Install `mojito-cli` globally using [npm]( with % npm install --global mojito-cli This makes the `mojito` command available from the command line. Details of installation are in the [npm install docs]( Users must have the path displayed with this command in their `$PATH`: npm prefix --global Declaring Mojito as a Dependency ---------------------------------- Your `mojito` application should declare it's dependencies in it's package.json file, as described [here]( For Mojito apps, that means putting something like the following in your package.json: "dependencies": { "mojito": "~0.5.7" } ... where "mojito", the npm package name, is a key of the dependencies object. It's value is a [version number or range]( Mojito-Cli Commands and CI -------------------------- In continuous integration (CI) workflows, it might be useful to declare `mojito-cli` as a [devDependency]( in your package.json: "devDependencies": { "mojito-cli": "~0.0.5" } This way commands like `jslint`, `test`, and `docs` can be made available to your CI scripts along with your application and it's other dependencies. **Note**, this requires `mojito@0.7.0` or later. Earlier Mojito versions prevented `mojito-cli` from being installed locally at the same time as `mojito`. However, in both cases, your CI scripts can invoke the cli commands the same way. For example: node_modules/.bin/mojito test app . Local installation ------------------ After declaring your application's dependencies, they can be installed by running `npm install` in the top level of your application directory. ### Tips * `mojito create app` will create an empty Mojito application with a package.json, and do `npm install` in your newly created application directory. * to install Mojito locally and add it as a dependency in your package.json at the same time, try: `npm install --save mojito` * to install the Mojito CLI locally and add it as a devDependency in your package.json at the same time, try: `npm install --save-dev mojito-cli`