This is documentation for everything I ever needed for programming...
Describes operating system helpers, syntax for terminals, git, docker etc.
There is a folder languages, with language specific commands, snippets, examples etc...
It's open of course, you can use it, share it and edit it...
Ubuntu: Most used as desktop distro Alpine: Tiny, used for small docker containers RHEL (RedHat): Used in corporat production. Known for stability
Other: Arch, CentOS
Debian based distros like ubuntu support apt
and apt-get
. As a user preffer apt
as it's more higher level
sudo apt update # Update all packages
sudo apt edit-sources # Change repositories from where you can download packages
apt search python # List possible packages containing defined name
sudo apt update # Upgrade all packages
sudo apt install python3.5-dev # Install package
apt show package_name # Show details about package
Run on bash startup - ~/.bashrc
Run on every startup - ~/.profile
TODO add folders description, fstab description etc.
sudo apt-get install build-essential # Install all building compilers (g++ error etc...)
sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal # Open terminal in current folder
Stands for concatenate. If just one file, it displays the content Append content of file to other file
cat test >> test1
Overwrite content of file with other file
cat test > test1
List environment variables
Print where command binaries are located
which python
Searching, find and replace, insertion or deletion without opening file The below simple sed command replaces the word “unix” with “linux” in the file.
sed 's/unix/linux/' geekfile.txt
Restart terminal
bash --login
Open bat script and see result in terminal (keeping output after finishing script)
cmd /k my_script.bat
netstat count number of localhost connections
netstat -n | findstr | find /v /c ""
Filter strings
echo $Env:PATH | Select-String substring
Inverse filter
echo $Env:PATH | Select-String substring -NotMatch
Print content
Get-Content file
Print env var
echo $Env:PATH
Where command binaries are located
where python
- origin - Remote url shorthand
- merge - Add changes from some branch into another in new commit
- rebase - Add changes from some branch via changing history (no new commit) !!!Use only when only you are using the branch. If already on remote, need force push!!!
- fast-forward - It's possible to do merge without new commit (only possible if there are no changes on the other branch)
# Create .git folder
git init
# Stage all
git stage -A
# Commit all
git commit -a -m "new message"
git remote add origin www.github...repo-path
# Download existing repo
git clone repo-url
# Configuration
git config --global "Your name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git status # Print what is changed
git add add.js # Stage
git reset --soft 852309 # Reset to commit and keep changes in code in stage
git reset --soft 'HEAD{5}' # Reset 5 commits back
git reset --hard 852309 # Reset to commit and delete changes
git branch dev # Create branch
git checkout dev # Move to branch
git merge dev # Merge branches (if join master with dev branch, first checkout back to master then)
git branch -d dev # Delete branch locally
git push --delete origin dev # Delete branch remotely
git remote -v # Verify whether origin and upstream both configured
Clean all history (create, stage, commit, push)
Delete .git
folder and
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Removed history, due to sensitive data"
git remote add origin
git push -u --force origin master
How to contribute on gitHub
Create fork in GitHub, clone forked repository, add upstream with
git remote add upstream original-repo-url
Update upstream repo in your IDE, create new branch, push changes to the fork, then create pull request in GitHub, resolve comments and if it's accepted, delete branch from local repo.
Delete last commit
git reset --hard <commit-id>
git push origin -f
Delete tag
# Locally
git tag -d v1.0
# Remote
git push --delete origin tagname
Create file called .gitignore
on root. Only code is supposed to be on git. No binaries, libraries etc.
You can define what files will be sent to git and what files will be ignored
# Comments must begin on new line !!!
# Ignore one file
# Ignore only in current folder
# Ignore folder
# ignore all *java files
# All files in directory
# Zero or more directories
# Do not ignore
First setup hooks path, because normal hooks are gitignored by default
git config core.hooksPath git_hooks_path
Install on linux tutorial Install on windows tutorial
docker build -f /path/to/a/Dockerfile .
-f - Point to dockerfile if not in current folder
-t - Add tag
-o - Output destination
docker run -d -p 80:80 docker/getting-started
-d - Run in the background
-p 80:80 - Map port 80 of the host to port 80 in the container
docker/getting-started - Image to use
-i - Keep STDIN open even if not attached
--expose - Expose a port or a range of ports
-h - Container host name
Download image
docker pull alpine
# List all your containrers
docker ps
# Remove container with it's id from docker ps
docker rm a39c259df46
# List all images
docker images
# List all running container
docker container ls
# Delete image
docker rmi 60959f29de3a
# Example - run linux
docker run --interactive --tty ubuntu bash
# Then you can use host, ls...
# Example 2 = nginx
docker run --detach --publish 80:80 --name webserver nginx
# If open http://localhost in browser, you see nginx welcome
# Stop container
docker container stop webserver
# Push container to registry
docker image tag rhel-httpd:latest registry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpd:latest
docker image push registry-host:5000/myadmin/rhel-httpd:latest
# This is comment ignored by docker. # Inline comment also possible
FROM - Starting container <image>[:tag]. E.g alpine:3.4,
RUN - Run command such as apt-get install or pip install
# Combine RUNs into one
RUN apk update && \
apk add curl && \
apk add vim && \
ENV PG_MAJOR=9.3 # Add environment variable
EXPOSE 80/tcp # Allow to access this port
CMD - Run this script after docker run
ENTRYPOINT - Similar to CMD - run this script after docker run - If user should not change the script (arguments)
COPY - (Preferred) Add directories/files to your image
ADD - Add directories/files to your image
from ldap3 import Server, Connection, SAFE_SYNC
server = Server('', port=3268)
conn = Connection(server, '[email protected]', '!nPm?XyS2NowX2', client_strategy=SAFE_SYNC, auto_bind=True, auto_referrals=False)
# In search function, there are two important positional params.
# First define space to return the results and second means filter, that is applied on searched results
# Find Group by CN
status, result, response, _ ='DC=bosch,DC=com', '(CN=Bj_PS_dux_streaming_c-schicht_editor)')
# Find user
status, result, response, _ ='DC=bosch,DC=com', '(sAMAccountName=psx6fe)')
# Find type of records e.g. user
status, result, response, _ ='DC=bosch,DC=com', '(Objectclass=User)')
# Using wildcard to get all the records
status, result, response, _ ='DC=bosch,DC=com', '(sAMAccountName=*)')