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Differences Between iOS and Android

erikaaatan edited this page Dec 19, 2017 · 3 revisions

Differences Between iOS and Android

  1. There are considerably more avatar customization options when starting the game in Android. The iOS app only has 3 hairstyles and 1 outfit.

iOS default avatar

iOS Avatar Customization

Android avatar options that are not available in iOS

Android Avatar Customization

  1. The iOS app confirms the final avatar before continuing to the map while the Android version immediately advances to the map.

iOS confirm final avatar

iOS Confirm Final Avatar

  1. Different dialogue font and color are used across the two apps. Also, Marcello is labeled in the iOS version while he remains nameless in the Android version.

iOS dialogue and font

iOS Dialogue

Android dialogue and font; does not include Marcello's name

Android Dialogue

  1. Full dialogue text does not show in the iOS app. In the Android version, the TextView expands to show all the text.

iOS dialogue does not fully show

iOS Full Text Not Showing

Android dialogue fully shows

Android Full Text Showing

  1. The iOS version notifies how many karma points have been earned and labels the current scenario at the top of the screen once a scenario has finished. The Android version does not do both of these. Also, choosing the same dialogues results in different karma points being earned (20 for iOS, 8 for Android). The end screen also has no continue button for iOS so the user must replay or go back to the map. There is a continue button for Android which automatically takes the user to the next scenario.

iOS scene completion screen does not have a continue button but shows which scenario has been completed and how many karma points (20) have been earned.

iOS Scene Completion

Android scene completion screen has continue button and does not gain the same amount of karma points.

Android Scene Completion

  1. On the map, the iOS app has a small error in which the school overlaps the smoke coming out of the house's chimney. The Android app does not have this issue.

iOS school issue

iOS Map

Android map does not have school issue

Android Map

  1. The Pros and Cons setup is different for both apps. Also, the continue button is a different color (white for iOS, dark blue for Android) and the score is not displayed in the Android version.

iOS pros and cons screen does not specify number of pros and cons; white continue button

iOS Pros and Cons

Android pros and cons screen specifies 2 pros and 1 con; dark blue continue button; no score in the top right corner

Android Pros and Cons

  1. There are different animations for vocab match tile game. In Android, the tile converges with the clip board and the clip board enlarges for a small period of time while the tile just disappears in the iOS version.

  2. The iOS end screen for the vocab match game does not show how many were wrong and does not have the same UI as the other minigame end screens.

iOS Vocab Match end screen

iOS Vocab Match End

Android Vocab Match end screen

Android Vocab Match End

  1. The iOS Sink to Swim minigame has 10 available questions but Android only has 5. Also, the score font and color are different (the total score is darker blue for the iOS version); the continue button is still a different color as well.

iOS Sink to Swim end screen

iOS Sink to Swim

Android Sink to Swim end screen

Android Sink to Swim

  1. The Android app has a game over screen for finishing the library scenario while the iOS app does not.

iOS only has a regular scenario over screen

iOS No Game Over

Android game over

Android Game Over

  1. The iOS app gives a warning before purchasing an item; Android automatically lets the user buy the item. Also, the prices are more expensive for the same items in the iOS version.

iOS warning dialogue

iOS Purchase Warning

Android lets user buy the item without confirming the purchase

Android No Purchase Warning