diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 84dc72f..3e5e13d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
☮️ Peace in the world, or the world in pieces. 🕊️
### Added
- New translation strings, Radiation Centre is now fully localised.
+- Support for the Soak Bonus modifier in SWADE. The Soak macro tries to exclude edges which are already set up with an Active Effect but that's not a fuzzy search so it will only exclude its own Edge findings if the edges corresponding AE is named *exactly* like the edge itself. Otherwise it will add the bonus twice. There is no real way around it as it could cause false matchings if I were to introduce a fuzzy search.
### Changed
- Mighty Summoner will now summon tokens without actor link to prevent changes to the original actor. This means GMs don't have to unlink the prototype tokens manually anymore.
- Overhauled the Radiation Centre Macro:
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
- - Radiation Centre *does* however add an Active Effect if the actor becomes Incapacitated from radiation: As in core this AE represents a chronic disease. A chat message will be created in this case.
### Fixed
- Bug in the Radiation Centre which made it non-functional for NPCs.
+- Bugs in Ammo Management resulting from the overhaul in SWADE.
### Deprecated
- The Irradiated condition was deprecated to suit the new SUCC version better.
- Combat setup button as the function behind it is a little buggy and due for an overhaul. Let me know if anyone ever used it, otherwise it won't be a priority.
diff --git a/swim/scripts/swim_modules/soak_damage.js b/swim/scripts/swim_modules/soak_damage.js
index 3b11371..41d11be 100644
--- a/swim/scripts/swim_modules/soak_damage.js
+++ b/swim/scripts/swim_modules/soak_damage.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* Soak Damage
- * v. 5.2.5
+ * v. 5.3.0
* Code by SalieriC#8263.
export async function soak_damage_script(effect = false) {
@@ -75,9 +75,53 @@ export async function soak_damage_script(effect = false) {
let rollWithEdge = r.total;
let edgeText = "";
+ //Get generic actor unstun bonus and check if it is from an AE:
+ const soakBonus = token.actor.system.attributes.vigor.soakBonus
+ let effectName = []
+ let effectIcon = []
+ let effectValue = []
+ let soakBonusFromEffects = 0
+ if (token.actor.effects.size > 0) {
+ for (let effect of token.actor.effects) {
+ if (effect.disabled === false && !edgeNames.includes(effect.label)) { // only apply changes if effect is enabled and not made by a recognised Edge.
+ for (let change of effect.changes) {
+ if (change.key === "system.attributes.vigor.soakBonus") {
+ //Building array of effect names and icons that affect the unStunBonus
+ effectName.push(effect.label)
+ effectIcon.push(effect.icon)
+ effectValue.push(change.value)
+ soakBonusFromEffects += change.value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < effectName.length; i++) {
+ // Apply mod using parseFloat() to make it a Number:
+ rollWithEdge += parseFloat(effectValue[i]);
+ // Change indicator in case the modifier from AE is negative:
+ let indicator = "+";
+ let effectMod = effectValue[i];
+ if (parseFloat(effectValue[i]) < 0) {
+ indicator = "-";
+ effectMod = effectValue[i].replace("-", "");
+ }
+ edgeText += `
${indicator} ${effectMod}
+ }
+ } if (soakBonus > soakBonusFromEffects) { //Add remaining UnstunBonus if it is bigger than those from AEs:
+ const remainingBonus = soakBonus - soakBonusFromEffects
+ rollWithEdge += parseFloat(remainingBonus);
+ edgeText += `
+ ${remainingBonus} Generic Bonus`;
+ }
+ //Now check for edges but don't include them if they are already covered by AEs:
for (let edge of edges) {
- rollWithEdge += 2;
- edgeText += `
+ 2
+ //Only add if the edge name is not included in effect names:
+ const lowercaseEffectNames = effectName.map(element => element.toLowerCase())
+ if (!lowercaseEffectNames.includes(edge.name.toLowerCase())) { //This is deliberately not a fuzzy search as that could cause issues.
+ rollWithEdge += 2;
+ edgeText += `
+ 2
+ }
// If Holy Warrior or Unholy Warrior is used: Include the amount of PPs used as a bonus to the roll.
diff --git a/wiki b/wiki
index 6887d4f..9ed27c8 160000
--- a/wiki
+++ b/wiki
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 6887d4f13407fec13d27e09bda0ad8a99c2e1b24
+Subproject commit 9ed27c8ddd7fd74f9509a9fe343237ea251ebfed