- GO - Clean Architecture
- Clean architecture in Go. How to organize a project structure?
- How To Structure Your Go App - Full Course [ Hex Arch + Tests ]
- Go Programming - Hexagonal Architecture
- Golang / Go Crash Course 03 | Implementing Clean Architecture principles in our REST API
- caohoangnam/go-clean-architecture - Write language go and using clean architecture
- AkbaraliShaikh/denti - This project is created to demonstrate Go-Lang Clean Architecture/DDD/Hexagonal Architecture, and It show the usage of popular libraries gin, gorm, zap and dig.
- solrac97gr/goHexagonalBlog
- ruslantsyganok/clean_arcitecture_golang_example - Clean Architecture Golang Example (kinda)
- selikapro/hexArchGoGRPC
- codebangkok/golang
- MBvisti/weight-tracker-article
- s1s1ty/go-mysql-crud
- percybolmer/ddd-go/clean-architecture