- Removed unneeded dependency of oauth-server-bundle
- #718 Remove unused oauth-server-bundle from dependencies (@TiMESPLiNTER)
- Added support for Sylius 1.10 and drop 1.8
- Added support for Symfony 5.3
- Added support for PHP 8.0
- #717 [Maintenance] Support for Sylius 1.8 dropped, Sylius 1.10 added, Symfony 5.3 added, PHP 8.0 added (@TiMESPLiNTER, @lchrusciel)
- #710 [README] Update supported versions (@lchrusciel)
- #711 Adding an assertion that the payment method needs to be available. (@mamazu)
- #716 fix: do not try to filter svg images (@EmilMassey)