title | author | description | keywords |
Handling Failure and Down-level |
sohchatt |
How to handle failure and down-level using the FallbackContent property in AnimatedVisualPlayer. |
lottie, lottie-windows, animatedvisualplayer, bodymovin, aftereffects, windows 10, uwp, uwp community toolkit |
The AnimatedVisualPlayer has a FallbackContent property that allows you to provide custom XAML to be displayed in cases where Lottie-Windows is unable to render the animation, such as:
- a Lottie source that fails to load due to a malformed JSON file, incorrect URI, etc.
- your application running on a Windows 10 OS version prior to 1809 (10.0.17763).
The FallbackContent is of type DataTemplate — this ensures that your custom XAML tree is only instantiated when the AnimatedVisualPlayer needs to fallback. In the example below, we use an Image as fallback for the Lottie animation:
<!-- AnimatedVisualPlayer -->
<controls:AnimatedVisualPlayer x:Name="player">
<!-- LottieVisualSource with invalid UriSource to cause fallback -->
<lottie:LottieVisualSource x:Name="JsonSource "
UriSource="https://notarealuri.microsoft.com/notarealfile.json" />
<!-- Fallback Content: Custom XAML content that is rendered if Source fails to load, or if app runs on Windows 10 verion < 1809. -->
<!-- Static Image for Fallback.
Because this is in a DataTemplate, the Image is only instantiated when in the fallback case. -->
<Image Source="/Assets/LottieLogo1.png" />
- Source code for sample: handling failure and down-level
- The resulting page in the Lottie Samples application
- FallbackContent property
- Help + feedback