- Object Storage
- Allows to store and retrieve data as objects or bytes;
- Supports only Object ID indexing;
- Examples: Amazon S3 (Dynamo), Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blobs;
- Cloud File Systems
- Hierarchical organization of files, permissions and metadata;
- Examples: Hadoop File System, Google File System;
- Tables (NoSQL)
- Records and tables;
- Search and range scans;
- Examples: Amazon DynamoDB (Dynamo), Apache HBase, Google BigTable;
- Relational Databases
- Full relational model;
- Conventional services;
- Examples: Amazon RDS, SQL Azure, Google Cloud SQL.
- Powers DynamoDB and S3 Amazon services;
- Dynamo focus more on availability and partition tolerance than on consistency;
- At Amazon, availability equals the client's trust;
- In large data centers, partitions are inevitable;
- Most data services tolerate small inconsistencies - eventual consistency;
- Strong Consistency: once a write operation completes, all subsequent read operations will return the value of the write operation;
- Weak Consistency: after a write operation completes, reads may or may not see it;
- Eventual Consistency: after a write operation completes, reads will eventually return the value of the write operation; e.g., a DNS name update is propagated between zones until all clients eventually see the new IP address.
- Dynamo interaction model:
- Total/full/complete reads and writes with unique IDs;
- Binary objects with up to 5GB;
- No operations on multiple objects;
- ACID properties:
- Atomicity: all or nothing;
- Isolation: concurrent operations do not interfere;
- Durability: data is persistent;
- Consistency is relaxed.
- Two operations:
put(key, context, object)
: object identifier;context
: versioning information (vector clocks);object
: data to store;
get(key) -> (object versions, context)
: object identifier;object versions
: list of versions;context
: versioning information.
Problem | Technique | Advantage |
Partitioning | Consistent Hashing | Incremental Stability |
Write availability | Vector clocks and conflict resolution | Version size does not depend on the update rate |
Temporary failures | Sloppy Quorum and Anti-Entropy | High availability and durability |
Permanent failures | Anti-Entropy with Merkle Trees | Syncs replicas asynchronically |
Membership and failure detection | Gossip-based protocol | Scalability and fault tolerance |
- Incremental scalability: adding a new node has to be simple;
- The system must distribute requests uniformly and support nodes with different characteristics (heterogeneity) - Solution is to use Chord;
- Chord: a distributed lookup protocol that addresses the problem of distributed hash tables - P2P and DHT;
- Symmetry: All nodes are equal and responsible for a range of keys;
- Decentralization: No central node;
- Partitioning:
- Uses consistent hashing to partition data;
- Inspired by Chord - each node has a unique ID in the key space;
- Nodes are arranged in a ring;
- Data items are stored in the node with the lowest key that is greater than the object key;
- Replication:
- All objects are replicated in the N nodes that follow the home node associated with the object;
Data Versions:
- Nodes for writing and reading are selected based on load;
- There may be different versions written on different replicas;
- Conflict resolution is done when reading - promotes full availability and reduces latency in writes;
- Semantic reconciliation - the application resolves the conflict: for all read operations, the system returns all versions and the application decides which one to use;
- Timeouts: after number of generations without writing, the system deletes the old versions;
Vector Clocks: represent time in a distributed system, without clock synchronization;
- Replace physical time with causality;
- If all positions of the vector clock time of A are less than or equal to the vector clock time of B, then A happened before B;
- We assign a vector clock to each version of an object to detect divergent replicas and conflicts;
Dynamo uses a quorum model for read and write operations, allowing not waiting for all replicas to respond;
- Reads:
replicas must respond; - Writes:
replicas must respond; - R + W > N to ensure consistency - ensures that the read and write quorums intersect;
- To ensure availability, Dynamo uses sloppy quorum - if the quorum is not met, the system returns the data anyway and stores the request in backup nodes for later reconciliation;
- Hinted Handoff: if a node is down, the system stores the data in the next node in the ring and sends it later - uses a preference list.
- Reads:
When an hinted replica (has temporary writes that belong to another node) is considered failed, the system reconciles the data using Merkle Trees;
- Merkle Trees: a hash tree that allows to verify the contents of a data structure efficiently;
- Very easy and fast to identify what needs to be exchanged and synchronized;
- Hierarchical data storage based on Dynamo;
- Adds multiple attributes, indexing and queries;
- No schema;
- Automatic scaling;
- Efficient for data where read operations dominate due to the eventual consistency model;
- ❌ Missing features: joins and ordering;
- Data model:
- Table: collection of items, identified by a string;
- Item: identified by a key and contains attributes;
- Indexed by an hash key;
- Additional range key for indexing;
- Limited to 400KB;
- Attributes: name-value pairs;
- Queries: allows to query by key, range key or secondary indexes;
- Supports conditional modifications;
- Supports atomic counters.
- Simple Storage Service;
- Used for storing disk images, photos, videos, often as CDN for web content;
⚠️ Occasionally, some S3 calls fail and must be repeated;- Include SLA for 99.99% availability;
- Data model:
- Bucket: collection of objects - delimiting namespace;
- Object: identified by a key and contains data.
- Distributed file systems;
- Hadoop File System (HDFS): reimplementation of the Google File System (GFS);
- Runs on clusters of generic machines;
- Tuned for large files and streaming reads;
- Scalability: data operations don't go through a central server.
- Block-based: files are divided into blocks of 64MB;
- A file smaller than a block does not occupy the full block - a smaller local file is used;
- Namenode: manages the file system namespace - folder hierarchy and name uniqueness;
- Files can be written, read, renamed and deleted, but its no possible to:
- Write in the middle of a file;
- Write concurrently in the same file;
- Files can be written, read, renamed and deleted, but its no possible to:
- Datanode: manages a set of blocks;
- Processes client/namenode requests;
- Periodically sends a heartbeat to the namenode;
- Block replication management: when replica number drops below a threshold, the datanode replicates the block.
- Reading: the client asks the namenode for the block locations and reads directly from the datanodes;
- Writing: the client asks the namenode for a list of datanodes to write the block;
- The client writes to the first datanode and then to the next - chain replication;
- Block write requests are kept in a data queue;
- Unconfirmed write requests are kept in an ack queue;
- If the datanode fails, the client changes the block ID so the corrupted replica is deleted later;
- Google large-scale replicated storage system;
- Google Datastore (NoSQL) is based on BigTable;
- Stores all persistent state on top of Google File System (GFS).
- A table has entities;
- A table has column families - like a property;
- Created statically;
- Each column family has columns - instance of a property;
- Created dynamically;
- Each column is timestamped;
- Entities are ordered alphabetically, and can be:
- Written;
- Deleted;
- Read as single row, scanned or range scanned.
- ACID transactions only for a single entity.
- Sequences of entities are stored in tablets;
- Tablet: a range of rows;
- Stored in SSTable files;
- Client application uses library to interact with service;
- Master performs the following tasks:
- Table creation;
- Column family creation;
- Startpoint for entity location;
- Allocation and elimination of tablets;
- Tablet Servers:
- Performs reading, writing directly with clients;
- Partitioning for tablets that are too large, employing tree with levels of metadata tablets, and leaves are data tablets;
- Writing is done on two tablet server structures: redo log and memtable;
- Minor: when a memtable is full, it is flushed to disk as an SSTable;
- Merge: groups SSTables from minor compactions;
- Major: converts SSTables to a minimum by filtering entity removals;
- Object storage over BigTable;
- Object = Entity;
- Each entity has an unique ID that includes appID and kindID;
- AppID: application identifier;
- Kind is a namespace;
- Data items are stored in the entities columns, and columns have a name and a value;
- Megastore is an intermediate layer between BigTable and Datastore, that:
- Executes queries;
- Builds indexes;
- Performs multi-record transactions.
- Datastore supports transactions on several entities, but are limited:
- Only operate on one entity group;
- No distributed transactions.
- Blob Storage: object storage service;
- Table Storage: NoSQL storage service - similar to BigTable;
- Table is a collection of entities;
- Entity is a collection of properties;
- Optimistic concurrency control;
- Entities have a PartitionKey and a RowKey.