Note: You must have VirtualBox and Vagrant configured at this point
Download this github repository and cd into the vagrant folder
git clone
CD into vagrant directory
cd kubernetes-the-hard-way\vagrant
Run Vagrant up
vagrant up
This does the below:
Deploys 5 VMs - 2 Master, 2 Worker and 1 Loadbalancer with the name 'kubernetes-ha-* '
This is the default settings. This can be changed at the top of the Vagrant file. If you choose to change these settings, please also update vagrant/ubuntu/vagrant/ to add the additional hosts to the /etc/hosts default before running "vagrant up".
Set's IP addresses in the range 192.168.5
VM VM Name Purpose IP Forwarded Port master-1 kubernetes-ha-master-1 Master 2711 master-2 kubernetes-ha-master-2 Master 2712 worker-1 kubernetes-ha-worker-1 Worker 2721 worker-2 kubernetes-ha-worker-2 Worker 2722 loadbalancer kubernetes-ha-lb LoadBalancer 2730 These are the default settings. These can be changed in the Vagrant file
Add's a DNS entry to each of the nodes to access internet
Install's Docker on Worker nodes
Runs the below command on all nodes to allow for network forwarding in IP Tables. This is required for kubernetes networking to function correctly.
sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1
There are two ways to SSH into the nodes:
From the directory you ran the vagrant up
command, run vagrant ssh <vm>
for example vagrant ssh master-1
Note: Use VM field from the above table and not the vm name itself.
Use your favourite SSH Terminal tool (putty).
Use the above IP addresses. Username and password based SSH is disabled by default.
Vagrant generates a private key for each of these VMs. It is placed under the .vagrant folder (in the directory you ran the vagrant up
command from) at the below path for each VM:
Private Key Path: .vagrant/machines/<machine name>/virtualbox/private_key
Username: vagrant
- Ensure all VMs are up
- Ensure VMs are assigned the above IP addresses
- Ensure you can SSH into these VMs using the IP and private keys
- Ensure the VMs can ping each other
- Ensure the worker nodes have Docker installed on them. Version: 18.06
sudo docker version
- If any of the VMs failed to provision, or is not configured correct, delete the vm using the command:
vagrant destroy <vm>
Then reprovision. Only the missing VMs will be re-provisioned
vagrant up
Sometimes the delete does not delete the folder created for the vm and throws the below error.
VirtualBox error:
VBoxManage.exe: error: Could not rename the directory 'D:\VirtualBox VMs\ubuntu-bionic-18.04-cloudimg-20190122_1552891552601_76806' to 'D:\VirtualBox VMs\kubernetes-ha-worker-2' to save the settings file (VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code E_FAIL (0x80004005), component SessionMachine, interface IMachine, callee IUnknown
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "SaveSettings()" at line 3105 of file VBoxManageModifyVM.cpp
In such cases delete the VM, then delete the VM folder and then re-provision
vagrant destroy <vm>
rmdir "<path-to-vm-folder>\kubernetes-ha-worker-2"
vagrant up