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Yinan Li edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 7 revisions
  • Author: Sahil
  • Reviewer: Yinan

Checking Job State

When there's an issue with a Gobblin job to troubleshoot, it is often helpful to check the state of the job persisted in the state store. Gobblin provides a tool `gobblin-dist/bin/' for checking job states located at. The usage of the tool is as follows:

 -a,--all                                  Whether to convert all past job
                                           states of the given job
 -i,--id <gobblin job id>                  Gobblin job id
 -kc,--keepConfig                          Whether to keep all
                                           configuration properties
 -n,--name <gobblin job name>              Gobblin job name
 -u,--storeurl <gobblin state store URL>   Gobblin state store root path
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