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name: Hil unity library checks
# on which event should we start push, pull request or schedule dispatches
- push
- pull_request
# The build job compiles the sample code for different boards
# This action sets common variables for the flow and
# identifies the libs to compile
- self-hosted
- X64
- Linux
- PSoC
# which combination of sample code and boards should run
# for this example of 2 sample codes and 3 boards a total of 2x3=6 runners have to work.
# if we have only 4 runner then these 4 are started and the last 2 are waiting until they can start
# List of all examples in the lib to compile
example: [
# board packages we want to run
# attention the matrix spans over the fqbn not platform so that we can choose different boards
# this example compiles each sample code for Arduino Uno, XMC2Go and XMC4700 boards
fqbn: [
# include additional information for each fqbn, in this case the platform name to install
- fqbn: "infineon:psoc:cy8ckit_062s2_ai"
platform: "infineon:psoc"
# These are the steps which should run for each combination of fqbn and example code
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: true
fetch-tags: true
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Checkout arduino-devops
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: Infineon/arduino-devops
ref: latest
path: arduino-devops
- name: Pack Arduino core
run: |
python ./arduino-devops/ --no-version-check --no-previous-releases
- name: Install Arduino core
run: |
python ./arduino-devops/ --pckg-dir build --verbose
- name: Remove latest installed platform version
run: |
cd ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc
rm -rf *
- name: copy/link repository to arduino path
run: |
mkdir ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION
cp -a ./* ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION
cd ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION
- name: copy/link arduino core api path
run: |
mkdir ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION/cores/psoc/api
cp -a ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION/extras/arduino-core-api/api/* ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION/cores/psoc/api
# Fetch variables and move them to the GITHUB_OUTPUT and fetch HIL information
- id: startup
run: |
# switch on the HIL
cd /opt/runner_support/
# set the hil-unity-checks
hil=$(./ --readyaml ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION/tests/hil-unity-checklist.yaml --json)
echo "hil=${hil}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "hil=${hil}"
# fetch unity libraries
readarray -t data < <(echo $hil | jq -r '.|keys[]')
export dev=$(jq --compact-output --null-input '$ARGS.positional' --args -- "${data[@]}")
echo "devices=${dev}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "devices=${dev}"
# setup environment
- name: Environment
run: |
hil=${{ toJson(steps.startup.outputs.hil) }}
DEVICE=${{ steps.startup.outputs.devices }}
DEVICE=$(echo $DEVICE | tr -d '[]')
FQBN=$(echo $DEVICE | tr -d '[]')
DEVICE=`tr ':' '.' <<<"${DEVICE}"`
echo "repo=$REPO" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "device=$DEVICE" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "version=$TEST_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "fqbn=$FQBN" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "Repo " $REPO
echo "Device " $DEVICE
echo "FQBN " $FQBN
echo "Version " ${TEST_VERSION}
- name: Build
run: |
export TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp
mkdir -p $TMPDIR
rm -rf $HOME/artefact
mkdir -p $HOME/artefact
cd ~/.arduino15/packages/infineon/hardware/psoc/$TEST_VERSION/tests/arduino-core-tests/
echo "=============================================================================================================="
echo "Run Tests"
echo "=============================================================================================================="
make FQBN=${{ env.fqbn }} PORT=/dev/ttyACM0 test_digitalio_single
mkdir -p ~/artefact/unit_tests/${{ env.device }}
mv ./build/* ~/artefact/unit_tests/.
echo "=============================================================================================================="
echo "=============================================================================================================="
echo "Monitor"
timeout 1m \
/opt/runner_support/ \
--port /dev/ttyACM0 \
--baud 115200 \
--report ~/artefact/unit_tests/${{ env.device }}/report.json
echo "=============================================================================================================="
# Upload the compiled HEX files to the GitHub server
- name: Artefact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ env.device }}
path: ~/artefact/*
if-no-files-found: ignore