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How do I configure Qanary services using Docker containers?

Paul Heinze edited this page May 7, 2022 · 4 revisions

This will give you a general overview over how to configure a Qanary service (pipeline or components) that are running in Docker containers.

For more detailed instructions on specific properties, as well as networking, please see further resources at the end of this page.


Use environment variables to set or override properties.

Defining Property Values

For both the Qanary pipeline as well as components, configuration properties are defined in a file as key-value pairs:

To override the default values set in the use of environment variables is encouraged, and will be the only method used in these guides.

Example: the value of property server.port is specified using the environment variable SERVER_PORT.

Docker run

Example: Use the following command to start a service (component)

docker run -p 5555:5555 \
-e SERVER_PORT=5555 \
-e SPRING_BOOT_ADMIN_URL=http://example.pipeline:8080 \


Above configurations using the standard docker run command can also be applied in a docker-compose.yml file

version: "3.5"
    image: example-component:latest
	- "5555:5555"
	- "SERVER_PORT=5555"
	- "SPRING_BOOT_ADMIN_URL=http://example.pipeline:8080"
        - "SPRING_BOOT_ADMIN_CLIENT_INSTANCE_SERVICE-BASE-URL=http://example.component:5555"

Specific Configurations

This guide is only meant to give you a general overview. Qanary components and pipeline implementations will require differnet parameters, based on the context. Especially when connecting components to a pipeline, setting the correct parameters for networking might not be trivial.

Please read the specific guides to learn more:

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