- Homework assignment will be assigned on Tuesday each week.
- Homework is due by 11:59 pm the following Monday.
- Peer review of another student's homework assignment due the following Wednesday by 11:59 pm.
- Any final corrections to your assignment due by 11:59 pm the following Thursday.
Students are HIGHLY encouraged to pair program on assignments. Collaboration is different from copying someone else' work. When collaborating with another student should do the following:
- Only one of you should submit the pull request
- In the description explicitly mention (just @ their GitHub name) with a comment indicating you collaborated on the assignment.
- If you pair with someone on an assignment, you both do the peer review on your pull request. You do not need to do a peer review of anyone elses assignment.
Each assignment is a total of 70 points. Assignment may contain up to 10 points of extra credit (will be specified in the assignment).
- Fundamentals: 10 points
- Assignment submitted on time (See Late Work)
- All code compiles
- Run without exceptions
- All unit tests pass
- Assignment: 30 points
- All assignment requirements completed
- Code is appropriately unit tested
- Extra credit: 10 points (not guaranteed for all assignments)
- These points given out at the instructor's discretion. These may not be given out if the assignment is not completed to a satisfactory level.
- A peer review is a code review where you submit the grading report.
- Review submitted on time (See Late Work)
- Accuracy of code review (does your review line up with the instructor's review)
- All Xs on code review report must have comments on the relevant portion of code explaining why.
- All assignment requirements completed
- All code review comments addressed
Our policy is to not accept work turned in after the due date. If there are extenuating circumstances, either talk to one of the instructors or send an email to [email protected] as early as possible. Exceptions may be made at the instructors discretion on a case-by-case basis.
If you have questions/comments/concerns about your grade please come talk to one of the instructors.