Word spinners
- with basic and advanced paraphrase - can only use standard.
rewritertools, another article spinner
- no advanced paraphrase; doesn't have different langs
- this rewriter keeps SEO in mind for search rankings; after a few tries it WILL ask for a login, use TOR to bypass.
- start with "rewrite this as..." careful of censorship. Doesn't need an account.
You'll need an account for deepseek, heavily censored with stuff involving china or sensitive topics (much like gpt); you may download the model from hugging face (not like gpt).
Run deepseek offline, less censorship but IDK about performance.
An aur repo for arch users; follow the directions on the reddit post.
Wanna use different langs for free?
SEO Tools
- seotoolstation I'd recommend using TOR browser to bypass the login page after a few tries.
Face generation
stable-diffusion-webui, use models you can find on the internet; can be used on a local machine
- Civitai, I'd personally use 1.5 models under filters for older cards. Don't use inpainting models for image generation.
This person doesn't exist; a face generator, will have a logo at the bottom of the screen so use
photo shop tools / photo editing tools
For Linux users
sudo apt update && sudo apt install exiftool
Other distros:
sudo dnf install exiftool
sudo pacman -S exiftool
- Email address + username + name generation
Email user/name generator for cock.li and ProtonMail; useful for non-temp mail service accounts
temp-mail an online email generation tool
username gen an online tool, can enter nothing and get results.
DISCLAIMER: Cock.li may be having issues:
My fellow rtrds: cock.li has not "shut down". You may need to read more than the first line. Anyone suggesting you migrate your account to Gmail, Yahoo, Proton, etc. should not have been using cock.li in the first place. Normal$!gs get off my f*!#ing board. Feel free to migrate, I don't have any good suggestions though. Try that on Proton! PW changes and maybe registration will be back within a couple days.
LIBERTY CANARY Date updated: See the PGP Signed Version Cock.li is in 100% control of all of its hardware, and the service is still operating normally. The website (account registration+pw change) is currently offline. Cock.li will shut down before becoming complicit in crimes against its own user base under duress of any government or organization. Cock.li is not under duress of any government or organization.
I'd probably recommend using something other than cock.li; and use a different email service provider. However, if you decide to use cock.li, you can check out how to enable it in the given link.
free to check the status of cock.li wth the provided site here https://cock.li/
Virtualization tools
anonymity tools
Disk Destruction
- dban, hdd only
- wipe and other types
- nuke can be used on both NVME/SSD (sec/unsec) and HDD
People search engines:
- A whole big ass list to opt out and to compare info.
privacytools, a site containing software and guides for enhanced privacy
On a tangent; sometimes the best opsec is to not interact with the target you're osinting on, for example:
Suzie is thinking Stu is cheating on her with Lexi, so she cofronted her with this and more evidence thus Stu stopped his activity. Or you're researching about the target with the tools provided but you wanted to gloat about what you found, so now s/he deleted all the info about itself.