We have built a Chinese GEC evaluation tool, ChERRANT (Chinese ERRANT), following the mainstream English GEC evaluation tool ERRANT. The main function of ChERRANT is to calculate the Precision, Recall and F-value of prediction results by comparing hypothesis edits and golden edits, thereby evaluating the performance of GEC model.
contains the main environment required for the experiment. The specific environment construction process is as follows:
conda create -n cherrant python==3.8
conda activate cherrant
pip install -r requirements.txt
The format of the hypothesis file is: id \t Original sentence \t Forecast results
The format of the reference file is: id \t Original sentence \t Standard answer 1 \t Standard answer 2 \t ...
The format of the edit file is M2, as follows:
S 冬 阴 功 是 泰 国 最 著 名 的 菜 之 一 , 它 虽 然 不 是 很 豪 华 , 但 它 的 味 确 实 让 人 上 瘾 , 做 法 也 不 难 、 不 复 杂 。
T0-A0 冬 阴 功 是 泰 国 最 著 名 的 菜 之 一 , 它 虽 然 不 是 很 豪 华 , 但 它 的 味 道 确 实 让 人 上 瘾 , 做 法 也 不 难 、 不 复 杂 。
A 27 27|||M|||道|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0
represents the original sentence;T0-A0
represents the 0th edit sequence of the 0th answer (a sentence may have multiple answers, and an answer may also have multiple edit sequences with the same minimal edit distance);A
represents edits, mainly including the following information: The start and end positions of errors (27 27
); Error type (M
, Missing Error); Modification method of errors (道
, i.e., insert "道"); Annotator ID (0
The main evaluation steps are as follows:
- Converting parallel reference file to edit file
(it is only necessary for the first evaluation and can be reused later); - Converting parallel hypothesis file to edit file
; - Comparing
to get the final evaluation results;
For example scripts of the complete process, please refer to ./demo.sh
First, merging the input file (one sentence per line) and the output file (one sentence per line) into the parallel format:
paste $INPUT_FILE $OUTPUT_FILE | awk '{print NR"\t"$p}' > $HYP_PARA_FILE
Then, extracting the edits with the following command:
python parallel_to_m2.py -f $HYP_PARA_FILE -o $HYP_M2_FILE -g char
By default, char-level edits are extracted.
By setting the `-g' parameter to 'word', you can extract word-level edits.
For more functions, please refer to the command line help file:
python parallel_to_m2.py --help
Use the following script to compare the hypothesis edit file with the reference edit file to get the char-level evaluation metrics:
python compare_m2_for_evaluation.py -hyp $HYP_M2_FILE -ref $REF_M2_FILE
The F0.5 value at the char-level is the official evaluation metric adopted by the MuCGEC dataset, and the evaluation results are as follows:
=========== Span-Based Correction ============
TP FP FN Prec Rec F0.5
8 19 35 0.2963 0.186 0.2649
This program can also support more fine-grained information displays, such as displaying detection indicators and correction indicators of different types of errors.
For more functions, please refer to the command line help file:
python compare_m2_for_evaluation.py --help
If you find this work is useful for your research, please cite our paper:
MuCGEC: a Multi-Reference Multi-Source Evaluation Dataset for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction (Accepted by NAACL2022 main conference) [PDF]
title = "{MuCGEC}: a Multi-Reference Multi-Source Evaluation Dataset for Chinese Grammatical Error Correction",
author = "Zhang, Yue and Li, Zhenghua and Bao, Zuyi and Li, Jiacheng and Zhang, Bo and Li, Chen and Huang, Fei and Zhang, Min",
booktitle = "Proceedings of NAACL-HLT",
year = "2022",
address = "Online",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics"