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Gazebo Simulation

This Folder:


This simulator features a corridor environment populated by a quadrotor robot sourced from an external project. The quadrotor robot is equipped with a camera sensor capable of providing the necessary image feed for localization purposes.


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • ROS Noeitic
  • Gazebo Simulator
  • Rviz Visualiser


Make sure to install all the requirements to proceed further.

Usage & Demo:

Once you git clone this repository using:

git clone

Create a ros worokspace:

mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws

Now you can copy the SLAM folder into the src folder of the workspace.

cp -r Simulation/SLAM ~/catkin_ws/src/

Now go to the ros workspace and build the package

cd ~/catkin_ws

Once you build the package, you are ready the run the simulation.


Make sure to source your terminal before running:

source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Use the following command to run the simulation:

roslaunch demo L1_start_simulation.launch

Now in a new terminal (source it first), run the following command:


This will open the rviz visualisation tool for accessing the camera feed:

You can also access the camera feed by accessing the ardrone/front_color/image_raw topic.


  1. Original Simulation for full package: (This was written for ROS-Melodic, so I had to change a lot of things for usage, so refer accordingly)

  2. C. Bernardeschi, A. Fagiolini, M. Palmieri, G. Scrima, and F. Sofia, “Ros/gazebo based simulation of co-operative uavs,” in Modelling and Simulation for Au- tonomous Systems, J. Mazal, Ed. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 321–334.

  3. N. Nair, K. B. Sareth, R. R. Bhavani, and A. Mohan, “Simulation and stabilization of a custom-made quadcopter in gazebo using ardupilot and qgroundcontrol,” in Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, B. Das, R. Patgiri, S. Bandyopadhyay, and V. E. Balas, Eds. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022, pp. 191–202