Collection of data format parsers written in C++.
This lib is packaged with my fmt lib for convenience.
fairly straightforward
JSON::Parser parser(raw_json);
// parse returns an optional containing a JSON object
auto index = parser.parse();
fmt::fatal("could not parse json {}\n", parser.error());
fmt::print("{}\n", index.value());
thanks to some C++ fuckery the api is much like one you would see in a python json parser
JSON::object_t json
{"yes", 10}
json["number"] = 1;
json["null_value"] = nullptr;
json["bool"] = true;
json["string"] = "hello";
json["array"] = {1, "yes", true};
json["object"] = {{"key", 10}, {"k2", 20}};
you can stringify objects and values with the JSON::to_string overloads
JSON::object_t json;
json["string"] = "hello";
json["number"] = 2;
json["array"] = {1, "two", "three"};
json["nested"] =
{"k1", 1},
{"k2", 2}
fmt::print("{}", JSON::to_string(json));
// output
"string": "hello",
"number": 2,
"array": [ 1, "two", "three" ],
"nested": {
"k1": 1,
"k2": 2
the JSON::to_string function can be used on Value, array_t and object_t types
this lib comes with a custom hash table that maintains insertion order. the api is fairly similar to std::map although slightly different in a few places.