diff --git a/static/js/locale_enus.js b/static/js/locale_enus.js index add09131b..6c01037c9 100644 --- a/static/js/locale_enus.js +++ b/static/js/locale_enus.js @@ -1969,96 +1969,1005 @@ var g_skill_categories = { var g_zones = { 1: 'Dun Morogh', + 2: 'Longshore', 3: 'Badlands', 4: 'Blasted Lands', + 7: 'Blackwater Cove', 8: 'Swamp of Sorrows', 9: 'Northshire Valley', 10: 'Duskwood', 11: 'Wetlands', 12: 'Elwynn Forest', + 13: 'The World Tree', 14: 'Durotar', 15: 'Dustwallow Marsh', 16: 'Azshara', 17: 'The Barrens', + 18: 'Crystal Lake', + 19: 'Zul\'Gurub', + 20: 'Moonbrook', + 21: 'Kul Tiras', + 22: 'Programmer Isle', + 23: 'Northshire River', + 24: 'Northshire Abbey', 25: 'Blackrock Mountain', + 26: 'Lighthouse', 28: 'Western Plaguelands', + 30: 'Nine', + 32: 'The Cemetary', 33: 'Stranglethorn Vale', + 34: 'Echo Ridge Mine', + 35: 'Booty Bay', 36: 'Alterac Mountains', + 37: 'Lake Nazferiti', 38: 'Loch Modan', 40: 'Westfall', 41: 'Deadwind Pass', + 42: 'Darkshire', + 43: 'Wild Shore', 44: 'Redridge Mountains', 45: 'Arathi Highlands', 46: 'Burning Steppes', 47: 'The Hinterlands', + 49: 'Dead Man\'s Hole', 51: 'Searing Gorge', + 53: 'Thieves Camp', + 54: 'Jasperlode Mine', + 55: 'Valley of Heroes UNUSED', + 56: 'Heroes\' Vigil', + 57: 'Fargodeep Mine', + 59: 'Northshire Vineyards', + 60: 'Forest\'s Edge', + 61: 'Thunder Falls', + 62: 'Brackwell Pumpkin Patch', + 63: 'The Stonefield Farm', + 64: 'The Maclure Vineyards', 65: 'Dragonblight', 66: 'Zul\'Drak', 67: 'The Storm Peaks', + 68: 'Lake Everstill', + 69: 'Lakeshire', + 70: 'Stonewatch', + 71: 'Stonewatch Falls', + 72: 'The Dark Portal', + 73: 'The Tainted Scar', + 74: 'Pool of Tears', + 75: 'Stonard', + 76: 'Fallow Sanctuary', + 77: 'Anvilmar', + 80: 'Stormwind Mountains', + 81: 'Jeff NE Quadrant Changed', + 82: 'Jeff NW Quadrant', + 83: 'Jeff SE Quadrant', + 84: 'Jeff SW Quadrant', 85: 'Tirisfal Glades', + 86: 'Stone Cairn Lake', + 87: 'Goldshire', + 88: 'Eastvale Logging Camp', + 89: 'Mirror Lake Orchard', + 91: 'Tower of Azora', + 92: 'Mirror Lake', + 93: 'Vul\'Gol Ogre Mound', + 94: 'Raven Hill', + 95: 'Redridge Canyons', + 96: 'Tower of Ilgalar', + 97: 'Alther\'s Mill', + 98: 'Rethban Caverns', + 99: 'Rebel Camp', + 100: 'Nesingwary\'s Expedition', + 101: 'Kurzen\'s Compound', + 102: 'Ruins of Zul\'Kunda', + 103: 'Ruins of Zul\'Mamwe', + 104: 'The Vile Reef', + 105: 'Mosh\'Ogg Ogre Mound', + 106: 'The Stockpile', + 107: 'Saldean\'s Farm', + 108: 'Sentinel Hill', + 109: 'Furlbrow\'s Pumpkin Farm', + 111: 'Jangolode Mine', + 113: 'Gold Coast Quarry', + 115: 'Westfall Lighthouse', + 116: 'Misty Valley', + 117: 'Grom\'gol Base Camp', + 118: 'Whelgar\'s Excavation Site', + 120: 'Westbrook Garrison', + 121: 'Tranquil Gardens Cemetery', + 122: 'Zuuldaia Ruins', + 123: 'Bal\'lal Ruins', + 125: 'Kal\'ai Ruins', + 126: 'Tkashi Ruins', + 127: 'Balia\'mah Ruins', + 128: 'Ziata\'jai Ruins', + 129: 'Mizjah Ruins', 130: 'Silverpine Forest', + 131: 'Kharanos', 132: 'Coldridge Valley', + 133: 'Gnomeregan', + 134: 'Gol\'Bolar Quarry', + 135: 'Frostmane Hold', + 136: 'The Grizzled Den', + 137: 'Brewnall Village', + 138: 'Misty Pine Refuge', 139: 'Eastern Plaguelands', 141: 'Teldrassil', + 142: 'Ironband\'s Excavation Site', + 143: 'Mo\'grosh Stronghold', + 144: 'Thelsamar', + 145: 'Algaz Gate', + 146: 'Stonewrought Dam', + 147: 'The Farstrider Lodge', 148: 'Darkshore', + 149: 'Silver Stream Mine', + 150: 'Menethil Harbor', + 151: 'Designer Island', + 152: 'The Bulwark', + 153: 'Ruins of Lordaeron', 154: 'Deathknell', + 155: 'Night Web\'s Hollow', + 156: 'Solliden Farmstead', + 157: 'Agamand Mills', + 158: 'Agamand Family Crypt', + 159: 'Brill', + 160: 'Whispering Gardens', + 161: 'Terrace of Repose', + 162: 'Brightwater Lake', + 163: 'Gunther\'s Retreat', + 164: 'Garren\'s Haunt', + 165: 'Balnir Farmstead', + 166: 'Cold Hearth Manor', + 167: 'Crusader Outpost', + 168: 'The North Coast', + 169: 'Whispering Shore', + 170: 'Lordamere Lake', + 172: 'Fenris Isle', + 173: 'Faol\'s Rest', + 186: 'Dolanaar', + 187: 'Darnassus UNUSED', 188: 'Shadowglen', + 189: 'Steelgrill\'s Depot', + 190: 'Hearthglen', + 192: 'Northridge Lumber Camp', + 193: 'Ruins of Andorhal', + 195: 'School of Necromancy', + 196: 'Uther\'s Tomb', + 197: 'Sorrow Hill', + 198: 'The Weeping Cave', + 199: 'Felstone Field', + 200: 'Dalson\'s Tears', + 201: 'Gahrron\'s Withering', + 202: 'The Writhing Haunt', + 203: 'Mardenholde Keep', + 204: 'Pyrewood Village', + 205: 'Dun Modr', 206: 'Utgarde Keep', + 207: 'The Great Sea', + 208: 'Unused Ironcladcove', 209: 'Shadowfang Keep', 210: 'Icecrown', + 211: 'Iceflow Lake', + 212: 'Helm\'s Bed Lake', + 213: 'Deep Elem Mine', + 214: 'The Great Sea', 215: 'Mulgore', + 219: 'Alexston Farmstead', 220: 'Red Cloud Mesa', + 221: 'Camp Narache', + 222: 'Bloodhoof Village', + 223: 'Stonebull Lake', + 224: 'Ravaged Caravan', + 225: 'Red Rocks', + 226: 'The Skittering Dark', + 227: 'Valgan\'s Field', + 228: 'The Sepulcher', + 229: 'Olsen\'s Farthing', + 230: 'The Greymane Wall', + 231: 'Beren\'s Peril', + 232: 'The Dawning Isles', + 233: 'Ambermill', + 235: 'Fenris Keep', + 236: 'Shadowfang Keep', + 237: 'The Decrepit Ferry', + 238: 'Malden\'s Orchard', + 239: 'The Ivar Patch', + 240: 'The Dead Field', + 241: 'The Rotting Orchard', + 242: 'Brightwood Grove', + 243: 'Forlorn Rowe', + 244: 'The Whipple Estate', + 245: 'The Yorgen Farmstead', + 246: 'The Cauldron', + 247: 'Grimesilt Dig Site', + 249: 'Dreadmaul Rock', + 250: 'Ruins of Thaurissan', + 251: 'Flame Crest', + 252: 'Blackrock Stronghold', + 253: 'The Pillar of Ash', + 254: 'Blackrock Mountain', + 255: 'Altar of Storms', + 256: 'Aldrassil', + 257: 'Shadowthread Cave', + 258: 'Fel Rock', + 259: 'Lake Al\'Ameth', + 260: 'Starbreeze Village', + 261: 'Gnarlpine Hold', + 262: 'Ban\'ethil Barrow Den', + 263: 'The Cleft', + 264: 'The Oracle Glade', + 265: 'Wellspring River', + 266: 'Wellspring Lake', 267: 'Hillsbrad Foothills', + 268: 'Azshara Crater', + 269: 'Dun Algaz', + 271: 'Southshore', + 272: 'Tarren Mill', + 275: 'Durnholde Keep', + 276: 'UNUSED Stonewrought Pass', + 277: 'The Foothill Caverns', + 278: 'Lordamere Internment Camp', + 279: 'Dalaran Crater', + 280: 'Strahnbrad', + 281: 'Ruins of Alterac', + 282: 'Crushridge Hold', + 283: 'Slaughter Hollow', + 284: 'The Uplands', + 285: 'Southpoint Tower', + 286: 'Hillsbrad Fields', + 287: 'Hillsbrad', + 288: 'Azurelode Mine', + 289: 'Nethander Stead', + 290: 'Dun Garok', + 293: 'Thoradin\'s Wall', + 294: 'Eastern Strand', + 295: 'Western Strand', + 296: 'South Seas UNUSED', + 297: 'Jaguero Isle', + 298: 'Baradin Bay', + 299: 'Menethil Bay', + 300: 'Misty Reed Strand', + 301: 'The Savage Coast', + 302: 'The Crystal Shore', + 303: 'Shell Beach', + 305: 'North Tide\'s Run', + 306: 'South Tide\'s Run', + 307: 'The Overlook Cliffs', + 308: 'The Forbidding Sea', + 309: 'Ironbeard\'s Tomb', + 310: 'Crystalvein Mine', + 311: 'Ruins of Aboraz', + 312: 'Janeiro\'s Point', + 313: 'Northfold Manor', + 314: 'Go\'Shek Farm', + 315: 'Dabyrie\'s Farmstead', + 316: 'Boulderfist Hall', + 317: 'Witherbark Village', + 318: 'Drywhisker Gorge', + 320: 'Refuge Pointe', + 321: 'Hammerfall', + 322: 'Blackwater Shipwrecks', + 323: 'O\'Breen\'s Camp', + 324: 'Stromgarde Keep', + 325: 'The Tower of Arathor', + 326: 'The Sanctum', + 327: 'Faldir\'s Cove', + 328: 'The Drowned Reef', + 330: 'Thandol Span', 331: 'Ashenvale', + 332: 'The Great Sea', + 333: 'Circle of East Binding', + 334: 'Circle of West Binding', + 335: 'Circle of Inner Binding', + 336: 'Circle of Outer Binding', + 337: 'Apocryphan\'s Rest', + 338: 'Angor Fortress', + 339: 'Lethlor Ravine', + 340: 'Kargath', + 341: 'Camp Kosh', + 342: 'Camp Boff', + 343: 'Camp Wurg', + 344: 'Camp Cagg', + 345: 'Agmond\'s End', + 346: 'Hammertoe\'s Digsite', + 347: 'Dustbelch Grotto', + 348: 'Aerie Peak', + 349: 'Wildhammer Keep', + 350: 'Quel\'Danil Lodge', + 351: 'Skulk Rock', + 352: 'Zun\'watha', + 353: 'Shadra\'Alor', + 354: 'Jintha\'Alor', + 355: 'The Altar of Zul', + 356: 'Seradane', 357: 'Feralas', + 358: 'Brambleblade Ravine', + 359: 'Bael Modan', + 360: 'The Venture Co. Mine', 361: 'Felwood', + 362: 'Razor Hill', 363: 'Valley of Trials', + 364: 'The Den', + 365: 'Burning Blade Coven', + 366: 'Kolkar Crag', + 367: 'Sen\'jin Village', + 368: 'Echo Isles', + 369: 'Thunder Ridge', + 370: 'Drygulch Ravine', + 371: 'Dustwind Cave', + 372: 'Tiragarde Keep', + 373: 'Scuttle Coast', + 374: 'Bladefist Bay', + 375: 'Deadeye Shore', + 377: 'Southfury River', + 378: 'Camp Taurajo', + 379: 'Far Watch Post', + 380: 'The Crossroads', + 381: 'Boulder Lode Mine', + 382: 'The Sludge Fen', + 383: 'The Dry Hills', + 384: 'Dreadmist Peak', + 385: 'Northwatch Hold', + 386: 'The Forgotten Pools', + 387: 'Lushwater Oasis', + 388: 'The Stagnant Oasis', + 390: 'Field of Giants', + 391: 'The Merchant Coast', + 392: 'Ratchet', + 393: 'Darkspear Strand', 394: 'Grizzly Hills', + 395: 'Grizzlemaw', + 396: 'Winterhoof Water Well', + 397: 'Thunderhorn Water Well', + 398: 'Wildmane Water Well', + 399: 'Skyline Ridge', 400: 'Thousand Needles', + 401: 'The Tidus Stair', + 403: 'Shady Rest Inn', + 404: 'Bael\'dun Digsite', 405: 'Desolace', 406: 'Stonetalon Mountains', + 407: 'Orgrimmar UNUSED', + 408: 'Gillijim\'s Isle', + 409: 'Island of Doctor Lapidis', + 410: 'Razorwind Canyon', + 411: 'Bathran\'s Haunt', + 412: 'The Ruins of Ordil\'Aran', + 413: 'Maestra\'s Post', + 414: 'The Zoram Strand', + 415: 'Astranaar', + 416: 'The Shrine of Aessina', + 417: 'Fire Scar Shrine', + 418: 'The Ruins of Stardust', + 419: 'The Howling Vale', + 420: 'Silverwind Refuge', + 421: 'Mystral Lake', + 422: 'Fallen Sky Lake', + 424: 'Iris Lake', + 425: 'Moonwell', + 426: 'Raynewood Retreat', + 427: 'The Shady Nook', + 428: 'Night Run', + 429: 'Xavian', + 430: 'Satyrnaar', + 431: 'Splintertree Post', + 432: 'The Dor\'Danil Barrow Den', + 433: 'Falfarren River', + 434: 'Felfire Hill', + 435: 'Demon Fall Canyon', + 436: 'Demon Fall Ridge', + 437: 'Warsong Lumber Camp', + 438: 'Bough Shadow', + 439: 'The Shimmering Flats', 440: 'Tanaris', + 441: 'Lake Falathim', + 442: 'Auberdine', + 443: 'Ruins of Mathystra', + 444: 'Tower of Althalaxx', + 445: 'Cliffspring Falls', + 446: 'Bashal\'Aran', + 447: 'Ameth\'Aran', + 448: 'Grove of the Ancients', + 449: 'The Master\'s Glaive', + 450: 'Remtravel\'s Excavation', + 452: 'Mist\'s Edge', + 453: 'The Long Wash', + 454: 'Wildbend River', + 455: 'Blackwood Den', + 456: 'Cliffspring River', 457: 'The Veiled Sea', + 458: 'Gold Road', + 459: 'Scarlet Watch Post', + 460: 'Sun Rock Retreat', + 461: 'Windshear Crag', + 463: 'Cragpool Lake', + 464: 'Mirkfallon Lake', + 465: 'The Charred Vale', + 466: 'Valley of the Bloodfuries', + 467: 'Stonetalon Peak', + 468: 'The Talon Den', + 469: 'Greatwood Vale', + 470: 'Thunder Bluff UNUSED', + 471: 'Brave Wind Mesa', + 472: 'Fire Stone Mesa', + 473: 'Mantle Rock', + 474: 'Hunter Rise UNUSED', + 475: 'Spirit RiseUNUSED', + 476: 'Elder RiseUNUSED', + 477: 'Ruins of Jubuwal', + 478: 'Pools of Arlithrien', + 479: 'The Rustmaul Dig Site', + 480: 'Camp E\'thok', + 481: 'Splithoof Crag', + 482: 'Highperch', + 483: 'The Screeching Canyon', + 484: 'Freewind Post', + 485: 'The Great Lift', + 486: 'Galak Hold', + 487: 'Roguefeather Den', + 488: 'The Weathered Nook', + 489: 'Thalanaar', 490: 'Un\'Goro Crater', 491: 'Razorfen Kraul', + 492: 'Raven Hill Cemetery', 493: 'Moonglade', 495: 'Howling Fjord', + 496: 'Brackenwall Village', + 497: 'Swamplight Manor', + 498: 'Bloodfen Burrow', + 499: 'Darkmist Cavern', + 500: 'Moggle Point', + 501: 'Beezil\'s Wreck', + 502: 'Witch Hill', + 503: 'Sentry Point', + 504: 'North Point Tower', + 505: 'West Point Tower', + 506: 'Lost Point', + 507: 'Bluefen', + 508: 'Stonemaul Ruins', + 509: 'The Den of Flame', + 510: 'The Dragonmurk', + 511: 'Wyrmbog', + 512: 'Blackhoof Village', + 513: 'Theramore Isle', + 514: 'Foothold Citadel', + 515: 'Ironclad Prison', + 516: 'Dustwallow Bay', + 517: 'Tidefury Cove', + 518: 'Dreadmurk Shore', + 536: 'Addle\'s Stead', + 537: 'Fire Plume Ridge', + 538: 'Lakkari Tar Pits', + 539: 'Terror Run', + 540: 'The Slithering Scar', + 541: 'Marshal\'s Refuge', + 542: 'Fungal Rock', + 543: 'Golakka Hot Springs', + 556: 'The Loch', + 576: 'Beggar\'s Haunt', + 596: 'Kodo Graveyard', + 597: 'Ghost Walker Post', + 598: 'Sar\'theris Strand', + 599: 'Thunder Axe Fortress', + 600: 'Bolgan\'s Hole', + 602: 'Mannoroc Coven', + 603: 'Sargeron', + 604: 'Magram Village', + 606: 'Gelkis Village', + 607: 'Valley of Spears', + 608: 'Nijel\'s Point', + 609: 'Kolkar Village', + 616: 'Hyjal', 618: 'Winterspring', + 636: 'Blackwolf River', + 637: 'Kodo Rock', + 638: 'Hidden Path', + 639: 'Spirit Rock', + 640: 'Shrine of the Dormant Flame', + 656: 'Lake Elune\'ara', + 657: 'The Harborage', + 696: 'Craftsmen\'s Terrace UNUSED', + 697: 'Tradesmen\'s Terrace UNUSED', + 698: 'The Temple Gardens UNUSED', + 699: 'Temple of Elune UNUSED', + 700: 'Cenarion Enclave UNUSED', + 701: 'Warrior\'s Terrace UNUSED', + 702: 'Rut\'theran Village', + 716: 'Ironband\'s Compound', 717: 'The Stockade', 718: 'Wailing Caverns', 719: 'Blackfathom Deeps', + 720: 'Fray Island', 721: 'Gnomeregan', 722: 'Razorfen Downs', + 736: 'Ban\'ethil Hollow', 796: 'Scarlet Monastery', + 797: 'Jerod\'s Landing', + 798: 'Ridgepoint Tower', + 799: 'The Darkened Bank', + 800: 'Coldridge Pass', + 801: 'Chill Breeze Valley', + 802: 'Shimmer Ridge', + 803: 'Amberstill Ranch', + 804: 'The Tundrid Hills', + 805: 'South Gate Pass', + 806: 'South Gate Outpost', + 807: 'North Gate Pass', + 808: 'North Gate Outpost', + 809: 'Gates of Ironforge', + 810: 'Stillwater Pond', + 811: 'Nightmare Vale', + 812: 'Venomweb Vale', + 813: 'The Bulwark', + 814: 'Southfury River', + 815: 'Southfury River', + 816: 'Razormane Grounds', + 817: 'Skull Rock', + 818: 'Palemane Rock', + 819: 'Windfury Ridge', + 820: 'The Golden Plains', + 821: 'The Rolling Plains', + 836: 'Dun Algaz', + 837: 'Dun Algaz', + 838: 'North Gate Pass', + 839: 'South Gate Pass', + 856: 'Twilight Grove', + 876: 'GM Island', + 877: 'Delete ME', + 878: 'Southfury River', + 879: 'Southfury River', + 880: 'Thandol Span', + 881: 'Thandol Span', + 896: 'Purgation Isle', + 916: 'The Jansen Stead', + 917: 'The Dead Acre', + 918: 'The Molsen Farm', + 919: 'Stendel\'s Pond', + 920: 'The Dagger Hills', + 921: 'Demont\'s Place', + 922: 'The Dust Plains', + 923: 'Stonesplinter Valley', + 924: 'Valley of Kings', + 925: 'Algaz Station', + 926: 'Bucklebree Farm', + 927: 'The Shining Strand', + 928: 'North Tide\'s Hollow', + 936: 'Grizzlepaw Ridge', + 956: 'The Verdant Fields', + 976: 'Gadgetzan', + 977: 'Steamwheedle Port', + 978: 'Zul\'Farrak', + 979: 'Sandsorrow Watch', + 980: 'Thistleshrub Valley', + 981: 'The Gaping Chasm', + 982: 'The Noxious Lair', + 983: 'Dunemaul Compound', + 984: 'Eastmoon Ruins', + 985: 'Waterspring Field', + 986: 'Zalashji\'s Den', + 987: 'Land\'s End Beach', + 988: 'Wavestrider Beach', + 989: 'Uldum', + 990: 'Valley of the Watchers', + 991: 'Gunstan\'s Post', + 992: 'Southmoon Ruins', + 996: 'Render\'s Camp', + 997: 'Render\'s Valley', + 998: 'Render\'s Rock', + 999: 'Stonewatch Tower', + 1000: 'Galardell Valley', + 1001: 'Lakeridge Highway', + 1002: 'Three Corners', + 1016: 'Direforge Hill', + 1017: 'Raptor Ridge', + 1018: 'Black Channel Marsh', + 1019: 'The Green Belt', + 1020: 'Mosshide Fen', + 1021: 'Thelgen Rock', + 1022: 'Bluegill Marsh', + 1023: 'Saltspray Glen', + 1024: 'Sundown Marsh', + 1025: 'The Green Belt', + 1036: 'Angerfang Encampment', + 1037: 'Grim Batol', + 1038: 'Dragonmaw Gates', + 1039: 'The Lost Fleet', + 1056: 'Darrow Hill', + 1057: 'Thoradin\'s Wall', + 1076: 'Webwinder Path', + 1097: 'The Hushed Bank', + 1098: 'Manor Mistmantle', + 1099: 'Camp Mojache', + 1100: 'Grimtotem Compound', + 1101: 'The Writhing Deep', + 1102: 'Wildwind Lake', + 1103: 'Gordunni Outpost', + 1104: 'Mok\'Gordun', + 1105: 'Feral Scar Vale', + 1106: 'Frayfeather Highlands', + 1107: 'Idlewind Lake', + 1108: 'The Forgotten Coast', + 1109: 'East Pillar', + 1110: 'West Pillar', + 1111: 'Dream Bough', + 1112: 'Jademir Lake', + 1113: 'Oneiros', + 1114: 'Ruins of Ravenwind', + 1115: 'Rage Scar Hold', + 1116: 'Feathermoon Stronghold', + 1117: 'Ruins of Solarsal', + 1118: 'Lower Wilds UNUSED', + 1119: 'The Twin Colossals', + 1120: 'Sardor Isle', + 1121: 'Isle of Dread', + 1136: 'High Wilderness', + 1137: 'Lower Wilds', + 1156: 'Southern Barrens', + 1157: 'Southern Gold Road', 1176: 'Zul\'Farrak', 1196: 'Utgarde Pinnacle', + 1216: 'Timbermaw Hold', + 1217: 'Vanndir Encampment', + 1218: 'TESTAzshara', + 1219: 'Legash Encampment', + 1220: 'Thalassian Base Camp', + 1221: 'Ruins of Eldarath', + 1222: 'Hetaera\'s Clutch', + 1223: 'Temple of Zin-Malor', + 1224: 'Bear\'s Head', + 1225: 'Ursolan', + 1226: 'Temple of Arkkoran', + 1227: 'Bay of Storms', + 1228: 'The Shattered Strand', + 1229: 'Tower of Eldara', + 1230: 'Jagged Reef', + 1231: 'Southridge Beach', + 1232: 'Ravencrest Monument', + 1233: 'Forlorn Ridge', + 1234: 'Lake Mennar', + 1235: 'Shadowsong Shrine', + 1236: 'Haldarr Encampment', + 1237: 'Valormok', + 1256: 'The Ruined Reaches', + 1276: 'The Talondeep Path', + 1277: 'The Talondeep Path', + 1296: 'Rocktusk Farm', + 1297: 'Jaggedswine Farm', + 1316: 'Razorfen Downs', + 1336: 'Lost Rigger Cove', 1337: 'Uldaman', + 1338: 'Lordamere Lake', + 1339: 'Lordamere Lake', + 1357: 'Gallows\' Corner', 1377: 'Silithus', - 1477: 'Sunken Temple', + 1397: 'Emerald Forest', + 1417: 'Sunken Temple', + 1437: 'Dreadmaul Hold', + 1438: 'Nethergarde Keep', + 1439: 'Dreadmaul Post', + 1440: 'Serpent\'s Coil', + 1441: 'Altar of Storms', + 1442: 'Firewatch Ridge', + 1443: 'The Slag Pit', + 1444: 'The Sea of Cinders', + 1445: 'Blackrock Mountain', + 1446: 'Thorium Point', + 1457: 'Garrison Armory', + 1477: 'The Temple of Atal\'Hakkar', 1497: 'Undercity', + 1517: 'Uldaman', + 1518: 'Not Used Deadmines', 1519: 'Stormwind City', 1537: 'Ironforge', + 1557: 'Splithoof Hold', + 1577: 'The Cape of Stranglethorn', + 1578: 'Southern Savage Coast', + 1579: 'Unused The Deadmines 002', + 1580: 'Unused Ironclad Cove 003', 1581: 'The Deadmines', + 1582: 'Ironclad Cove', 1583: 'Blackrock Spire', 1584: 'Blackrock Depths', + 1597: 'Raptor Grounds UNUSED', + 1598: 'Grol\'dom Farm UNUSED', + 1599: 'Mor\'shan Base Camp', + 1600: 'Honor\'s Stand UNUSED', + 1601: 'Blackthorn Ridge UNUSED', + 1602: 'Bramblescar UNUSED', + 1603: 'Agama\'gor UNUSED', + 1617: 'Valley of Heroes', 1637: 'Orgrimmar', 1638: 'Thunder Bluff', + 1639: 'Elder Rise', + 1640: 'Spirit Rise', + 1641: 'Hunter Rise', 1657: 'Darnassus', + 1658: 'Cenarion Enclave', + 1659: 'Craftsmen\'s Terrace', + 1660: 'Warrior\'s Terrace', + 1661: 'The Temple Gardens', + 1662: 'Tradesmen\'s Terrace', + 1677: 'Gavin\'s Naze', + 1678: 'Sofera\'s Naze', + 1679: 'Corrahn\'s Dagger', + 1680: 'The Headland', + 1681: 'Misty Shore', + 1682: 'Dandred\'s Fold', + 1683: 'Growless Cave', + 1684: 'Chillwind Point', + 1697: 'Raptor Grounds', + 1698: 'Bramblescar', + 1699: 'Thorn Hill', + 1700: 'Agama\'gor', + 1701: 'Blackthorn Ridge', + 1702: 'Honor\'s Stand', + 1703: 'The Mor\'shan Rampart', + 1704: 'Grol\'dom Farm', + 1717: 'Razorfen Kraul', + 1718: 'The Great Lift', + 1737: 'Mistvale Valley', + 1738: 'Nek\'mani Wellspring', + 1739: 'Bloodsail Compound', + 1740: 'Venture Co. Base Camp', + 1741: 'Gurubashi Arena', + 1742: 'Spirit Den', + 1757: 'The Crimson Veil', + 1758: 'The Riptide', + 1759: 'The Damsel\'s Luck', + 1760: 'Venture Co. Operations Center', + 1761: 'Deadwood Village', + 1762: 'Felpaw Village', + 1763: 'Jaedenar', + 1764: 'Bloodvenom River', + 1765: 'Bloodvenom Falls', + 1766: 'Shatter Scar Vale', + 1767: 'Irontree Woods', + 1768: 'Irontree Cavern', 1769: 'Timbermaw Hold', + 1770: 'Shadow Hold', + 1771: 'Shrine of the Deceiver', + 1777: 'Itharius\'s Cave', + 1778: 'Sorrowmurk', + 1779: 'Draenil\'dur Village', + 1780: 'Splinterspear Junction', + 1797: 'Stagalbog', + 1798: 'The Shifting Mire', + 1817: 'Stagalbog Cave', + 1837: 'Witherbark Caverns', + 1857: 'Thoradin\'s Wall', + 1858: 'Boulder\'gor', + 1877: 'Valley of Fangs', + 1878: 'The Dustbowl', + 1879: 'Mirage Flats', + 1880: 'Featherbeard\'s Hovel', + 1881: 'Shindigger\'s Camp', + 1882: 'Plaguemist Ravine', + 1883: 'Valorwind Lake', + 1884: 'Agol\'watha', + 1885: 'Hiri\'watha', + 1886: 'The Creeping Ruin', + 1887: 'Bogen\'s Ledge', + 1897: 'The Maker\'s Terrace', + 1898: 'Dustwind Gulch', + 1917: 'Shaol\'watha', + 1937: 'Noonshade Ruins', + 1938: 'Broken Pillar', + 1939: 'Abyssal Sands', + 1940: 'Southbreak Shore', + 1941: 'Caverns of Time', + 1942: 'The Marshlands', + 1943: 'Ironstone Plateau', + 1957: 'Blackchar Cave', + 1958: 'Tanner Camp', + 1959: 'Dustfire Valley', 1977: 'Zul\'Gurub', + 1978: 'Misty Reed Post', + 1997: 'Bloodvenom Post ', + 1998: 'Talonbranch Glade ', 2017: 'Stratholme', + 2037: 'Quel\'thalas', 2057: 'Scholomance', + 2077: 'Twilight Vale', + 2078: 'Twilight Shore', + 2079: 'Alcaz Island', + 2097: 'Darkcloud Pinnacle', + 2098: 'Dawning Wood Catacombs', + 2099: 'Stonewatch Keep', 2100: 'Maraudon', + 2101: 'Stoutlager Inn', + 2102: 'Thunderbrew Distillery', + 2103: 'Menethil Keep', + 2104: 'Deepwater Tavern', + 2117: 'Shadow Grave', + 2118: 'Brill Town Hall', + 2119: 'Gallows\' End Tavern', + 2137: 'The Pools of VisionUNUSED', + 2138: 'Dreadmist Den', + 2157: 'Bael\'dun Keep', + 2158: 'Emberstrife\'s Den', 2159: 'Onyxia\'s Lair', + 2160: 'Windshear Mine', + 2161: 'Roland\'s Doom', + 2177: 'Battle Ring', + 2197: 'The Pools of Vision', + 2198: 'Shadowbreak Ravine', + 2217: 'Broken Spear Village', + 2237: 'Whitereach Post', + 2238: 'Gornia', + 2239: 'Zane\'s Eye Crater', + 2240: 'Mirage Raceway', + 2241: 'Frostsaber Rock', + 2242: 'The Hidden Grove', + 2243: 'Timbermaw Post', + 2244: 'Winterfall Village', + 2245: 'Mazthoril', + 2246: 'Frostfire Hot Springs', + 2247: 'Ice Thistle Hills', + 2248: 'Dun Mandarr', + 2249: 'Frostwhisper Gorge', + 2250: 'Owl Wing Thicket', + 2251: 'Lake Kel\'Theril', + 2252: 'The Ruins of Kel\'Theril', + 2253: 'Starfall Village', + 2254: 'Ban\'Thallow Barrow Den', + 2255: 'Everlook', + 2256: 'Darkwhisper Gorge', 2257: 'Deeprun Tram', + 2258: 'The Fungal Vale', + 2259: 'UNUSEDThe Marris Stead', + 2260: 'The Marris Stead', + 2261: 'The Undercroft', + 2262: 'Darrowshire', + 2263: 'Crown Guard Tower', + 2264: 'Corin\'s Crossing', + 2265: 'Scarlet Base Camp', + 2266: 'Tyr\'s Hand', + 2267: 'The Scarlet Basilica', + 2268: 'Light\'s Hope Chapel', + 2269: 'Browman Mill', + 2270: 'The Noxious Glade', + 2271: 'Eastwall Tower', + 2272: 'Northdale', + 2273: 'Zul\'Mashar', + 2274: 'Mazra\'Alor', + 2275: 'Northpass Tower', + 2276: 'Quel\'Lithien Lodge', + 2277: 'Plaguewood', + 2278: 'Scourgehold', + 2279: 'Stratholme', + 2280: 'DO NOT USE', + 2297: 'Darrowmere Lake', + 2298: 'Caer Darrow', + 2299: 'Darrowmere Lake', + 2300: 'Caverns of Time', + 2301: 'Thistlefur Village', + 2302: 'The Quagmire', + 2303: 'Windbreak Canyon', + 2317: 'South Seas', + 2318: 'The Great Sea', + 2319: 'The Great Sea', + 2320: 'The Great Sea', + 2321: 'The Great Sea', + 2322: 'The Veiled Sea', + 2323: 'The Veiled Sea', + 2324: 'The Veiled Sea', + 2325: 'The Veiled Sea', + 2326: 'The Veiled Sea', + 2337: 'Razor Hill Barracks', + 2338: 'South Seas', + 2339: 'The Great Sea', + 2357: 'Bloodtooth Camp', + 2358: 'Forest Song', + 2359: 'Greenpaw Village', + 2360: 'Silverwing Outpost', + 2361: 'Nighthaven', + 2362: 'Shrine of Remulos', + 2363: 'Stormrage Barrow Dens', + 2364: 'The Great Sea', + 2365: 'The Great Sea', 2366: 'The Black Morass', 2367: 'Old Hillsbrad Foothills', + 2368: 'Tarren Mill', + 2369: 'Southshore', + 2370: 'Durnholde Keep', + 2371: 'Dun Garok', + 2372: 'Hillsbrad Fields', + 2373: 'Eastern Strand', + 2374: 'Nethander Stead', + 2375: 'Darrow Hill', + 2376: 'Southpoint Tower', + 2377: 'Thoradin\'s Wall', + 2378: 'Western Strand', + 2379: 'Azurelode Mine', + 2397: 'The Great Sea', + 2398: 'The Great Sea', + 2399: 'The Great Sea', + 2400: 'The Forbidding Sea', + 2401: 'The Forbidding Sea', + 2402: 'The Forbidding Sea', + 2403: 'The Forbidding Sea', + 2404: 'Tethris Aran', + 2405: 'Ethel Rethor', + 2406: 'Ranazjar Isle', + 2407: 'Kormek\'s Hut', + 2408: 'Shadowprey Village', + 2417: 'Blackrock Pass', + 2418: 'Morgan\'s Vigil', + 2419: 'Slither Rock', + 2420: 'Terror Wing Path', + 2421: 'Draco\'dar', 2437: 'Ragefire Chasm', + 2457: 'Nightsong Woods', + 2477: 'The Veiled Sea', + 2478: 'Morlos\'Aran', + 2479: 'Emerald Sanctuary', + 2480: 'Jadefire Glen', + 2481: 'Ruins of Constellas', + 2497: 'Bitter Reaches', + 2517: 'Rise of the Defiler', + 2518: 'Lariss Pavilion', + 2519: 'Woodpaw Hills', + 2520: 'Woodpaw Den', + 2521: 'Verdantis River', + 2522: 'Ruins of Isildien', + 2537: 'Grimtotem Post', + 2538: 'Camp Aparaje', + 2539: 'Malaka\'jin', + 2540: 'Boulderslide Ravine', + 2541: 'Sishir Canyon', 2557: 'Dire Maul', + 2558: 'Deadwind Ravine', + 2559: 'Diamondhead River', + 2560: 'Ariden\'s Camp', + 2561: 'The Vice', + 2562: 'Karazhan', + 2563: 'Morgan\'s Plot', + 2577: 'Dire Maul', 2597: 'Alterac Valley', + 2617: 'Scrabblescrew\'s Camp', + 2618: 'Jadefire Run', + 2619: 'Thondroril River', + 2620: 'Thondroril River', + 2621: 'Lake Mereldar', + 2622: 'Pestilent Scar', + 2623: 'The Infectis Scar', + 2624: 'Blackwood Lake', + 2625: 'Eastwall Gate', + 2626: 'Terrorweb Tunnel', + 2627: 'Terrordale', + 2637: 'Kargathia Keep', + 2657: 'Valley of Bones', 2677: 'Blackwing Lair', + 2697: 'Deadman\'s Crossing', 2717: 'Molten Core', + 2737: 'The Scarab Wall', + 2738: 'Southwind Village', + 2739: 'Twilight Base Camp', + 2740: 'The Crystal Vale', + 2741: 'The Scarab Dais', + 2742: 'Hive\'Ashi', + 2743: 'Hive\'Zora', + 2744: 'Hive\'Regal', + 2757: 'Shrine of the Fallen Warrior', + 2777: 'UNUSED Alterac Valley', + 2797: 'Blackfathom Deeps', 2817: 'Crystalsong Forest', + 2837: 'The Master\'s Cellar', + 2838: 'Stonewrought Pass', + 2839: 'Alterac Valley', + 2857: 'The Rumble Cage', + 2877: 'Chunk Test', + 2897: 'Zoram\'gar Outpost', + 2917: 'Hall of Legends', + 2918: 'Champions\' Hall', + 2937: 'Grosh\'gok Compound', + 2938: 'Sleeping Gorge', + 2957: 'Irondeep Mine', + 2958: 'Stonehearth Outpost', + 2959: 'Dun Baldar', + 2960: 'Icewing Pass', + 2961: 'Frostwolf Village', + 2962: 'Tower Point', + 2963: 'Coldtooth Mine', + 2964: 'Winterax Hold', + 2977: 'Iceblood Garrison', 3277: 'Warsong Gulch', 3358: 'Arathi Basin', 3428: 'Temple of Ahn\'Qiraj',