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../Carousel |
import Basic from "../../_samples/main/Carousel/Basic/"; import Cyclic from "../../_samples/main/Carousel/Cyclic/"; import ArrowsPlacement from "../../_samples/main/Carousel/ArrowsPlacement/"; import PageIndicatorType from "../../_samples/main/Carousel/PageIndicatorType/"; import MultipleItemsPerPage from "../../_samples/main/Carousel/MultipleItemsPerPage/";
When the last page is reached, pressing "Forward" will navigate to the start. When the first page is reached, pressing "Backward" will navigate to the last page.
When arrowsPlacement is set to "Content", the arrows are placed on the sides of the current page. When arrowsPlacement is set to "Navigation", the arrows are placed on the sides of the page indicator.
When pageIndicatorType is set to "Default", the page indicator appear as dots. When pageIndicatorType is set to "Numeric" - as numbers.
The items-per-page-s, items-per-page-m and items-per-page-l properties define the number of items per page for given breakpoint ("S", "M" and "L").