h4>
         <fieldset class="fs-style">
           <legend class="legend-style">
             <span class="legend_label">Filters</span>
+            <i  class="fa fa-info-circle" data-toggle="tooltip"
+                data-placement="bottom"
+                title="Filters are defined using comma delimited strings as in 'US,FR,Other'"></i>
             <span class="collapser"> [-]</span>
           <div class="fieldset_content">
diff --git a/panoramix/viz.py b/panoramix/viz.py
index 06facd5984eea..fd0379a42ff15 100644
--- a/panoramix/viz.py
+++ b/panoramix/viz.py
@@ -541,6 +541,10 @@ class NVD3TimeSeriesViz(NVD3Viz):
         }, {
             'label': 'Advanced Analytics',
+            'description': (
+                "This section contains options "
+                "that allow for advanced analytical post processing "
+                "of query reults"),
             'fields': (
                 ('rolling_type', 'rolling_periods'),