🎄 Day 08
In Hare
This day was easy. Day 7 was about permutations, and now day 8 was about combinations, which are easier. I also had no problems doing this day in Hare, its a pretty fine and nice language. I still think the syntax could use a little less noise (its noisier than Rust), but its otherwise a pretty good "C replacer". I will use it for a few more days. The only "issue" was that Hare does not have hash maps, which would come in handy for this day (for assigning groups of antennas to frequencies). But it was not that big of an issue, since the frequencies are just ASCII characters, so i just used a static array of 128 elements which i index by the frequency. Exactly like i would solve this in C.
To run part 1 or part 2, do:
$ make part1
$ make part2