TypeScript types for parsing and working with General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) data, ensuring type safety and code consistency in TypeScript projects.
To use gbfs-typescript-types
in your own project, you need to
first install our Node.js npm package:
npm install gbfs-typescript-types --save-dev
- v2.3
- v3.0
- v3.1-RC
// top level import
import { v3 } from 'gbfs-typescript-types';
// high level types
import { SystemInformation } from 'gbfs-typescript-types/v3.0';
// lower level properties need to have path specified
import { Data as SystemInformationData } from 'gbfs-typescript-types/v3.0/system_information';
import { Data as VehicleStatusData } from 'gbfs-typescript-types/v3.0/vehicle_status';
let vehicleStatus: v3.VehicleStatus;
let systemInformationData: SystemInformationData;
const url = "https://berlin.example.tier-services.io/tier_paris/gbfs/3.0/system-information";
fetch(url).then((systemInformationResponse) => {
systemInformationResponse.json().then((systemInformationJson: SystemInformation) => {
systemInformationJson // will have access to types
systemInformationData = systemInformationJson.data;