SoolAI is a powerful AI image generator inspired by MidJourney & DALL·E, offering a seamless Full Stack MERN experience. Create stunning AI-generated images from prompts, share your creations with the community, and explore the artistic wonders of artificial intelligence. Built with TypeScript, ReactJS, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and the DALL·E model.
Community Showcase: Explore the incredible creations of the Sool AI community.
Create AI Images: Generate captivating AI images using prompts and the DALL·E model.
Share Your Creations: Share your AI-generated masterpieces with the Sool AI community.
Here is the folder structure of SoolAI .
|-- public/
|-- src/
|--- components/
|--- constants/
|--- layouts/
|--- routes/
|--- router.js
|--- index.css
|--- main.jsx
|-- postcss.config.cjs
|-- vite.config.js
TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript.
ReactJS: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for building server-side applications.
Express.js: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework.
MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing and managing data.
Mongoose: An elegant MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
DALL·E: A language model for generating images from text descriptions.
Abdurezak Farah - @awelrisak - @awelrisak
Project Link:
I am grateful for the inspiration from MidJourney and the incredible capabilities of the DALL·E model.