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TerriaJS URL parameters

Steve Bennett edited this page Nov 5, 2015 · 8 revisions

Many aspects of TerriaJS (and hence NationalMap) can be configured by the end user by passing URL parameters. Combine them like this:

  • The base URL, then a #
  • Then the first parameter
  • Then repeatedly: a &, and the next parameter

For example:

Display parameters

Parameter Meaning
clean Don't load the default catalog files for this site.
map=2d Use the 2D (Leaflet) map instead of the default.
map=3d Use the 3D (Cesium) map instead of the default.
hideExplorerPanel=1 Collapse the catalog (left side) panel, useful for embedding.
mode=preview Operate in "preview mode", which mostly means not showing a warning if the screen is small
share=... Load a map view previously saved using the "Share" function with URL shortening.
start=... Load a map view previously saved without URL shortening. The argument is a URL-encoded JSON structure defined using an internal format described below.
<initfile> Load catalog file as described below.

Catalog files (init files)

Any unrecognised parameter (eg foo) is treated as the name of a catalog file, loaded from the directory wwwroot/init/foo.json). Multiple catalog files can be loaded this way, and will be combined. Later files can override earlier ones.


Start data

The start= parameter essentially embeds an entire catalog file in the URL. The format is:

    "version": "0.0.05",
    "initSources": [
            "catalog": [
            "initialCamera": {
                "west": <lon>,
                "south": <lat>,
                "east": <lon>,
                "north": <lat>,
                "position": {
                    "x": ...,
                    "y": ...,
                    "z": ...
                "direction": {
                    "x": ...,
                    "y": ...,
                    "z": ...
                "up": {
                    "x": ...,
                    "y": ...,
                    "z": ...
            "homeCamera": {
                "west": ...,
                "south": ...,
                "east": ...,
                "north": -...
            "baseMapName": "Positron (Light)",
            "viewerMode": "3d"

The exact structure changes as features are added. The best way to understand it is:

  1. Adjust the view as desired
  2. Generate a share link
  3. URL-decode the share link (using a tool such as this).